


  • Entered Day 1
  • Winner Day 23
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Charlotte Crosby is a British reality television personality who shot to fame on Geordie Shore. Her on-off relationship with fellow cast mate Gaz has kept viewers gripped. Famously labelled as Cheryl Cole’s favourite, Charlotte loves to be the centre of attention and describes herself as fun, loveable, ditzy and laid back.

In April 2013 Charlotte was kicked out of the Geordie Shore house after a fight with Gaz when she caught him sneaking a party guest upstairs. In dramatic scenes deemed too violent to be shown on MTV, Charlotte managed to pull a bed apart with her bare hands, breaking her foot in the process.

When joining the show Charlotte admitted she only ever went out with £10 in her purse and often resorted to stealing drinks off the bar or from other people’s tables. Charlotte has woken up in some strange places including a police cell, a bar toilet and the roof of her house. Her favourite party trick is balancing super noodles from each nipple.

Charlotte’s unique diet regime – the “tin diet” consists of only eating food straight from the tin, such as cold beans and spaghetti hoops.

When it comes to earning a living, Charlotte is not overly fussed about starting a career and is quite happy working in a local bar after failing college twice. The job is easy as she only ever works a maximum of three hours with her biggest responsibility being chopping up lemons. She also refuses to work in the evening because it interrupts her partying schedule with her five best friends, the DCR (Dance Crew Rejects).

Charlotte admits she’s terrible in relationships and once got dumped by a boyfriend who labelled her a psycho for breaking into his house and getting into bed with his dad. She says: “Girls call me a slut, ex-boyfriends call me a psycho and my Mum calls me an idiot.”

Latest on Charlotte

  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments

  3. 15 comments


  1. shanice says:
    Reply Report

    i rushed my senten
    ce what i was ment to say is haters go away and charlotte to win all the wayyy :heart:

  2. David Dee says:
    Reply Report

    Even if Charlotte is up for eviction every week,like Dexter,not only will she survive but she will go one better than Dexter.

  3. frodo says:
    Reply Report

    Charlie Travers on bbbots tonight, what a babe. Class act. Get her back in the house, she could have some DC’s with Abz & dustin.

  4. Shaunna says:
    Reply Report

    Charlotte to win. I absolutely love her. Adored her in Geordie shore an adore her on big brother. And loving holly hagn on bb bots for the second time

  5. Shaunna says:
    Reply Report

    Charlotte to win. I absolutely love her. Adored her in Geordie shore an adore her on big brother. And loving holly hagn on bb bots for the second time

  6. mozza says:
    Reply Report

    When I watch Charlotte, I’m reminded of the beautiful, demure, English roses in Emma, Wuthering heights & Pride & Predjudice. Sigh. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

  7. Axxia says:
    Reply Report

    Now she’s keeping it real…with out the nastiness, bullying and vitrol (unlike Carol\Louie).

    Charlotte for the win!!!!

  8. Loveistheanswer says:
    Reply Report

    Keepin’ it real & tellin’ it like it is are the 2 most over used phrases in the last 10 years. Translated, it means being rude & insensitive to people, without having to face the consequences. When you challenge them the pat answer is usually I couldn’t give a shit. This isn’t teenagers who have this attitude, it’s people like Charlotte(23), Carol(53) & Louie(44). Just a symptom of the selfish, me me me society we’re living in. Frightening!!! Nobody to win :down:

  9. casey says:
    Reply Report

    Oh she’s so happy now she’s got her little gangy wangy back together. Like being in the school playground. Said she missed Carol farting in bed in the mornings????? Her idea of entertainment is retarded. What a beyond stupid moron 🙁

  10. thomas says:
    Reply Report

    never mind “geordie slag”, shes a NATIONAL slag, she could slag for Britain!

  11. Casey says:
    Reply Report

    Unfortunately we share the same name but not the same views. Charlotte may be loud and silly but she has given a lot of entertainment to the house. There are others in the house, Lauren in particular and Courtney, one of whom is so deluded and painful to watch and the other a complete fake in every way and l have been very vocal about both of them on their respective pages but Charlotte has not changed herself for anyone. I don’t think she really has a bad bone in her body and she calls it as she sees It. She stands up for herself and doesn’t fake things like others. Yes she is silly and outlandish but calling her a slag is going a big too far. Charlotte adds far more to the house than Courtney the fake or dazed and totally confused Lauren.

  12. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    How desperate is Charlotte to win! She obviously thinks if she keeps talking about penis’s, blowjobs, shit & piss it is going to make people like her???? How seriously deluded she is. She is playing the biggest game but I really hope she falls flat on her face & the public aren’t conned by this vile waste of space. Makes me ashamed to think that she is in there representing young people in Britain today.

  13. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    If u think she is deluded or not madelaine the majority of the public DO like her. 😉

  14. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    * madeline

  15. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    Sarah, you have no idea whatsoever if the ‘majority’ of the public like her, only time will tell. I have yet to talk to anyone that actually likes her. But, we are all entitled to our opinion, mine is different from yours 😉

  16. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    Well yeah I cant exactly say everyone likes her because that would be very presumptuous on my behalf. But the majority of votes on this and the main big brother polls have got charlotte and lauren as there favourites to win :tongue: so I should say the majority of the big brother watchers and voters like her. I don’t know what all the complaining about her is all about…… IF U DONT LIKE ALL THE ANTICS TURN OVER AND WATCH THE ANTIQUES ROADSHOW may be better suited to u deary 😀

  17. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    @Sarah Get over yourself love, you really are pathetic. Do you think anyone would stop watching just because of one person??? Would love to get into a debate about CBB but as you obviously aren’t capable of any intelligent conversation ‘ i.e. your brainless ‘ I will just ignore you 😀

  18. sarah says:
    Reply Report

    @Madeline Brainless 😀 ohh huni, go collect your pension and stop acting all high and mighty and old….Get it Got it Good :tongue:

  19. sarah says:
    Reply Report

    @Madeline And if you dont like the girl get off this forum and go moan somewhere else. :up:

  20. sam says:
    Reply Report

    This forum isn’t for fans to kiss ass. Everyone is entitled to an opinion good or bad. Charlottes an obnoxious dick, deal with it or sod of & watch cbeebies, halfwit :down:

  21. thomas says:
    Reply Report

    Re, MAD ELAINE & Sarah, 2 twats go to war!

  22. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  23. Madeline says:
    Reply Report

    @sam Yaaay go Sam lol :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

  24. sarah says:
    Reply Report

    @sam yeah i know that cockend 😉

  25. sarah says:
    Reply Report

    @thomas yeah for ur pleasure only 😀

Reply to Shaunna

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