


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 29
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 10 noms received

Perez Hilton is the infamous blogger behind, one of the biggest celebrity gossip websites on the internet. It has proven controversial for its often abrasive tone and outing of gay stars.

Since he begun blogging in 2004, Perez has become something of a celebrity in his own right, landing guest roles in shows such as America’s Next Top Model, Victorious, Glee and Hot In Cleveland.

In 2007, he had his own VH1 show named What Perez Sez; four years later he came to the UK in ITV2’s Perez Hilton Superfan, which saw him gain insight in to the lives of big names such as Katy Perry and Kelly Rowland.

However, with his fame came a string of celebrity feuds. In June 2009, Perez filed a lawsuit against The Black Eyed Peas’ manager for allegedly punching him in the face after he called a “f***ing faggot”.

More recently he fell out with former friend Lady Gaga. In August 2013, one of the ‘Bad Romance’ singer’s fans informed her on Twitter that they’d spotted Perez at her apartment building, leading to claims that he was stalking her. Perez later insisted he was only looking for a new place to live and that he was unaware Gaga lived there. Other names to have clashed with him include Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande.

Perez is modest about his public perception. He says: “I have notoriety or infamy more than celebrity. I am probably more disliked than I am liked, and that is fine. I’m still in the Big Brother house and I love my life.”

The 36-year-old – real name Mario Lavandeira – signed up to CBB following his milestone tenth year of blogging because he wants people to “become invested in me as a person”. “That’s why Kim Kardashian is successful, the people who like her really like her,” he observes. “I want to be working in another ten years and to do that you need fans.

“I don’t have fans, I have readers and I don’t have a lot of likability. I’m not viewing it as a game, I’m viewing it as fun and I’m going to be myself.”

Perez says he’ll let viewers decide whether he’s a nice person, but accepts that he probably won’t win, laughing: “Only one American has won and that happened last season, so the chances of it happening two seasons consecutively are very slim. Having said that, anything is possible!”

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  1. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    Quite correct :up:

  2. Nicky says:
    Reply Report

    Me too I totally agree !!! :up: :up: :up:

  3. Jacksy says:
    Reply Report

    Go on then I’ll make it four thumbs up
    :up: :up: :up: :up:

  4. Tommy says:
    Reply Report

    It’s quite sad really.

    Big Brother is such a good format:-

    Very interesting concept.
    Hugely entertaining.
    Thought provoking.

    So what is wrong with these last couple of series?

    In the last regular series the Helen wood pass to the final was a farce. Totally out of context.

    Now we have this clown perez literally stealing the show.
    I find it extremely annoying as I would like to see the character development of all housemates and more involvement from everyone.

    This simply isn’t possible with Perez winding everyone up and causing such a
    “Bizarre” setup.

    This isn’t the perez show, but it is becoming it!

    More to the point why one earth was he exempt from nominations??

    The new format makes for full viewing.

    I for one used to love the tasks, they simply don’t do anything.

    I don’t personally vote to save/ evict / whatever, but would be furious if I had done so, as I feel the programe makers are blatantly fixing the results / outcomes.

    I can understand the frustration of other forum contributors.

    What a shame that the producers have taken away what we liked and replaced it with something no one Seems to enjoy.

    Most of my friends and family have either stopped watching after a few days or in most cases not bothered to tune in at all.

    So many happy memories of big brother, but sadly I don’t think I’ll have fond memories of the last couple of series.

    Thanks for reading and enjoy the show guys.


  5. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @Tommy Very well put.

    I miss the fun they used to have in tasks too. I can’t remember laughing once in this series, in fact it’s barely raised a smile.

    Whether people like him or not ( I am indifferent ) I doubt many can agree with the direction BB has gone of late – it’s a farce really – totally unfair and Chan 5 pick who wins, or at least strongly put their favourite in a position to win.

    Stop messing with the nominations and nobody can argue who goes, although I have never been stupid enough to vote- I’d be fuming if I had done so because chan5 take them for fools, much like they do the viewers.

    Still, they’ve wasted half million on Pricey, so I expect them to try hard to recoup some of the lay out.

    PS Perez has too much face for his head :happy:

  6. Fed up says:
    Reply Report

    I can’t understand why you have brought into his bullshit.
    Katy is having none of it because she won’t by into his bullshit.

    We have now decided not to watch CBB anymore

  7. Emma says:
    Reply Report

    Can any of the “I love Perez” people PLEASE list any of his good points as I cannot see anything that is remotely good or nice about this overblown piece of dog do.

