


  • Entered Day 18
  • Evicted Day 53
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Are you Dr Marc now?
I will be! I graduate in October. I’m going to America in December to work there for a year, so I don’t care what happens in here, I am going to go mad. I’ll do whatever you want me to do!

Are people surprised when you say you’re a scientist?
I look stupid, I know. Scientists don’t look like me. That’s why I love surprising people. I love challenging people’s intelligence. I love catching people out.

Will you fit in with the housemates?
Oh no! Do I think I’ll win this? God no! I know that. I’ve got a better chance of winning the lottery than winning this.

But, as a boxer, you must be competitive?
I’m competitive at some things. I’ve watched the first two episodes before my exams started and I can just see how some of them are acting. You’re not actors, just be yourselves!

Is there anyone in particular who you think is acting?
I know Jade already. I guarantee that if you asked her to spell ‘polyamorous’ she couldn’t! Cristian is a first year bio-med and he says he’s going to be a surgeon. Well, bio-med isn’t surgery. It’s not even medicine. It’s the one you do when you can’t get into general science.

So will you get on with Cristian?
No! I won’t get on with anyone. I might get on with Jack. The only thing that lets him down is that he doesn’t like a drink and if he tells me that I’ll tell him to f*** off!

You describe yourself as the gayest straight man?
I am the gayest straight man around, but I’m not gay. I wish I was; life would be so much easier. It would explain an awful lot!

Speaking of which, you’re a scientist by day but a stripper by night…
Yes, I’m a Pleasure Boy which entails giving pleasure to others! I do it in a classy way. You have the dirty shows which are what everyone has in mind, but then there are things like hen parties where it’s just traditional to get a stripper. You’ve got to be mindful that she might start doing stupid stuff in front of the mother-in-law and you have to have your wits about you to go, ‘What are you doing?’

And we hear you’ve got three alter egos?
Marc with a C Is the scientist, Mark with a K Is the stripper and Marq with a Q is an absolute lunatic!

You are part of Big Brother’s biggest Timebomb so far. Do you feel under pressure to live up to that?
No, no pressure at all. I’m never lonely when I have alcohol and the other Marc comes out. I am going to be in the diary room slating everybody.

Will you be looking to get girls into bed in the house?
Why would you want to? There are girls in there playing games. And they’re playing games more because the camera makes you worse than you are. Especially Jade. I’ve built up a tolerance to hate her already.

Latest on Marc

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  2. 21 comments


  1. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    Exactly, people seem to love him, Who cares if he saved Danny. That was weeks ago

  2. lucyloo says:
    Reply Report

    Since Helen came in Marc got worse. Who is he going to have when Helen goes

  3. Mia says:
    Reply Report

    I just think when your gonna accuse someone of being a bully you should back it up with evidence! It’s funny though I watched a you tube video yesterday of nikki ‘ s series and she calls ashlyne a bully in the diary room .. haha oh but now they are bestie? Seems like the bully card is thrown around very loosely by people. Now danny thinks he loved and hearing the public reaction for helen watch him now jump down marcs throat for every little thing.. could read him like a book wonder though if he as pally with Jack though as a week ago it was his bestfriend that he loved having his cosy little bitchy chats with. So fake!!!

  4. Abby570 says:
    Reply Report

    Marc’s a good guy. Being friends with Helen shouldn’t mean votes by default. He has a good chance of winning and I don’t think he’s done anything wrong x

  5. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    ‘Good guy’ my arse. Absolute selfish man, bullies everybody no one can even speak to him without him being vile to them. Helen’s gone he just needs to go, probably won’t though because people seem to love a nasty person.

    1. Mary says:

      Mark to win love him

  6. liz says:
    Reply Report

    Marc will win bb this year unfortunately! Most people don’t bother to vote unless they have a point to prove ie – backing a controversial winner. Most normal people have lost all faith in the voting system since ‘IT’ won the show last year! It’s only a matter of time before big brother comes to an end because it’s not giving the majority of viewers what they want! Marc is a wan**r and is unpopular with most viewers therefore he will win!

  7. mia says:
    Reply Report

    If your point about the voting system was correct surely someone who has challenged marc and not been nice to him e.g danny would have gone Friday night?

