


  • Entered Day 1
  • Winner Day 23
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Charlotte Crosby is a British reality television personality who shot to fame on Geordie Shore. Her on-off relationship with fellow cast mate Gaz has kept viewers gripped. Famously labelled as Cheryl Cole’s favourite, Charlotte loves to be the centre of attention and describes herself as fun, loveable, ditzy and laid back.

In April 2013 Charlotte was kicked out of the Geordie Shore house after a fight with Gaz when she caught him sneaking a party guest upstairs. In dramatic scenes deemed too violent to be shown on MTV, Charlotte managed to pull a bed apart with her bare hands, breaking her foot in the process.

When joining the show Charlotte admitted she only ever went out with £10 in her purse and often resorted to stealing drinks off the bar or from other people’s tables. Charlotte has woken up in some strange places including a police cell, a bar toilet and the roof of her house. Her favourite party trick is balancing super noodles from each nipple.

Charlotte’s unique diet regime – the “tin diet” consists of only eating food straight from the tin, such as cold beans and spaghetti hoops.

When it comes to earning a living, Charlotte is not overly fussed about starting a career and is quite happy working in a local bar after failing college twice. The job is easy as she only ever works a maximum of three hours with her biggest responsibility being chopping up lemons. She also refuses to work in the evening because it interrupts her partying schedule with her five best friends, the DCR (Dance Crew Rejects).

Charlotte admits she’s terrible in relationships and once got dumped by a boyfriend who labelled her a psycho for breaking into his house and getting into bed with his dad. She says: “Girls call me a slut, ex-boyfriends call me a psycho and my Mum calls me an idiot.”

Latest on Charlotte

  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments

  3. 15 comments


  1. sarah says:
    Reply Report

    😥 ohhh no am feeling bullied by u trolls :tongue: 😀 ur all getting reported :tongue: 😀

  2. sam says:
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    Shouldn’t you be doin’ your homework little girl :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

  3. Sarah says:
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    @sam haha I wish 😀 :tongue:

  4. fancypants says:
    Reply Report

    Notice how it was the two Z-listers Charlotte & Mario who were most offended by viewers comments. Everyone else took it quite well. Earth to Charlotte & Mario, not everyone thinks you’re all that!!! …Negative Noreen to win :up:

  5. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    lol I wonder if Noreen has a fan club !!! 😀

  6. SS says:
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    Na, just the 3 followers on Twitter. You’d like her though, she’s a Dexter fan. 😉

  7. Sarah says:
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    Ooooh Charlotte for as much as u do make me laugh u really shud of just buttoned it tonight :conf: not doing yourself any favours 🙁

  8. Cornelius the 3rd says:
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    😀 great post. Couldnt have put it Berger myself.

  9. SS says:
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    Charlotte showing herself to be quite bitter and jealous. Whether Lauren saw a doctor or not was nothing to do with it.

    It was a choice between Charlotte/Abz and Louie/Vicky to get their letters from home. Lauren’s letter was shredded as well, so it wouldn’t have made any difference to whether Charlotte or Louie got there letters.

  10. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    Charlotte got put in her place then ha ha ha ha such a gobby cow. :down: Soooo glad Vicky put her in her place VICKY TO WIN NOW just for that lol :up:

  11. lee says:
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    @Madelinevicky is nowt but a old hasbeen drunk trying to take libertys on charlotte shes grow ob me she should win vicky is a bitch

  12. rodge says:
    Reply Report

    Do you think the pennies starting to drop with Charlotte? First she gets it from..’The Legend That Is’-Negative Noreen. Then from Vicky. Is she learning that BB is more of a cerebral experience, about social interaction amongst people from totally different backgrounds & how over time, different layers of each person start to unravel to show different sides. That’s why BB is so fascinating. It is more of a social experiment than all out dumb entertainment. Outside of the Geordie Shore bubble, or the civilised world as we call it, not everyone is gonna love you or your cave woman antics, just a fact of life, deal with it, stop being a cry baby. Go back to Geordie Shore to get mortal, & puke & piss & fart & crap & shag till your tits explode for all we care. Just don’t expect everyone to give you a round of applause & love you for it. Like before, the vast majority of the viewing population will choose not to watch it. This is the path in life that you have chosen, In the end I hope you’re happy.

  13. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    I totally agree with Vicky when she said ‘is this girl supposed to be a role model for young girls, ha, she won’t be any doctor or lawyer that stupid fat Geordie slag’!

    Fk off back to Geordie land you bed-wetting fat walrus!!! You ain’t got to brain cells to rub together!

  14. Lee says:
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    @Yogi she isn’t a Geordie u bell end and leave her alone she’s class

  15. Chellbelle says:
    Reply Report

    Everybody writing on here are saddos,if that’s all u have time to do is sit and judge other people then get a life it’s only a t.v programme if u don’t like her don’t watch then and get a grip,live and let live each to there own bunch of hypocrites.that is all

  16. Cell says:
    Reply Report

    Yogi u weirdo live and let live,run along and get a life away from your computer where all you do is sit and judge others if you don’t like it don’t watch it it’s only t.v boy.CHAR to win 😉

  17. Chellbelle says:
    Reply Report

    Pat on the back lee well said yogi is a bell end lol or is that us judging him stupid wee prick

  18. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    Articulate and true, well said Rodge :up: You put your point across without resorting to the infantile bilge of the ‘if you don’t like it don’t watch’ brigade i.e. Lee, Chelbelle & Cell. Not surprised they support the moron that is Charlotte :down:

  19. Lee says:
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    Your the moron u sad bitch she’s a proper laugh am a Geordie and don’t like makems but she is class a hope she wins @Madeline

  20. Lee says:
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    A no wot is there problem she’s the best on in there and mario and Louie haha oh my god I’ve lost a day haha@Chellbelle

  21. Lee says:
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    Noreens name is shit @Maybee

  22. Sarah says:
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    I agree hun!!! Far too many charlotte haters on here :envy: she makes me giggle #charlotte to win 😉

  23. Madeline says:
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    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 love it you absolutely prove what a complete and utter moron you are 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 @Lee

  24. Lee says:
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    Wotever u silly old cow Charlotte is gou g to win boo hoo 😥 @Madeline

  25. Lee says:
    Reply Report

    Haha least the real people in there no vicky was out ov order last night h :up:

Reply to Noria

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