  8. Fed up says:
    Reply Report

    How can Mario aka Perez Hilton be so outraged with someone calling him a faggot. He has conveniently forgot the time he called Wil-i-am a faggot and thought nothing throwing this word around.
    Typical of the double standards he has where he can dish it out but can’t take it.

  9. GPO says:
    Reply Report

    Thanks Mario, so according to you the viewers are
    “just a bunch of sadistic mother F**kers and that’s why we tune in”

    That’s something coming from the biggest mother F**ker of them all.

  10. Nicky says:
    Reply Report

    I like Perez……… Wait people let me explain!!!! Lol……. Because he knows exactly what he is doing……. He pranced around the garden KNOWING it was winding people up and waited for their reaction……. I’m sorry but I found that hilarious …….. Also it showed that too many people take things too seriously……. Who did he hurt???….. Who did he upset with a nasty comment???…. What did he say to offend anyone????…. So why were certain people so upset???? He was just a funny t**t !!!! Lol…….. Let’s face it guys it would of been. Very boring without him !!!!!…. I don’t think he should win mind you but I have enjoyed watching him !!!

  11. Nicky says:
    Reply Report

    @northernmonkey. @Tommy
    I do agree with you both….. I miss the tasks and the silly games and yes I think they should be careful messing with the nominations….. Come on BB bring back the old times!!!!!

  12. Jess says:
    Reply Report

    I think it is unacceptable that Channel 5 and the Big Brother production team have not removed Perez Hilton from the Big Brother house after he threaten to rape Calum Best (aired on Friday night’s BBBOTS show). A warning is not good enough. (Ken was kicked-out for less).

  13. Gillian says:
    Reply Report

    I agree. What would Big Brother / Channel 5 have done if that was said to one of the female housemates? He would have been kicked-out. Because it was said to a man, doesn’t make it any less of a crime. THREATS OF MALE RAPE SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTABLE.

  14. Sam2 says:
    Reply Report

    People attempting to [incorrectly] apply literal meaning to words in order to try and discredit someone should not be acceptable.

  15. yogi6 says:
    Reply Report

    hes got no friends now…even katie price knows its dangerous to be his friend….

    i can read it!

    feel sorry for him now

  16. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    Yes, so do I 🙁 The worst of the lot (after Hopkins) is that big mouth bully Cami.

  17. Gillian says:
    Reply Report

    Ok Sam, please enlighten me…. what did Perez really mean when he shouted at Calum in a loud, aggressive and threatening manner “I will shove my d**k up your a*s…. I will shove my f**kin’ big d**k up your a*s”?

  18. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    Try shouting (what Perez said to Calum) at someone on the street. Then when the Police come to arrest you, you can quite easily explain to the Police that it is unacceptable (and incorrect) of them to take the literal meaning of your words and they are merely trying to discredit you.

    I’m sure they will understand when they see the error of their ways.
    Good luck.

  19. Roxy says:
    Reply Report

    Perez should be thrown out the house…. simple.
    Threatening sexual assault is NOT to be tolerated and NOT to be taken lightly.

  20. Philpot says:
    Reply Report

    Not excusing Perez’s very explicit language towards Calum, but it is very easy to jump on that piece rather than look at root cause. It was an argument that became heated, that in some ways Perez didn’t start, a few people having a conversation didn’t need Calum to ‘keep the peace’ but that conversation only started because Katie dropped her usual insult bomb and flounced off.

  21. Roxy says:
    Reply Report

    Well spotted…. “It was an argument that became heated” and then Perez decided to aggressively threaten to sexually assault Calum.
    No excuses.

  22. Linda says:
    Reply Report

    Would you say the same thing relating to other kinds of abuse, say for example, domestic abuse?
    “it is very easy to jump on that piece rather than look at root cause. It was an argument that became heated, that in some ways xxxxxx didn’t start”

    You’ll find this is a common excuse in many other abuse cases.

  23. Philpot says:
    Reply Report

    domestic abuse – often involves systematic actions and behaviours. If you are equating this incident with Perez and Callum as domestic abuse then we are all buggered!

  24. Rosie says:
    Reply Report

    I personally think that it is absolutely disgusting how Ken got thrown out of the house for explicit language, using the word ‘ass’ after one warning yet Perez has now had 3 warnings for language but still is present in the house. Big brother are doing everything in their power to keep Perez in the house for entertainment value and I think this is unfair and total double standards. GET PEREZ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Philpot says:
    Reply Report

    I believe Ken was thrown out for using racially unacceptable language as he was warned about using the word negro and then used it again in a later conversation.

    I’m not here to defend Perez but I’m suggesting proportionality and perspective is in order and spouting about domestic abuse and social acceptability is going all a bit too far

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