


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 16
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 1 noms received

Pauline is strong and feisty and she does not ‘suffer fools gladly’. She describes herself as idiosyncratic, opinionated and admits to being overly picky.

She’s now a dance teacher, but had a promising music career in the early 90s that saw her achieve a top ten single with Kylie Minogue. She claims she told The Voice UK coach that her songs were ‘s**t’ while they were on tour together.

Pauline likes that she’s strong willed, ‘if I say something, I’ll stick to it’. She also claims to be a good listener, but will fly off the handle if things don’t go her own way or if someone calls her a liar.

Her son is the most important person in her life and says they ‘only fall out if he brings home a girl for the night’. Her all time idol is Maya Angelou whose poetry helped her come to terms with her ethnicity when she was a youth: ‘Her strong words empower black women and give them a sense of purpose’.

Within her friendship group, Pauline’s the ‘opinionated joker that’s loved and adored by all’. She thinks she’ll be ‘the old prankster’ of the Big Brother house, claiming she has the potential to not only cause a stir, but to win: ‘What’s not to like about Jazzy P?’

She has a phobia of anything out of the sea, red meat and would be mortified if asked to rap in public.

Turning the big 5-0 while on Big Brother, she thinks the show will be a great opportunity to show the public what older women are made of.

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  1. ooops says:
    Reply Report

    bring back pauline …… I loved her …… Strong beautiful black woman ….. Big up pauline …… I loved you and want you back in the house. people are afraid of strong women like pauline xxxxx

  2. ooops says:
    Reply Report

    bring back pauline …… I loved her …… Strong beautiful black woman ….. Big up pauline …… I loved you and want you back in the house. people are afraid of strong women like pauline xxxxx i couldnt get enough of watching her …. She is amazing xxxxx

  3. ooops says:
    Reply Report

    wish pauline could be my friend id love her to pieces i adore her actually she inspired me and i admire her strength and character….. Bring back pauline we miss you heaps

  4. Lenny says:
    Reply Report

    I miss pauline even now – she was a woman of substance miss her nuff

  5. Larisa says:
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    Jale put the kettle on, Jale put the kettle on, Jale put the kettle on we all wanted tea. Pauline took it off again, Pauline took it off again, Pauline took it off again… we all had none!

  6. Helensbiggestfan says:
    Reply Report

    Thank you Pauline for giving Helen a free pass – you could see her inner beauty, even if others can’t!

  7. Equality says:
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    Am glad too, she has showed everyone how kind ,caring and generous and supporting of people she is :down:

  8. Bob says:
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    Imagine if this woman had got the pass to the final. What a horrible thought!

  9. northernmonkey says:
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    @Helensbiggestfan Most likely that Pauline was prompted to pick Helen, a few words would of easily swayed her, especially so early into BB when housemates are just happy to be there and bend over backwards to please BB.

    Easily done.

  10. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Bob You are clearly out to wind-up tonight Bob.

    I despised both Pauline AND Toya, but both are infinitely better human being that Helen Wood.

  11. Belinda says:
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    Worst Housemate ever :down:

Reply to Mel

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