


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 29
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 10 noms received

Perez Hilton is the infamous blogger behind, one of the biggest celebrity gossip websites on the internet. It has proven controversial for its often abrasive tone and outing of gay stars.

Since he begun blogging in 2004, Perez has become something of a celebrity in his own right, landing guest roles in shows such as America’s Next Top Model, Victorious, Glee and Hot In Cleveland.

In 2007, he had his own VH1 show named What Perez Sez; four years later he came to the UK in ITV2’s Perez Hilton Superfan, which saw him gain insight in to the lives of big names such as Katy Perry and Kelly Rowland.

However, with his fame came a string of celebrity feuds. In June 2009, Perez filed a lawsuit against The Black Eyed Peas’ manager for allegedly punching him in the face after he called a “f***ing faggot”.

More recently he fell out with former friend Lady Gaga. In August 2013, one of the ‘Bad Romance’ singer’s fans informed her on Twitter that they’d spotted Perez at her apartment building, leading to claims that he was stalking her. Perez later insisted he was only looking for a new place to live and that he was unaware Gaga lived there. Other names to have clashed with him include Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande.

Perez is modest about his public perception. He says: “I have notoriety or infamy more than celebrity. I am probably more disliked than I am liked, and that is fine. I’m still in the Big Brother house and I love my life.”

The 36-year-old – real name Mario Lavandeira – signed up to CBB following his milestone tenth year of blogging because he wants people to “become invested in me as a person”. “That’s why Kim Kardashian is successful, the people who like her really like her,” he observes. “I want to be working in another ten years and to do that you need fans.

“I don’t have fans, I have readers and I don’t have a lot of likability. I’m not viewing it as a game, I’m viewing it as fun and I’m going to be myself.”

Perez says he’ll let viewers decide whether he’s a nice person, but accepts that he probably won’t win, laughing: “Only one American has won and that happened last season, so the chances of it happening two seasons consecutively are very slim. Having said that, anything is possible!”

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  1. connie says:
    Reply Report

    Whether you like him or not he has put his all into this unlike some who just take the money and run without little effort. I have warmed to him and hope he goes all the way.

  2. Sam3 says:
    Reply Report

    Perez, Mario or whatever his name is I think has an identity crisis going on….I dont think he’s consistent…we need to see the real person beneath all that craziness so he’d be less like marmite, you either hate or love him..whichever! Having said that he can sometimes be entertaining when he’s not making a prat of himself. Some people here said he was the reason Alex left. I far as I can see Alex left because he was warned & therefore afraid of being perceived as homophobic, which I think deep down he is. In my view a person’s real views & character comes out when they are angry. The same goes for Katie Hopkins, her true character comes out when she’s riled up.

  3. Melissa Bluck says:
    Reply Report

    :heart: I love perez hilton, I feel that he speaks the truth in the house. And he stands up to the likes of katie hopkins, and cami -li who constantly wind him up and make him worse in the house! Perez looks amazing now that he’s lost so much weight!!!!! Well done perez I love you… And I hope you get into the final three!!!!!!!!!!! You’re AMAZINGGGGGG :heart:

  4. Melissa Bluck says:
    Reply Report

    :up: perez and nadia are so cute together!!!! I hope that they remain life long friends when they come out of the house too. You can see that both nadia and perez have got so much live for each other. And it’s good to see that nadia is looking out for perez whilst they’re both in the house together. PEREZ TO WIN

  5. Jacksy says:
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    The goalposts are on a spring and they will always do what it takes to get the likes of Parez & Katie H to the final, you’ve only got to look back to last year with the Helen Wood farce.

  6. Rob says:
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  7. marieta says:
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    Perez go go go :heart: :up:

  8. Dr Bob says:
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    A telling little tidbit in Cami’s diary room monologue raging against Perez:

    apparently he’s been boasting about getting the highest fee (pre-Katie P that might have been true), and that –and this is the kicker– *being in the final is in his contract*!


  9. jessie says:
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    He is such a fake he is jumping for joy,i don’t think
    so hope he goes.

  10. Melissa Bluck says:
    Reply Report

    :up: :heart: 😉 😀 please I hope perez gets a place in the final three he deserves it. Katie hopkins is 1000 times worse than perez hilton. Wish katie hopkins and cami li would stop picking on him! And leave him alone 😥

  11. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Perez is a fake. He is constantly on the alert to see who or what situation he can use to his advantage. His ‘friendship’ with Nadia is just two people whose only common ground is their dislike of Katy H.
    He can dish out insults, as when he told Katy H that he felt sorry for her children having a mother like her, but ran screaming off in a tantrum when she said something about him in reply.
    I believe the British public has more sense and good taste to be swayed by such a narcisstic and downrught nasty individual.
    He may have it written into his contract that he is there to the final (and if he is shame on you Viacom for cheating the British public) But please do not let this horrible person win.

  12. soozin says:
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    @Melissa Bluck
    And unicorns fart rainbows. Get real.

