


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 23
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 10 noms received

Lauren Charlotte Harries – born James Charles Harries – is a British TV personality. Beginning her career as a young boy at the tender age of 10 discussing antiques on Terry Wogan’s chat show, Harries was labelled a ‘child prodigy’. She is now a woman after a full sex change operation.

Harries was born in Surrey in 1978, and from the age of five, he collected all kinds of objects from car boot sales and second-hand shops. His break came when a piece of porcelain he found was valued at several thousand pounds. The local paper carried the story and James was promoted by his father as a child prodigy in the field of antiques.

Harries made his television debut at ten years old in August 1988 on Wogan. His knowledge of antiques, combined with an odd appearance including bow ties, hair in thick golden curls, formal attire and a precocious manner of speaking, made Harries someone the viewing public were unlikely to forget.

On her former appearance, Lauren said: “I was like this freak in this little suit with a bowtie on, I do see that as a different person, but as an aspect of myself as well.”

James started cross-dressing in 1997 and soon changed his name to Lauren. She has said that a casual remark in a supermarket, that ‘he should be a woman’, helped her realise that that was what she wanted.

In 2001, James underwent a full sex change operation and officially became Lauren Charlotte Harries. Describing the life-changing moment, she said: “My life is just beginning. It’s like I’ve been reborn.”

Harries is a Buddhist and a vegetarian and can also read peoples auras.

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  1. CC says:
    Reply Report

    @Maybee Deary!!! Hate fraudsters of ANY kind and she’s one of them.
    Nobody at best and not CBB material. The only reason she is on CBB is shock value, the producers of CBB are not stupid they know she’s a joke and that’s why Lauren’s there nothing more nothing less. People are not laughing with her but at her.

  2. Jo says:
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    @Maybee Poor ABZ has been tested by far more adversity than Lauren ever has. He suffers from Aspergers Symdrome, has been homeless, taken advantage of by untrustworthy people, had a breakdown, been totally broke and gone through rehab. If anyone deserves to win its this guy. I haven’t heard ABZ plead for sympathy once from the public for votes like Lauren does ridiculously talking to the public alone in the bedroom begging to be kept in the house.
    I hope ABZ wins he’s the quiet achiever.

  3. Louise says:
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    Lauren to win!!!!! xoxo

  4. realist says:
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    The most hideous thing I’ve seen in many years..should have been smouthered at birth

  5. ed says:
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    She sings a lot to camera, does she honestly think she’s gonna get a recording contract from this? Beyond Deluded. Mind you, they’ll lap it up at G.A.Y. :conf:

  6. Jo says:
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    @CC yes found statement about having an affair with Russell Brand astounding as Lauren has said she HAS NOT had sex in 6 years. Yet another Harries ploy for publicity.

  7. Jay says:
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    I can’t believe people are so up in arms about Lauren. Aside from her wacky appearance, I find her quite average. She’s desperate for fame, you say? So is everyone who has to resort to “Celebrity Big Brother.” She’s delusional about her own talents? In a house that includes Courtney Stodden and Danielle Marr, that’s not notable. And what are Mario and Charlotte’s talents, again? I find it funny that people are criticizing Lauren for publicity stunts and shameless attention-seeking when that’s what all Z-list celebrities do.

    I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s a piece of work and I would hate to live with her, but I don’t understand people who think she’s some kind of disgusting, unhinged creature when she’s completely average, and even a bit dull, by “Celebrity Big Brother” standards.

    I also don’t get any of this “mentally ill” nonsense. She’s said her only suicide attempts in life were before she changed genders, and that’s common for many transsexuals. She doesn’t have the history of drug abuse that other housemates this series have had. What are people expecting her to do? And why? I haven’t found anything about her that hints that she’s somehow a danger to herself or others.

    And yes, I’ve seen the Keith Allen documentary. While the Harries family is definitely weird, I can’t get upset about it. Their fake degrees are in “metaphysics.” That’s like having a degree in astrology or palm-reading. It’s a fake degree for a fake subject. Anyone they counsel is the kind of loony person who actually believes in that rubbish to start with. No different from the famed “rump-reader” Jackie Stallone or that lady who thinks she can predict the future with asparagus. Psychotic? No, just eccentric.

  8. sarah porter says:
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    I can’t stand her in BB she talks like Mr.Bean, and obviously isn’t mentally stable by her reactions to being up for nomination and giving courtney pills, i honestly think BB are fixing it so she doesn’t get evicted incase it pushes her over the deep end.

  9. Madeline says:
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    BB are being very, very clever in their editing of Lauren. She has been playing the ‘poor me’ act since she walked in and they are going along with it. Did anyone see her very smug little smile when she didn’t get nominated? She was trying to hide her face but the camera caught it. She is one fake, fake lady. :down:

  10. Jay says:
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    Don’t people often react poorly to nominations? I don’t think Lauren’s mentally ill just because she’s gotten into a few rows over nominations. That happens every series. I think the only truly scary thing Lauren has done in the house is try to slip Courtney medication, but I also am willing to believe that it was just Imodium like Marcus Bentley said on Twitter.

