


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 66
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Why do you want to enter the Big Brother House?
It’s entertainment isn’t it? Just one of those things in your life so you can say that you’ve done it.

What will you do with the money if you win?
Pay off my parents’ mortgage, go on holiday. Then I’d treat my friends. I go on a minibus every week called the Banana bus to watch my team, Plymouth Argyle, play football, and I said that if I win I’ll take the bus to France to watch England play next year in the Euros.

Big Brother could make you famous. Would you like that attention and what has been your closest celebrity encounter to date?
I met a few athletes when I worked at a Fast Food Outlet in the Olympics. I met Sir Chris Hoy and had a few photos with him because they had given me the wrong pass. I didn’t tell them until the end but they had given me a pass to go in the athletes’ village.

Which former Big Brother Housemate would you say you were most like and why?
I liked Chris from the last series. It is all about being yourself in there, there’s no point in being fake or anything you’re not.

Which traits do you find most annoying in a Housemate?
People who are stuck up annoy me. People who won’t listen to reason!

Are you looking for love in the Big Brother House?
Yes, but I don’t bother with that. I haven’t got time. My love is football, Plymouth Argyle!

What has been your greatest achievement?
I would bring up the Olympic Games. It is one of the greatest things I’ve done in my life. I’ve also been on Deal or No Deal and won £7000 which wasn’t too bad!

What do you bring to the House?
Housemates may find me annoying because I can talk a lot, but some Housemates may like that because I can keep them entertained. I can cook!

What story from your past will you use to break the ice?
When I did the hurdles in secondary school. I did the first two then hit the last four. Pie Face Hurdles it’s called. It’s on You Tube!

What will you do to win?
I am pretty competitive. There is no point entering the House if you don’t want to win the competition. There is no point playing to not win.

What do you love most in the world and what will you miss in the House?
Family. Plymouth Argyle, massively. We might be going to Wembley in the playoffs. I have waited years to go to Wembley and the year that we could do it I might not be able to go!

Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
I’d love to do something within entertainment. If I could do something within the media and football perhaps or Mock The Week. I feel I have got a witty brain and could come out with quick answers!

Latest on Jack

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  1. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry Jack, but you don’t have a witty brain. Jack repeats something over and over until people get so fed up they accept his argument, but that’s not being witty.

  2. Oddlegs says:
    Reply Report

    He’s going to regret turning down that BMW worth £27.000, he is being drawn into a false sense of security by the others thinking he’s going to win it!! He’s going to end up with nothing, Silly boy!

  3. Hannah says:
    Reply Report

    Put this one in a dress (and take his idiotic hat off) and he looks just like Susan boyle’s brother!

  4. liz says:
    Reply Report

    Well done jack for standing up to Helen and Marc and sticking up for the lovely Brian Belo! :up:

    1. jennyjuniper says:

      The ‘lovely Brian Belo’ was the one who nominated Chloe to start with. The others were going to put her in another zone until Brian suggested her.
      Marc can be heard saying ‘Let Chloe have her say’ when Brian Bellend kicked off. Notice that Jack scurried after Brian instead of comforting his friend.
      Also Jack’s tired old line ‘Show some respect’ is getting too much. Someone tell the dickhead respect is to be earned and he hasn’t earned any.

    2. voice says:

      I agree with Jenny the amount getting housemates to gang up on simon for being two faced and talking behind people’s back – and then he goes on to do it 200% more than him and then stir and talks behind people’s back and even Marc when he was out of the house -if he acts respectful – he mind get respect – but he does not so I wish he would shut up

  5. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    The sooner Jack is nominated for eviction the better ~ I’m still hoping.

  6. voice says:
    Reply Report

    Jack is always trying to be a hero AGAIN – but he is very trying and acting like the king of the castle – and it was like how dare you nominate my friend – and everyone likes the old house mates – the click for who they are – come on Jack – I would have nominated Cristain or Jack – they are not going to nominate each other – Jack Chloe Danny and Cristain are like in a little army – I believe that Brian is feeling guilty about his nomination for Chloe – everyone handled it badly who spoke – even Chloe admits if she had not cried over her nomination – all of the drama would not have happened

  7. voice says:
    Reply Report

    I am fed of Jack acting like he is important and what he says is important that he can dominate and tell simon what to do – I hope someone tells him the truth and what kind of awful guy he is – he knows how to bully but when it is him on the end of it – he acts like the victim – he talks the talk all big but does not walk the walk – looking for support for his bad actions from the other old housemates – he is so sensitve about what people say about him and tried to dismiss their points of view- he is so ready to dish it out but cannot take it

  8. Liza Monty says:
    Reply Report

    I agree, very boring housemate

  9. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    😀 At long last he’s been nominated (by Simon) So “Get Jack Out !!”

  10. Paul S. says:
    Reply Report

    TOTAL FAKE! He is so, so sly & two-faced.

    He can dish it out…..but can’t take it.

    The guy needs to go.

    On top of that he looks like a middle-aged women in his dressing gown.

  11. Paul S. says:
    Reply Report

    TOTAL FAKE! He is so, so sly & two-faced.

    He can dish it out…..but can’t take it.

    The guy needs to go.

    On top of that, he looks like a middle-aged woman in his dressing gown.

  12. Chloe says:
    Reply Report

    Finally!! The twit has been nominated!! Let’s all vote him out now!!

  13. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    Think he should go just moans at people. I think he wishes he took the car

  14. mia says:
    Reply Report

    So fake! And the most bitch two faced housemateI’m there the way he went at Simon for being two faced hahah yet constantly is two faced and just so annoying!! Slob.

  15. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    I really wanted him to go. But would feel a little bit sorry for him if he did because he wanted to keep the housemates prize money and not take the car

  16. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    I would really like Jack to leave tonight. It would be even better if Danny the Weazel went, but seeing as he’s managed to slither out of being nominated yet again, it’ll have to be Jack for me.
    Not that he’s the worst one in there, but if he stays he will fall right back in line and be part of the Weazel’s clique and those four Danny, Chloe, Jack and Cristian will sail right on to the final, when not one of them deserves it.
    If you are a fan of Sam or Harry, then it’s wise to vote Jack out too, because if Marc goes, three guesses as to who the Weazel and his clique will be after next?

  17. Maz M says:
    Reply Report

    Unfortunately I can’t have my wish that Danny will be booted out so I’ll have to settle for Jack ( burn the dressing gown son when you go ….)
    MARC to win !
    Hilarious quips and has been true to himself. …

  18. Camille says:
    Reply Report

    Very Glad Jack Stayed.. There was Marc.. You’re gone Friday, you’re gone Friday. … Big Brother House this Is Emma And Tenth to be evicted is.. Marc.

  19. sally says:
    Reply Report

    Pity jack didn’t go on Friday. Shock Mark went

  20. the truth says:
    Reply Report

    Well done big brother for letting a huge
    chunk of the winners prize money fall into
    the hands of a fat old gambler.
    Out of all the contestants in this years show
    Jack is obviously the worst possible choice to
    get a cash bonus, he will blow his suitcase of
    cash on the casino tables or in a few seconds
    in a round of poker with a bad set of cards.
    Big brother you should all feel proud o
    of yourselves for this great achievement.

    1. Wexford says:

      It’s up to Jack what he does with his cash ! Waste it or not, I’m just glad that weasel Danny & preacher Chloe didn’t.

Reply to mia

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