  8. applejack says:
    Reply Report

    Ok so Marc is not a bully!!! YES he is a wind up merchant but it is all only in fun. Marc is not malicious. He does have a good heart :heart:
    I think you have got to have the same kind of banta to “get him”. he is the most honest HM there ever was.

    Loved Danny for the first few weeks until marc entered the house. This is when Danny TRIED to make all 8-stone of him self the alpha male.
    Danny try’s to defend he’s actions by making out he is “sticking” up for other HM’s. It is clear as day that this is not sincere.
    He is trying to get the publics backing by playing the hero.
    He has became the biggest pigeon chested bitch in the house.
    Danny would NOT speak to Marc in the same way on the outside of the house because he would be put straight on he’s arse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :up:
    Danny knows that he has the protection of the camera’s as he honestly could not put the cat out.

    Marc on the other hand is showing great restraint.
    Because if some one was so closely aggressive to me (nose to nose) I would of bit the damm thing right off…

    And as some one else said, I think Marc got more of a telling off for calling Bryan a psycho (which it true) than Danny did for actual assault!!

  9. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    Marc should go this week but everyone knows he won’t because they want him to keep being horrible to people

  10. lauren says:
    Reply Report

    He looked well annoyed when they already had the 80’s party lol

  11. Haizel Morrisey says:
    Reply Report

    Ooh he’s funny Marc he does take it over the top a lot of the time but he is funny aswell.

  12. Chell x says:
    Reply Report

    Get him out

  13. DanS says:
    Reply Report

    Get this creature out! I don’t know where they scouted this man but he is a psycho! Look at his picture for heck’s sake. Even in that he looks like an escaped mental patient.

    Chloe, Danny, or Joel to win!!!!!! :up: :up: :up:

  14. sandy says:
    Reply Report

    Marc won’t go this week

  15. Richard says:
    Reply Report

    MARC TO WIN…House would be shite without him! no one else deserves to win..danny is a bitch!!!

  16. liz says:
    Reply Report

    Can’t stand marc :down:

  17. col says:
    Reply Report

    :happy: marc seems like a nice person far better to know where you stand with a person than have them two face idiots praise you to your face then bitch behind your back that danny is a bully if that attitude was towards a girl he would be out of there its equal rights now so remove him

  18. Kath Meynell says:
    Reply Report

    Love Marc. He deserves to win

  19. liz says:
    Reply Report

    Marc does bitch behind people’s backs as well as to their faces. He thinks he’s gods gift, I don’t like arrogance in a person. Im glad the other housemates are not letting him call all the shots now, it was soo boring when the show was just about him prancing around in his underwear disrespecting all the women in the house.

  20. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    He hasn’t been as bad this week to be fair. I think he should go but he won’t .

  21. lee says:
    Reply Report

    Obviously marc has to win!!! Genuine housemate! Everyone bitches but if you are willing to say it to there face also then it’s fair game! Not like all them other dicks brown nosing and not saying anything to each other’s face! Plus marc has had it hard it there for ages now, top man!!!!

  22. mia says:
    Reply Report

    I think I’ve made it clear.. I love marc! Would be terrible to see him go Friday however might be fun to see all these so called nicey nicey people turn on each other now they won’t have marc to blame for everything! I agree he’s getting a beating in there marc atm lol big brother keeps sending in people who don’t like him when as you can see on here there clearly a big backing for marc also .. I’m surprised he hasn’t lost the plot in there might be best for him if he did go! Still … hope he doesn’t love him :heart: true winner :heart:

  23. shannon says:
    Reply Report

    NOT A TRUE WINNER AT ALL! he’s selfish and mean and just walks around the house being horrible to people. He HAS To GO.

  24. Rob says:
    Reply Report

    Genuine, Had it hard in there … Yeah. He Makes everyone else’s time hard in there :down:

  25. MikeDublin says:
    Reply Report

    Marc’s arguing tactics:
    Ask for an example of his bad behaviour.
    If you can’t give one, he keeps repeating to give him one example.
    If you give him an example that he can’t refute, he says “well that’s just the kind of person I am.”
    He has said all along that he wanted to stir things up and be unpopular.
    Now that he has ruined the experience for most people, he suddenly turns into Mother Teresa and says “who, me?”

Reply to Chell x

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