


  • Entered Day 1
  • Winner Day 26
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 24 noms received

Gary Busey is an American actor best known for his roles in Point Break and The Buddy Holly Story, and his reputation for bizarre behaviour.

After growing up in Oklahoma, he attended Kansas State University on a football scholarship, but his dreams of pursuing a career in professional sports were shattered after injuring his knee. He then moved to Hollywood to pursue a music career, but acting beckoned.

After securing several small roles in both film and television during the 1970s, he made his film debut in Angels Hard As They Come in 1971. Following this he starred as the lead in The Buddy Holly Story, which led to him winning an Academy Award nomination.

Later in Gary’s acting career, he took on more sinister roles in the action thrillers Lethal Weapon (1987), Predator 2 (1990), and of course Point Break (1991), with Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. He also played a cameo role as himself in the comedy Entourage.

Gary had a near-fatal motorcycle accident in 1989 after he rode without a helmet. This resulted in the enactment of stricter helmet laws in the State of California.

The accident split his skull open and he was taken to hospital for immediate surgery. Gary claims that his brain got altered – it was a wake-up call to get his life in order and to appreciate it. He recovered two and a half months earlier than predicted, and says his faith was the reason.

Gary has three children – son Jake with his first wife Judy, daughter Alectra with Tracy Hutchinson and son Luke with his wife Steffanie Sampson. He has black belts in budo-jujitsu, capoeira, hapkido, and kendo.

Latest on Gary

  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments


  1. Biscuit says:
    Reply Report

    well said :up:

    How dare gary insult us and our countrt….. If he dont like us f off back to usa u effing yankydoo…… How does that feel i insult you back? u insult us if we not good enough for you …… Leave our land

    gary is well known worldwide for being nasty and a bullyhe was a c*caine addict and alcoholic for 18 years battered his wife and struck a female air hostess down to the ground for accidently bumping into him – nice man huh???He is a trouble maker – no class, manners, decorum, cant be civil, no compassion, empathy respect or care for othersto get respect you have to earn it and be respectful – gary is not awful man

  2. Sun says:
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    I agree dear

  3. Biscuit says:
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    :envy: gary insults us brits and we dont bat an eyelid

    Oh but if dee insulted Americans she would be hammered into the ground

  4. Biscuit says:
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    Gary hasnt even an ounce of respect…….. an awful washed up loser who goes onto reality shows to top up hisbank account and an excuse to treat people bad and get away with it by pulling the sympathy cards

  5. Biscuit says:
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    Your damn right

  6. Janicer says:
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    Thank goodness there is a referendum next week because if this is how the Brits act I don’t want to be one!
    When did this show become a battlefield between Americans and Brits?!
    James has spouted his us Brits nonsense since the start and it has grated every time.
    To label all Brits as one thing or all Yanks as another is racist!

  7. Charlotte says:
    Reply Report

    Well, all I can say is the world doesn’t evolve around TV LMAO!
    I love Gary, Dee and Audley, seems everyone just holds onto the bad things that CBB have decided to show the world! I can only imagine how much hasn’t been showed which should have been.
    Needless to say, Gary might be a rude old man…but I can honestly say he’s no different to MY grandad, or many other’s grandads….is he? I think although he’s rough around the edges, he has a very good heart and continues to TRY to get on with the other house mates…he’s not talking behind backs or being nasty like the others, and unfortunately due to his poor hearing, he’s being bullied to HIS FACE constantly which is appauling and darn right nasty & bullying behavior!
    IF you ask me, the only people in that house that deserve to win are Audley & Gary, as they have been the two people that haven’t been nasty and vile! If Gary is so manipulative; tell me who he has tried to manipulate and how and against who? The only thing i see when i watch the TV is that man having to try to do things to get a bit of attention and conversation going! Poor bloke has been shunned since day one!
    BUT at the end of the day, we all need to remember it’s a show, and everyone in there will be trying to portray to the public something they are now…FACT!

  8. flodders says:
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    Gary or Audley for the win, the rest are vile.

  9. Sandy says:
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    Hey jennyjuniper,
    How about those disgusting thick, yellow long talons Gary Busey has for toe nails. That zoom shot last night made me feel so sick.
    That’s not 3 weeks of nail growth, they have been like that for a very long time, curling right over the top of his toes and continuing down the back of them.
    Surely a “big Hollywood star” like Gary Busey could afford a pediatrist.
    Why don’t you go suck on those pretty little toes jennijuniper.

  10. Dragon says:
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    Are these housemates for real? Why is Audley the only one in there to understand what Gary is going through? What a lot of conceited idiots they are!

  11. susieD says:
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    Gary Busey a victim, still think people are watching thru rose tinted glasses .His a very clever man and yes he does whisper behind peoples backs.

