


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 31
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Katie Hopkins was catapulted in to the public consciousness as a contestant on BBC One’s The Apprentice in 2006, competing for a £100,000 job working for Lord Alan Sugar.

She made it all the way to the business end of the series – but turned down a place in the grand final, citing a lack of childcare for her daughters.

She was known as the most outspoken contestant, and this trait has been amplified in the last few years, as she’s become a hate figure in the media for her controversial opinions.

Her career as a loudmouth begun in 2013, when she criticised names including Tyler and Chardonnay on ITV’s This Morning. She also voiced disapproval of parents choosing geographical locations as names for their kids – despite calling one of her daughters India.

Since then, she’s done the rounds giving her thoughts on everything from benefits culture to drug addiction. She sparked fury by tweeting about Scottish life expectancy figures in the wake of the Glasgow helicopter tragedy – and recently further irked the Scottish people by criticising them for sending England “Ebola bombs” when an aid worker struck with the deadly disease travelled south for treatment.

Katie has also been vocal on the ‘obesity crisis’ in the UK. Last year she gained four stone in an attempt to prove that it’s easy for fat people to lose weight, with cameras following her for a TLC documentary. My Fat Story went on to become the digital channel’s highest rating show to date.

Seven years after taking part in ITV’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!, Katie has now signed up for Celebrity Big Brother – although it’s not her first time in Britain’s most famous house, as she was a ‘guinea pig’ rehearsal contestant for Channel 4’s very first civilian series in 2000.

The 39-year-old says she’s got absolutely “nothing to prove” to viewers – indeed, she looks set to be as controversial as ever, as she says she’d hate to live with “any fat person”.

“That is quite a broad spectrum. I have no empathy for a fat person,” she claimed. “I hope there might be one person in there who is funny, clever, witty, well-­read or who has spent a lifetime performing on the stage.”

Katie isn’t afraid to get in to a heated debate with her fellow housemates – but she’ll be picking and choosing them wisely. “There will be people trying to get their moment of telly by annoying me, so I will swat them away,” she smiles.

“But if you get some people who actually think what they’re saying and believe it, then sure, I’ll probably go for that.”

Latest on Katie H

  1. 4 comments

  2. 16 comments


  1. Loyal_BBFan says:
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  2. Dori says:
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    Katie showing a diff side :up: my fave

  3. jennyjuniper says:
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    I like Katy. Her and Michelle need to squash Perez like a bug. Then again either one could do it solo. :up: 😀

  4. Cupid stunt says:
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    I like her she’s great 😉

  5. Dori says:
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    Think she is winning over a few haters :up: go girl

  6. Chloe says:
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    Loooove Katie!!

  7. Donna Mc says:
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    I don,t like Katie….. Think she’s fulling a lot of people.

  8. jessie says:
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    Don’t know what to make of her.

  9. Donna Mc says:
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    I really think people are forgetting all the evil shit that’s came out this women’s mouth. She’s playing a bloody good game to fool so many. :tongue:

  10. king loco says:
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    Katie Hopkins is the biggest hypocrite walking!!! She is desperate to make it the “Katie show” way more than Perez, hopefully Katie price does go in she WILL expose the bitch, also I just have to say Wtf was she wearing last night!!!? What a ugly cow shame her kids go the ugly gene… Ha

  11. jennyjuniper says:
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    @king loco

    How is she making it ‘The Katy Show’.? Those are that s… weazel Perez’s words and he’s the one who tries to hog all the limelight.
    Fact is, up to now Katy is playing it quite low key, but another few nudges from Perez should light her fuse and I can’t wait.

  12. Karen says:
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    I can’t help myself, but I really like Katie. she is funny and intelligent, and I don’t understand this hype about her being so bad. So what if she has outspoken opinions – what she says is what quite a few of us think but don’t dare uttering!!
    As for her ‘performance’ in the Bb house, she is doing fantastically well, given she is stuck with a bunch of deluded fools of the likes of Perez and Nadia. The only one she should avoid is Alicia, that girl seems to have serious emotional issues. Having said this, why did she participate???

