


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 9 noms received

Steven is passionate about being successful and is a believer in always trying to outdo his rivals. He set up his first business in 2010, going in to direct competition in his parents – and now, after turning over his first million in 2010, his parents and brothers work for him.

He now aims to become Prime Minister, and would choose money over love because ‘money hurts and affects you less’: ‘I’ve been in love with someone with money, now I would rather have money.’

His last relationship was complicated as he found out the woman he was dating was married, but he is looking for love and says that if he meets someone and he likes them, he will go for it.

Steven says his friends would describe him as funny, easy going and very outgoing and caring. His best personality trait is his generosity: ‘I am extremely generous, spend stupid amounts of money and I’m always the first one at the bar to buy people drinks’.

His worst trait is that he can be controlling: ‘I like to control the situation and make sure I come out good and that I am getting the best of everything’.

Steven has a huge phobia of rats, and he says if he sees one ‘my bowel would probably drop out of my arse!’

He thinks he will be the centre of attention in the house: ‘Put it like this I don’t think I’d be boring. I have always been the centre of attention and I would have to make sure that everyone knew this’.

When asked if he thinks he will win Big Brother, Steven said: ‘Historically people who are gobby and stubborn, they don’t win, but I would like to think I could win’.

Latest on Steven

  1. 5 comments

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  3. 17 comments


  1. Hannah says:
    Reply Report

    Another quote that made me laugh was ‘my grandad always told me: never bite the hand that feeds you’ obviously referring to Pauline. What a twat!!! It’s bb who’s feeding them all!! Pauline just prepares the food because she wants to eat what she likes!!!! I can’t wait to see the back of those two!!!! Bi for now!

  2. Margo says:
    Reply Report

    With all his faults I don’t want him to leave as he’s good TV….we need a few Baddies to balance the programme..especially if Pauline leaves…otherwise it will get dull for the next 10 or so weeks. Anyone know the real reason he was I can’t believe it was over Pauline… not discussed enough on Ryan’s Show

  3. Martha says:
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    His absolutely beautiful! He might have power with money but flirting and getting a girl is not his strength. What a cutie haha 😀

  4. Ginaaa says:
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    Soooooo cringy watch him flirt with Kimberly!

  5. Katie says:
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    He makes me really cringe!!!

  6. jennyjuniper says:
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    Should have gone to specsavers!!

  7. jennyjuniper says:
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    Hi Margo, I think BB should clean house and throw out Pauline, Toya and Helen and bring some new housemates in to liven things up and put a bit of fun back. Did I say back? There hasn’t been much to start with! Steven shot himself in the foot by reacting to being nominated as he did. The tears were because someone had dared to nominate him. His ego really is that massive. He seems to have forgotten the fact that even if there were no power housemate, they would still have to nominate.

  8. Lee says:
    Reply Report

    watching him trying to chat up kimberly was beyond cringeworthy, a totally joyless experience, sounded like he was doing a presentation in the boardroom. Kim’s facial expressions were priceless. He needs to lighten up the crushing bore, girls love humour & laughter, his flirting technique is rubbish!!!

  9. Swog123 says:
    Reply Report

    I love him, toya, ash, mark, winston

  10. kat says:
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    ‘Hi there, I’m Swiss Toni, visiting 119 countries is very much like making love to a beautiful woman’ ………………….bell end :down:

  11. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Steven is not even an interesting housemate. He’s neither ‘good’ or ‘bad’ just a very boring in -between person, who won’t be missed.

  12. Will says:
    Reply Report

    Get him out

    He is a Wet Blanket, I wanna switch off every time I hear him speak.

  13. Violet says:
    Reply Report

    He honestly thinks he’s Great! Can’t remember exactly what he said but a couple of things have been ridiculous! Don’t like him at all

  14. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    Not another week with big head Steven BB will need to heighten the doorways so his head can get thru.
    I,d rather watch paint dry

  15. kelly says:
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    ‘Toya & Matthew have made a massively huge mistake & as a result I will probably go on Friday when it should be someone more insignificant who won’t make as much of a contribution to the house as me’ Hilarious, What a pathetic, pompous ass. You’re massively huge ego will be gone on Friday & you will shed a massively huge amount of tears, & the crowd will greet you with massively huge boo’s. What a massively huge dickhead :tongue: :down:

  16. Sophie says:
    Reply Report

    King of the knobs, complete plank,muppet,delusional , where does he get the misguided confidence from…………eewwwww!

  17. Northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Haha, I think Sophie just about covered it. He really is a tool.

  18. uptop says:
    Reply Report

    As fake as they come.

    Look into it…A family run business since the 50’s! And nowhere close to a millionaire, look at the financials of his companies.

    Just a smug posh daddy’s boy who likes to blow his own trumpet. 😀

  19. e cigarette says:
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    If Stephen was a colour he’d be beige…undercoat. :tongue:

  20. Maybee says:
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    He’s trying this “showmance” with Kimberly :tongue: thinking we’ll keep him in, when I don’t feel there’s any chemistry between them at all. He spouts a load of boring drivel. :down:

  21. Margo says:
    Reply Report

    Even though he’s sly and devious….he’s an interesting character with his smart suits and so-called suave manner….we still haven’t seen the real Steve.. I’m sure there’s a dark side screaming to get out…so I don’t want him to leave…..better Steve than Mark wailling and screaming…..Steve and Ash have to stay or BB is finished for me

  22. mick says:
    Reply Report

    if he’s rich then how come theres nothing about him on the web..whats his company??i smell bullshit

  23. Mickey says:
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    Ugh why’d they save him for?. Boring and creepy around Kimberly. The only moment I’ve enjoyed involving him was when he was clearly unamused that the crowd was booing him during last weeks eviction.

  24. ohdear says:
    Reply Report

    When I see him on screen I think of goldfish. Because I’ve completely forgotten him in 3 seconds. :down:

  25. Northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @ohdear Haha, he is seriously dull, just another spineless egomaniac.

Reply to lynne

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