  12. Dragon says:
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    Obviously if you were in the house you would be the first one out.@Sandy

  13. jennyjuniper says:
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    Because I’m happily married thankyou, although seeing as you seem to be obsessed by the man, maybe it’s really you who wants to suck on his ….toes.
    By the way, where has all the superiority and long words gone? I much preferred it when you were looking down your nose at me, than this childish nastiness you are exhibiting now.
    Or is it frustration because you cannot get at the object of your obsession. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰

  14. jennyjuniper says:
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    Well Sandy (still don’t know if you are a he or a she, or even an it) True Gary may not be as famous or still as much employed as those men you mentioned, but for those of us who liked him in his heyday and STILL like him, that’s up to us.
    Why do you feel it’s your mission in life to change our minds about someone or something.
    Yes you can give your opinion, as can we, but you jackboot over everyone else’s opinions in your quest to be always right.

  15. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    You are delusional. First off it was the others who were rude to Gary from the start. Remember James being called to the diary room and TOLD to have a bit of understanding. (If you have to be told that, then there is something wrong)
    James, that slob Dee, Ricci, George, and some of the others have constantly been picking away at him. These talentless wannabees use him as their scapegoat, so that they in turn will not be picked on.
    It’s standard schoolyard bullying tactics, something I’m sure you are well aware of.

  16. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    As far as I know Gary has thanked the British people everytime he has been saved. In fact the only time he said that the Brits didn’t like him, was when he was talking about the Brits in the house.
    Get your facts right before making sweeping statements.

  17. Kent says:
    Reply Report


    shame YOU don’t own a dictionary. (Refers back to an earlier comment)
    The people who are qualified ‘to look after feet’ are Podiatrists or Chropodists.
    I see that rather defending James you’ve taken to attacking Gary because he and Audley are so well liked. – Very transparent game plan.

  18. Kayley says:
    Reply Report

    I am disgusted how James and dee have not been chastised or,even booted out by now. Dee has threatened Gary at least twice and James has continuously disrespected him.

    I hope gary or,his manager sues the arse off ch5 for letting this happen for so long.

    Ofcom have had over 600 complaints and Headway had written to ch5 but received no reply..typical.

    Gary or Audley to win

  19. Margaret Rose says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry Sandy but you are obsessed with bodies – first bums, then feet, is this an unhealthy trait of yours. Do you suffer with body issues ? it could go someway to explain why you have such a negative attitude to Gary. The world is a big place, room for bums, feet even people like yourself, so RELAX, Gary will soon be off your screen and you can get back to what really is going on in your own mind. Good luck

  20. Sandy says:
    Reply Report

    Kent, you take the bait every single time and your imaginary theories know no bounds. It’s no fun anymore.
    It’s becoming a bit too easy to fire you all up.

    We all have a really good giggle about you and several other very prolific contributors to this forum. All jumping from one page to another with your outbursts and rants but there’s never anything of any substance to them, if there were it may have made you somewhat interesting, but it’s all Blah, Blah, Blah!

    We just love the way you pick and choose which posts your going to have a go at.

    The “ABUSEYS” followers are all the same.

    Goodness knows what your are going to do with all the spare time you will have on your hands when CBB finishes in 2 days.
    Anger management classes, do a few lines with you mate Gary Busey or maybe get a job!

  21. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    The same could be said of you and your infantile lot. How old are you anyway??
    You never have anything new to say, just lots of words, spewing spiteful comments.
    Kent is a paragon of reason compared to you and your rants.
    Go and write your ‘paper’ if you can spare the time from being bitter and nasty.

  22. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Oh and by the way to vote for Gary

    090 20 44 58 07 on a landline
    6 50 58 07 on a mobile.
    Come on now, you know you secretly want to. πŸ˜€

  23. gypsygirl says:
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    @Sandy Outbursts and rants? You need to look in the mirror and calm down!

  24. Jane Shepherd says:
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    For the record if you read back I am not a star sruck ‘ Abusey’ follower as you so condescendingly choose to call any one in support of Gary.

    I am however a supporter of kindness and respect to those older than myself, and to people in general. Your comments suggest a narcissistic and grandiose opinion of yourself.

    You seem to take pleasure in belittling many others on this site in a spiteful way, this puzzles
    and saddens me πŸ™

    What is lacking in your own life Sandy for you to feel it necessary to make scathing comments, not just at the housemates but at the other people posting on this forum? Does it make you feel empowered to do so?

    Perhaps you should take a deep breath and think of a better way to assuage your malicious asperity.

  25. sam 25 says:
    Reply Report

    For the most part I have enjoyed watching Gary this series, through clenched fingers mostly, however there is one thing I really don’t like about him, he will say something that the person talking to him will find rude or offensive & when confronted by them will say I didn’t say that or I didn’t mean it like that when he clearly did, very irritating.

    Also his popular so called Buseyism’s, just sound like the the usual flakey Hollywood psychobabble to my ears, I think all Hollywood stars must go to the same shrink.
    How the other housemates have dealt with him, I think Audley & Lauren are the only ones to show Gary any patience, empathy & leeway because of his age & ailments, the rest have been impatient & at times downright rude.

    I personally want Audley to win now, purely for the way he has risen above James’s nasty & bitter verbal attacks. He’s a good role model.
    Audley to win :up:

Reply to Katie

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