  13. Bob says:
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    @Donna Mc

  14. Lindsey says:
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    I have disagreed with many things she has said outside of big brother, however in this I actually really like her. She says what no1 else dare to say! I feel sorry for Alicia, she seems lovely & at the same time lost & vulnerable but I completely agree with the weirdo mum comment. To me….alicia is a perfect example of someone who could potentially make some1 self obsess! I’m all for kids eating their veg, cooking from scratch, no micro meals etc but a kid also needs to be a kid & want sweets & choc in moderation. Her child sounds far to aware of health at 3yrs old. If she asked me to give her child only sushi or Sumet I’d say fxxxx off! Not got the patience 4 that Crack!!

  15. Cupid stunt says:
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    @Donna Mc
    Donna, I think all the evil shit that came out of this woman’s mouth is exactly that, “a load of shit” I think most of the shit she have said have all been engineered and scripted because that’s what’s expected of the image that’s been built up around her, for the most part it’s all been a bit tongue in cheek! I don’t think all that crap is the real Katie, that’s the thing with BB the ‘real’ person will always come through, everyone was expecting her to be a complete bitch, but she’s not like that at all, I think she’s actually quite nice and funny,…it’s just my POV though, time will tell!!!

  16. Donna Mc says:
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    Lol well time will tell but she’s picking away at Alicia because she is the weakest. When she went in she put Cami up for eviction who lets be honest is nasty. Now she doesn’t say a wrong word to her and is saying in tonight’s task more or less she likes Cami and Chloe. A bit 2faced there, she knows Cami flips. I still think she means everything she has said outside the house but in it she’s not so good face2 face except with the weakest. She stayed low key at first but the nasty side is slowly emerging. As for saying what other people are thinking but don,t want to say well mmmm. I don,t think ginger or red haired people are ugly or people a bit over wait are all lazy and Many other things.

  17. Donna Mc says:
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    Oops # weight

  18. jennyjuniper says:
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    @Donna Mc
    I think Katy put Chloe up first because she didn’t know anything about her. As for picking on the weakest, don’t be fooled by Alicia, she is not as meek and mild as she seems.
    Katy would speak to anyone face to face. But apart from Nadia, Perez and Alicia she seems to get on well with everyone else. Nadia is the hypocrite, who says ‘Don’t let me near her’, meaning Katy, but is too gutless to do anything.
    If Katy and Michelle leave, I will be switching off.

  19. Donna Mc says:
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    Hi Jenny……. Well Michelle is one of my favourites. I don,t like Perez or Nadia. It would take a lot for me to change my mind about Katy though haha :up:

  20. Sam2 says:
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    The way she goes on about intelligence I thought maybe she was one of the engineers on the Three Gorges Dam, or possibly one of the mathematicians behind landing Rosetta on 67P or perhaps she designed & built the modern day computer hard disk drive. It seems she has done nothing of the sort and her claim to fame is pretty much just taking rubbish and belittling people. Not an impressive use of her so called ‘intelligence’ and only demonstrates that empty vessels do indeed make a lot of noise.

    I’ve come across people like her before and found they don’t like it when you hold up a mirror. Pisses them off when you play them back at their own game and point out THEIR shortcomings, weaknesses and hypocrisy, as it goes against their ‘Holier Than Thou’ god complex. Don’t be fooled by their self-created hype.

  21. Donna Mc says:
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    Pmsl exactly…….. Who is she to tell anyone they have one brain cell. She’s not fooling me either 😉

  22. sammyvan says:
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    Hi Jenny. As usual, we seem to be on the same track!
    There is so much more to Katie than the Blogger everyone wants to hate. I don’t agree with everything she says [ who would?] but I also do not think Alyssia is needs tears and sympathy. She can stand up for herself, and IMO if she had not aligned herself with Nadia and Perez, would have been far more likable. I saw a video of her on YT, telling her daughter she should get a breast enlargement before she turned 16! Felt far more pity for the daughter than for A. As for Katie, would like either her or Michelle to win at this moment — could change as the weeks pass.

  23. mel says:
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    Someone needs to put this …….. In her place do not like her evict her please

  24. tezza says:
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    Katie H is a horrible women that has made a living from judging people on appearance. Its completely unacceptable. If others were to judge her on appearance she certaintly wouldn’t feel great about herself. She may have a direct approach that some people like, however I feel there are ways to have direct communication without being so offensive and judgemental. Arrrgh i really dislike her!!!!

  25. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    Agree with you. If she was judged on her looks well there would be plenty to say lol. Also your correct about her communication skills. You can get a point across without being a nasty hurtful bitch.

Reply to Faye

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