    I hate that I’m defending her, because I’ve never liked her, but I do think people are blowing her traits out of proportion. She’s unhygienic, passive-aggressive, defensive, whiny, manipulative, and thoroughly unpleasant, but those are called personality traits, not mental illnesses.

  11. ali says:
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    Get real, she should be in a straight jacket 😯

  12. Jay says:
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    @ali Why, though? There have been numerous housemates who have been way more unhinged than her. She’s no Shahbaz. If you watch the live feeds, she’s positively boring. She goes to bed early, and even when she’s up, she’s usually very quiet and meek. She had that one row with Sophie, and that was the loudest she’s been in the house.

    Again, I don’t like her. I think she’s needy, clingy, emotionally manipulative, bitter, and unhygienic, but people are acting like she’s rabidly foaming at the mouth. What has she done that makes her seem psychotic to you?

  13. ali says:
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    I think Lauren’s future should be sorted out by the professionals. But I am sure you are no more qualified to say she doesn’t have mental problems than I am to say she does. Watching her behaviour this whole series I’d have a hunch she does.


  14. Jay says:
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    @ali Well, clearly, none of us are professionals. I’m not saying with certainty that she doesn’t have issues. She very well could. But I’m not seeing the signs that other people are. I don’t think she’s a likable person, and of course she physically seems quite frail (reminds me of the aforementioned Jackie Stallone in that way, actually), but neither of those things make her mentally ill.

    Of course, I also think there’s a certain stigma against people who do suffer from mental health issues. Clearly, people like Bruce, Abz, and Sophie have suffered from drug and alcohol addiction, and wasn’t Kerry Katona bipolar? Nikki Grahame did far more to seem mentally unbalanced during BB7 than Lauren has done this series. It’s just weird that Lauren is getting singled out for being “unhinged” when, in my view, she hasn’t done anything that noteworthy in the house. She bores me, and I watch the live feeds religiously. What makes you think she belongs in a straight jacket?

  15. Casey says:
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    @Jay Lauren shows classic signs of, at least, using anti depressants, stumbling, dry mouth, forgetfullness, dazed eyes, delusional, shaking, she even forgets to flush her own excrement away and she’s off to the diary room every night for her pills and that has been shown. She is displaying far from any normal behaviour even for a SO called Celeb, she cannot follow instructions, and the other HMs know it. Why do you think they are doing everything for her. It’s a pity CBB thought that this was a great way to get ratings by having a person like Lauren enter the house. It’s terrible to watch her in this state constanlty thinking she is actually talented in acting, singing and now wants a media career.
    You don’t have to be trying to commit suicide on a monthly basis to be mentally ill. I really take exception to your comments about the families fake degrees not really being a problem. This is fraud and quite disgusting as they take advantage of people in a fragile conditions and WHO may be contemplating suicide. Taking money by deception is anyway is disgusting and illegal.
    As for the nominations, Lauren totally overreacts, and nothing can be said to her constructively as she also takes offence to that. Carols comment about her boyish figure is correct and Carol also said that she, herself, had a boyish figure but Lauren could not let this comment said, in a frank, honest adult conversation, go and went to have it out with Carol the next morning, stewing on it all night. Extremely childlike behaviour. Lauren’s comments last night summed it all up for me when she said while speaking to Courtney that all the family got this together for her on this “ONE” (money wise) with all the clothing etc, and now l think she feels she has to be the bread winner yet again for her family who live off making Lauren a freak for the public. They know how to work the system!!!!

  16. Jay says:
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    @Casey Okay, many separate issues are going on here. Carol’s “boyish figure” comment was out of line and Lauren handled the issue appropriately. Carol might not have meant to be offensive about it, but it was clearly an insensitive thing to say to a transgender woman. Lauren didn’t engage in a shouting match over it. She waited until she and Carol had sobered up (they had both been drinking quite a bit that night) and then she and Carol talked it out like adults the next morning. That’s actually one of the few issues this series where I’ve been on Lauren’s side.

    I think you’re cheapening mental illness by saying that dry mouth, forgetfulness, and stumbling qualify. She’s a clumsy, dotty woman, but this doesn’t mean she’s emotionally unstable. (And for Christ’s sake, my flatmates sometimes forget to flush the toilet. It’s disgusting, but it doesn’t make them bonkers.)

    I don’t agree with the Harries’s family “counseling” con, but people are acting like they’re pretending to be actual doctors when they’re not. They pretend to be “metaphysical” doctors, which is like being a palm-reader or astrologer. Again, it’s a fake degree in a fake subject. I don’t have any sympathy for people who want to fix their problems by having their “auras” read. So let the Harries continue their con. Like many fortunetellers, they seem to actually believe in what they’re selling. And again, Lauren’s hardly the first “Big Brother” contestant to have those wacky spiritualist beliefs.