  13. Jacksy says:
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    I don’t particularly care for him but I want him in just for his ability to wind up Katie Hokins, without him she’ll totally run the show.

  14. doreen sibley says:
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    i cannot stand him. Wants all the attention. What he did to Alexander was so unfair. KatieH was his next victim but she is stronger than him and hasn’t forgot what he did to Alexander . His antics in the garden were disgusting. Just a vile attention seeking Drama Queen. He will not win no one underestimates the British Public. GET HIM OUT!!

  15. gabriel says:
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    This man (or kid) is just a sad pathetic excuse for a human being! I Hate you so much!

    I hope that you die 😉

  16. Dazza28 says:
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    CBB very disappointed with this years show. Its so obvious that the show has been fixed so that nadia and perez don’t get voted out. Also think its absolutely discussing that others keep getting called up for things they have said or done but perez can be allowed to seriously offend people around the world and gets away with it.

  17. Raj Chahal says:
    Reply Report

    Why is this vial human begin still in the house? He is a disgrace to the gay community if not to America. OMG I’m an American born and disgusted in him. He is a stupid self absorbed psycho. The offensive body language he had been showing is unacceptable and his child should be removed for his safety and wellbeing never mind becoming mental like his gay father.. Perez seriously needs mental health support, it’s a bit concerning he’s not been put on a dog leash yet. Flippin’ hell yeah, GO KATY HOPKINS, she’s been so strong to deal with an absolute vial oxygen theif. Katy H should carry on doing what she is doing towards Prerez, he is a WASTE and deserve everything coming towards him!!!. GET PEREZ OUT.. GET PEREZ OUT.

  18. hannah says:
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    get him out

  19. Katie says:
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    Cannot stand this prick!

  20. Denise says:
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    @doreen sibley
    I agree with what you have said. I wrote about this creatures disgraceful taunting and lurid gesturing incident to Alexander when it happened and I’m gobsmacked that he was not warmed by BB. It was nothing but pure harrassment perpetrated by Mario and he, yet again, BB let him get away with it.

    Words fail me with the level of disgust I have for this pathetic person but I find do him a weak spineless wimp that sucks the life out of you and feeds off the trouble he makes. He still is the little fat troll behind the cumputer disrespecting people who have real talent. He is Pure evil.

    It’s interesting how he will not take on Michelle Visage. Why…because SHE is influential in the States, unlike him, with her various programs and he skirts about her to frightened to confront her.

    As a viewer, Im exhausted having to listen to him screaming over the top of everyone else all of the time and the amount of airtime he has been given has put me right off CBB completely which is a shame but I have now decided, like a lot of others I know NOT TO WATCH UNTIL HE HAS GONE.

    What’s happened to CBB it used to be fun with lots a really funny tasks and yes there was confrontation but not to the level it has now stooped to with the likes of Mario.
    He keeps banging on about he wants people to see the real person, well I think we have well and truly seen the real Mario and that’s why he’s so redundant in the States and now wants to come here with his brand of vile and destructive gob shite.

    I hope you read this Mario, and no doubt you will as your nasasstic self obsorbed self would be champing at the bit, read this and F**K off back to the States and stay there.

  21. jennyjuniper says:
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    Hi Denise, thankyou for saying what I wanted to say (and saving me an awful lot of typing 😀 )
    I watched a really bad film last night. The only good thing about it was that slimeball Perez had a part as an extra and got eaten by a shark. Now that’s what I call karma 😀 😀

  22. Denise says:
    Reply Report

    Our whole media class has decided NOT TO WATCH CBB and if that means we don’t see anymore well so be it.
    It’s just too over the top and I think C5 should really take a good look at the current format for this show and CHANGE IT.
    Why are we subject to these horrible vile Z-listers from the States.
    People are saying this is great T.V but for us it has sunk to a whole new level in braoadcasting alienating a good proportion of the viewers who are sick and tired of just watching Mario being so utterly obnoxious, being allowed to harass and taunt, in the most vile way, the other housemates like its his god given right to do so or should l say, I his contact to do so without any repercussions.

  23. Jacksy says:
    Reply Report

    He’s not someone I’d want for a neighbour but it would have been dull without him, all we’d have had was a house governed by Katie Hopkins with everyone too scared to say anything in case they got on the wrong side of her.
    Who else would have had her clucking like a chicken or running round the house like a giddy schoolgirl and flashing her eyes at him?
    Gawd, the thought of that image sends shivers down my spine.

  24. voice says:
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    it was hilarious and I am fed of people not being able to challenge her – even michelle

  25. connie says:
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    He tried to lighten the mood last night by saying to Katie lets have a night of fun, but she was having none of it, she wants confrontation its her who is bringing the house down, she is always negative, he at least tries to bring some fun into it, even if it means acting silly. I ‘get’ him, like Nadia does and I hope he stays in.

Reply to Sandy

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