


  • Entered Day 40
  • Evicted Day 58
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Zoe was catapulted in to the public eye in 2002 at the age of 16 when she reached the live finals ITV talent contest Pop Idol, starring Simon Cowell: “I was the little podgy kid with the dreadlocks”. She was voted off in fourth place, but was the highest placing female contestant.

After Pop Idol, Zoe signed to Simon Fuller’s 19 Recordings, and released her debut single, ‘Treat Me Like A Lady’. Unfortunately it only reached a chart peak of number 12, and she was dropped. She now works in theatre, with credits including Priscilla: Queen of the Desert and Thriller: Live.

Zoe is very close to her “bonkers” family who she credits with keeping her “humble and sane”; she “runs every little thing past them, and if they don’t agree, then I won’t do it”. Since leaving home, she has always lived alone and can’t imagine sharing a house, even if she gets married. She claims she’s the “worst snorer in the world”.

Zoe is passionate about life, describing herself as “a massive joker who lives and breathes music”, “a real life walking Pocahontas”, a “gay man trapped inside a woman’s body” and the British version of Beyoncé. She tries hard not to ever be negative – her mantra is: you’re born and you die and it’s all about the middle bit and what you do with it.”

“Being funny” and having a “good energy which can lift other people’s moods” are Zoe’s best traits. Her worst is that she gets bored quickly and always needs people to bounce off – she has “absolutely no patience” and thinks that could be problematic in the house.

When it comes to men, Zoe has a type; tanned skin, dark hair with tattoos. She had a six-year romance with Big Brother 6 winner Anthony Hutton, but hasn’t had any serious relationships since. Zoe has always been faithful but admits to being the dumper in her relationships.

She gets on best with positive and interesting people who “aren’t in the same business “as her, and would struggle to get on with “beige people” and those who “don’t grab life by the horns”.

Zoe thinks she’ll be a fun, energetic housemate who is full of banter, but although she believes it’s possible she can win Big Brother, she acknowledges it’ll be harder for her joining halfway through: “People have made relationships and the public probably already have their favourites.”

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  1. 5 comments

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  3. 6 comments


  1. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    No one should ever give up on a dream.

  2. Tory says:
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    @ Bob totally agree just peas me off how she thinks she is better and more “interesting” than anyone around her I really liked the girl at first she is way down in my estimations now ….

  3. Busy Bee says:
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    Can’t wait for tonights eviction get Zoe out ! Fingers crossed.

  4. Amber says:
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    GET ZOE OUT, the minute ashleigh says in front of everyone zoe shows no emotions she goes into the bed room and cries about missing her family if tahts not playing up i dont know what is.

  5. Tory says:
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    I agree Amber what a performance but she had to get it in that she doesn’t miss her family when she is on TOUR lol 😀 😀 😀

  6. catfish says:
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  7. Andrea says:
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    Please get Zoe out and also can she take Mark with her both want to be wannabes not on this planet sick and tired of there voices so annoying,also I hope Mark gets boos he deserves it this week after all his acting up,hissy fits and the treatment of Christopher

  8. Gabby says:
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    Zoe mam did a good job defending her daughter tonight must be hard for her reading all the negative comments.well done Zoe’s mam.

  9. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report


    I hope any Mother would defend their own child, to me it speaks volumes that we have seen or heard from siblings family members and close friends of all the housemates…………………
    Apart from a letter and telephone call from a ‘friend’ of Helens’ – who is also and employee…… i.e she is paid a salary by Helen……….what have we actually heard ??

  10. MikeNew says:
    Reply Report

    “put me in a house with normal people who like work in Tesco or whatever that’s fair enough but for me I would have too many stories, too much life experience and people wouldn’t be able to keep up on par with me on conversation”

    I don’t care what she says, it is unforgivable.

    Mind you, having said that, if she thinks the current house mates are intelligent she is not the brightest spark around anyway.

  11. L-G says:
    Reply Report

    I’m so glad Zoe had gone. She without question had an overinflated impression of herself. Even the song she chose to walk out of the house to says it all. As for the recent news and Stephen and Kimberley, they absolutely make me sick, what a disgusting couple

  12. L-G says:
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    Totally agree!!! What an annoying character who deffo thinks she is something@catfish

  13. Nellie says:
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    Ok Zoe!…. Miss “I work in the west end you know” Burkitt.
    What a complete arse you have made of your self. No ordinary decent hard working people. like those who are employed by Tesco would want to hear your endless talking and squealing they would glaze over listening to your boring stories , mainly about yourself, you stupid girl you are so full of self importance and you have zero self awareness. No one cares about your stories. I suppose you feel the ensemble dancers (who the show needs as much as you) on your stage productions don’t have the same stories as you because they don’t headline …. oh dear you are so deluded! As for that comment about your fella saying you are elite ! not pretty not gorgeous not sexy….. Think he was right in the first half of that conversation. I could not believe you actually said that to another human being what a total big head and if the stories you are on about the public not being able to understand or keep on par with relate to that type of vaucousness you are probably right as most people are above boasting for attention unless they happen to be 7 years old! :doh: enjoy your 5 mins of camera action love coz that’s all you will be getting for a long time. 😀 :tongue: :up:

  14. northernmonkey says:
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    Ahh so miss smiley, look at me i’m so happy all the time face went.


  15. northernmonkey says:
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    She’d outgrown the show 😀

  16. Val74 says:
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    EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking, been bugging me for days who she reminds me of! 😉

  17. susan thorkildsen says:
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    What a player. When it was said she was too happy and “up” all the time, next thing you know she has a little cry for the cameras. Who does she think she is to say that her life is of more value because she doesn’t socialise with the Tesco working type person. Hope she doesn’t go shopping in Tesco’s, and boy , did she pry into other people’s private business, advising what people should do and how they should handle their ” love” interests. sorry, but not impressed with her and glad the public figured her out too.

  18. Keithy says:
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    Zoe should not have been allowwed to go in shes. A celeb and should be in celeb bb she only went in to further her carreer in my view

Reply to Val74

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