


  • Entered Day 1
  • Winner Day 26
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 24 noms received

Gary Busey is an American actor best known for his roles in Point Break and The Buddy Holly Story, and his reputation for bizarre behaviour.

After growing up in Oklahoma, he attended Kansas State University on a football scholarship, but his dreams of pursuing a career in professional sports were shattered after injuring his knee. He then moved to Hollywood to pursue a music career, but acting beckoned.

After securing several small roles in both film and television during the 1970s, he made his film debut in Angels Hard As They Come in 1971. Following this he starred as the lead in The Buddy Holly Story, which led to him winning an Academy Award nomination.

Later in Gary’s acting career, he took on more sinister roles in the action thrillers Lethal Weapon (1987), Predator 2 (1990), and of course Point Break (1991), with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. He also played a cameo role as himself in the comedy Entourage.

Gary had a near-fatal motorcycle accident in 1989 after he rode without a helmet. This resulted in the enactment of stricter helmet laws in the State of California.

The accident split his skull open and he was taken to hospital for immediate surgery. Gary claims that his brain got altered – it was a wake-up call to get his life in order and to appreciate it. He recovered two and a half months earlier than predicted, and says his faith was the reason.

Gary has three children – son Jake with his first wife Judy, daughter Alectra with Tracy Hutchinson and son Luke with his wife Steffanie Sampson. He has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo.

Latest on Gary

  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments


  1. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    thanks for that link.

    pity BB do not play that into the house.

  2. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report


    OMG – I just thought, Gary won’t know that Joan Rivers passed away. πŸ™

  3. Strictly Me says:
    Reply Report

    @Kent Are you for real ??? Or just very selective about who you direct your comments to.

  4. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    Good luck Gary ! :up:

  5. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    GARY TO WIN ! But if not audley will do !

  6. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    Both gentlemen ! GB voted properly this time !
    Great big bro this year !

  7. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    Congratulations GARY ! Rub that up James hole mate ! Well deserved ! Gentleman and LEGEND !

  8. flodders says:
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    best result EVER, loved him all the way through, and Audley too, yay!!!

  9. argyll says:
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    @Robert doyle
    yes Robert I am delighted with that result and 100% deserved.

    James showed his true colours in interview I bet he is seething about result.

  10. Strictly Me says:
    Reply Report

    Another channel 5 stitch up aka Helen Wood

  11. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    @Strictly Me
    Strictly me ! Your wee friend James is destined for BENIFITS BRITTON

  12. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    Go Gary you showed everyone of the bullies you are a true star. :heart: :up: :up: :up:

  13. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    @Donna Mc
    Hope you enjoyed this years celeb big bro Donna ! πŸ˜‰
    I thought it was brill and I wish everyone in the site good luck ! Until next time πŸ˜‰

  14. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report



    I hate to play devils advocate, but couldn’t we all dredge up the past of Helen prostitute Wood, and condemn her – yet when we did we were shot down because apparently she was ‘being real’ and ‘saying it how it is – to peoples faces’ – so we were told to judge her on her actions in the house………not her previous demonic actions…or her criminal history.

    So it seems the public will have their say.

    As Gary would say Hooonk Hoooonk πŸ˜€

  15. Donna Mc says:
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    @Robert doyle
    All the best to ya Robert. The final was great and my TV intact lol :up: πŸ˜€

  16. Robert doyle says:
    Reply Report

    @Donna Mc
    Lol Donna πŸ˜‰ I’m glad both out TVs are still alive hehe , all the best :up: :up: :up: πŸ˜€

  17. rachfio says:
    Reply Report

    Well done Gary – you survived a brutal journey and deserved to win. You are a true star in every sense of the word. I’m so glad the British public voted for you.

  18. MikeNew says:
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    Brilliant. Called that one from day one and he wasn’t even playing a game.

  19. MikeNew says:
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    Or was he?

  20. sparrow says:
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    I hope Garys wife gives Dee what she deserves

  21. woo says:
    Reply Report

    Gary Busey is a lovely guy and the best housemate ever. HONK HONK

  22. argyll says:
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    so do I she was very nasty on the BBOTS show about Gary -she thought she was a winner.

    A Celeb never ever . scumbag.

  23. Elizabeth says:
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  24. Charlotte says:
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    Well done British public, now kids and adults around the world will think ahh to get people to like me act like Gary… Because he won CBB … You’re all mad .. Why the hell would he deserve to win he was rude, manipulative, pushed people out the way but no everyone else got the blame except from Gary. Pathetic result… And this because he is seventy thing is rubbish.. Lionel Blair was 82? He was evicted third. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for voting for this rude and vulgar man….

Reply to jennyjuniper

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