    As for her medication, it’s been explained that she goes to the diary room often in order to take her hormone replacement medication. That has to do with her transsexualism. There has been no evidence that she’s on antidepressants.

    Lauren doesn’t seem to be a danger to herself or to others. I hate this trend that blames any negative personality trait on mental illness. Isn’t it enough just to say that she’s delusional and unlikable? Do we have to act like her doctor?

    I mean, turn on any talent show and you find people who think they can sing and dance when they can’t. Are they all mentally ill, then? It’s so hypersensitive to say that anyone who doesn’t act “normal” must have something inherently wrong with them. I think they should be judged on their own merits, and not labeled by this overly-prescriptive culture. I dislike Lauren because she’s not an entertaining character; I don’t think she’s any crazier than the rest of them.

  17. Casey says:
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    @Jay Jay, sorry but l just cannot condone fraudsters and if you are living with people who don’t flush their own excrement away maybe this is were the conversation finishes.
    Not coping out just can’t be bothered!!!!!

  18. Cc says:
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    Written and endorsed by the “HARRIES” family and the Lauren pity party.

  19. Casey says:
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    Why is it that Lauren Harries is getting so much preferential treatment by seeing her family during CBB. With the exception of Courtney during a task who saw her husband breifly, CBB as given Lauren so much airtime, 2 tasks were she was treated to great food and comforts while the others had to eat shocking food or go without. If Lauren cannot be treated like every other HM why is she in there. Lauren has not partaken in any real tasks that are what would be considered uncomfortable. If eating 11 anchovies is all she has to do for a task that is considered by some to slightly uncomfortable its a joke, why wasn’t she given the fermented eggs? Has she really been a HM or just babysat?
    Maybe it was a Harries family strategy meeting!

  20. Paula says:
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    Anyone noticed the complete change in Lauren’s demeanour now that she is in the final. Shes Is acting totally different almost like there is two very different personalities. She’s a fraud and this apple hasn’t fallen far from the family tree. Her antics to procure sympathy obviously worked.
    All those people defending Lauren sorry but you have been duped!!!
    Get her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Madeline says:
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    Totally agree with you Paula, and I’m amazed that others haven’t seen that. Soooo hope she doesn’t win @Paula

  22. SS says:
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    Not really. A change in what way?

  23. Jay says:
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    @Cc Oh, are you kidding? I loathe the woman, and I’ve said so many times. I just think everyone is acting stupid by saying she’s mentally ill. It’s insulting to those who are legitimately mentally ill to refer to Lauren’s behavior as insane. She’s entitled, unhygienic, and passive-aggressive, but those aren’t mental illnesses. She’s a nasty piece of work, but that doesn’t mean she belongs in a psychiatric hospital.

  24. Jay says:
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    @Casey I’m not condoning them, you silly person. I’m just saying that they’re only fraudsters in the same sense that a palm-reader or an astrologer is. I mean, did you watch the CBB with Jackie Stallone? She ran a business predicting futures through palm-reading, astrology, and “rump-reading.” Was she a fraud? Certainly. Do I have sympathy for people stupid enough to pay her for those rubbish services? Absolutely not. Stupidity loves company. I feel the same about the Harries.

    And you’ve honestly never had an unhygienic flatmate? You’re lucky, I’ll grant you, but Charlotte is known for wetting the bed and defecating in her pants, and that’s much more disgusting, to me, than forgetting to flush. Yet no one’s accusing her of mental illness.

    Once again, I really dislike Lauren, but I think it’s just very childish and stupid to call someone “insane” just because you don’t like him or her. It happens all the time these days. People act like they’re doctors, and people get over-diagnosed with rubbish “syndromes” and “disorders” when, really, the truth of the matter is that Lauren’s just an entitled, delusional, manipulative woman. No need to psychoanalyze her. I’d actually feel sorry for her if she had a mental illness, because that wouldn’t be her fault. As it stands, I can judge her based on her own merits.

  25. Casey says:
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    No, l have NEVER had to ask anyone that l have lived with to flush their excrement away and why should l have to feel lucky about that we certainly didnt live like pigs. Even my young children know what to do after they have been to the tiolet. If you are in control you shouldnt have to be asked to remember the most basic hygen. Lauren’s reaction after being caught out was to ask Carol “is it bad”, well YEAH of course it’s bad!!!! No apology to Carol.
    You may need some counselling from Lesley Stewart about choosing your flat mates and share a couple of joints together.
    Oh, shes also a marriage/couples councillor, transgender counsellor, life coach etc, etc, etc.
    Don’t recall Lesley Stewart, aka Kate Harries. Lauren says her mother enjoys a bit of weed.
    The person you think is no more than silly palm reader is capable of doing a lot a damage. Look at James/Lauren.

Reply to irene pearson

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