


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 9 noms received

Steven is passionate about being successful and is a believer in always trying to outdo his rivals. He set up his first business in 2010, going in to direct competition in his parents – and now, after turning over his first million in 2010, his parents and brothers work for him.

He now aims to become Prime Minister, and would choose money over love because ‘money hurts and affects you less’: ‘I’ve been in love with someone with money, now I would rather have money.’

His last relationship was complicated as he found out the woman he was dating was married, but he is looking for love and says that if he meets someone and he likes them, he will go for it.

Steven says his friends would describe him as funny, easy going and very outgoing and caring. His best personality trait is his generosity: ‘I am extremely generous, spend stupid amounts of money and I’m always the first one at the bar to buy people drinks’.

His worst trait is that he can be controlling: ‘I like to control the situation and make sure I come out good and that I am getting the best of everything’.

Steven has a huge phobia of rats, and he says if he sees one ‘my bowel would probably drop out of my arse!’

He thinks he will be the centre of attention in the house: ‘Put it like this I don’t think I’d be boring. I have always been the centre of attention and I would have to make sure that everyone knew this’.

When asked if he thinks he will win Big Brother, Steven said: ‘Historically people who are gobby and stubborn, they don’t win, but I would like to think I could win’.

Latest on Steven

  1. 5 comments

  2. 5 comments

  3. 17 comments


  1. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @The Bronze Age, where everyone had a tan
    so so correct. :up: :up: :up: :up:

  2. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Anyone notice just how concerned Steven seemed when he was in the Diary Room just then talking about Kim?

  3. Chris Bolton says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    Yes he was so concerned he couldn’t stop eating his sandwich, being concerned certainly didn’t affect his appetite. He is a total fake, the only person he cares about is himself. As for Kim, what a coward, hope she goes back where she came from. :down: :doh:

  4. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    No he’s very annoying but come on Helen its 100x worse.

  5. danny-p says:
    Reply Report

    @Liz Helen looks like she needs a good wash and yes she’s the spawn of Satan. But I’ve never seen a more delusional man in my life than Steven. He has serious issues

  6. MikeNew says:
    Reply Report

    Disgusting eating habits. Never speak with a full mouth. Really rude to bb doing it.

  7. John Kane says:
    Reply Report So this series, so far, Steven has had messages from his Mam, his Nana and a nice five minute chat with Kim.

    They’d be as well just giving him a mobile phone and the internet.

    This show is a total joke.

  8. john says:
    Reply Report

    2 second steve hahhahahahah just a couple of pumps and ooooooosh no stamina then he joked later that he can do it for hours this is not all blah blah

  9. Wendy says:
    Reply Report

    Steven’s profile say’s he’s controlling and loves attention – well at least he knows he’s bad point’s and they really show to an extreme. He has mastered people skills including manipulation. Doesn’t listen to people he’s already written off. Constantly referencing to himself so self centered.
    If I hear him say I again I think I will go nut’s. He show glimpses of his real personality but when it comes to talking badly about someone else he’s very careful what he say’s, really putting thought into the words used not to look bad. He’s made a desperate attempt to shave his head etc when up against Winston just totry and win the public round – desperate measure’s :down:

  10. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    How true, with him it’s all: Me, Myself and I :down:

  11. Julie says:
    Reply Report

    Get that 2 second wonder out of the house he makes me physically sick every night I hate him arrrrrrgh

  12. Sandra Floyd says:
    Reply Report

    I mute his conversations, can’t bear the horrible man, and a phone call, indeed, BB has lost the plot. Bet he’s worried Kim makes a magazine deal behind his back , hope she does. He’s so FAKE.

  13. Margaret Rose says:
    Reply Report

    The problem for Steven now is that even if he changes his personality to gain public support, who would believe he is genuine. As he has said in the past he has done nothing wrong !!! humility is not one of his strong points. I do think he is stressed and should leave the house on health grounds himself. I am surprised his “personality” was not questioned by BB before entering the house.

  14. mary says:
    Reply Report

    :down: He is a complete moron, bigging himself up and his accounts show he barely has enough for a decent family holiday. What an idiot, he has shown himself to be demanding, controlling, bullying and a nasty person, no wonder Kimberley had a melt down, but she is just a shameless dirty tramp so maybe they deserve each other, having sex on national tv is not classy and if I were their parent I would be mortified, what a pair of dimwits. He did not spare a thought for her boyfriend of 4 years, how would he like it if he were in a relationship and someone did that to him, no morals, no standards ,just ME ME ME, selfish to the end, one of the most horrible housemates ever.

  15. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    He’s no where near as nasty and malicious and aggressive as Helen. Helens the worst housemate ever.

  16. Will says:
    Reply Report

    Without a doubt the creepiest housemate. I cannot watch when he is on the screen. Hate him!! Get him out.

  17. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    He’s just weird.

    Really really weird.

  18. John Kane says:
    Reply Report
  19. Tess says:
    Reply Report

    :up: :up: :up: :up:

  20. kay says:
    Reply Report

    Ash & Winston, for some inexplicable reason think Stephen is absolutely hilarious, you see them with their creepy high pitched laughing, pissing themselves at almost everything Stephen does.
    Am I missing something.
    I mean, they are laughing with him not at him????
    Their sense of humour doesn’t seem to have evolved from the playground.
    Beyond strange :conf:

  21. Sammy says:
    Reply Report

    How funny is the new Stephen, I couldn’t stop laughing, my sides were splitting and I nearly wet my pants, if he gets a red nose out tonight I’ll crack up.
    Funniest guy I’ve seen since that hilarious double act Putin & Merkel :tongue:

  22. Nick says:
    Reply Report

    🙁 control freeeeek & a Nob jockey

  23. Sandy Twomey says:
    Reply Report

    Steven said he had a gastric bypass has anyone seen his scar? I don’t know what to make of this guy and yes he does give me the creeps he said he only sleeps with older and married women.. he is just 24. : :doh: :conf:

  24. A says:
    Reply Report

    John Kane: They’d be as well just giving him a mobile phone and the internet.

    I couldn’t agree more – I just don’t understand why he was given this chat with Kimberly – she’s not a family member or similar, who of course we would expect a housemate to have the right to talk to if they genuinely were hospitalised… she’s just another housemate who he’s known for a few weeks, nothing more. I didn’t see any of the other housemates getting to talk to her to ‘check she’s ok’, so why Steven?

    It genuinely is a joke.

    Also, anyone noticed how Steven is not particularly bothered about her departure, which is obviously completely against what we would expect him to respond like!

    It’s so clearly a setup because he knows EXACTLY why she’s left and where she currently is… if he didn’t, he would be in a complete MESS!

    ‘Where is my darling Kimberly?’
    ‘Is she talking with her boyfriend?’
    ‘Does she still love me?’

    etc etc

    But there’s been NONE of that – literately barely any response at all, and that seems to be so opposite to what he comes across as (i.e. head over heels in love) that the whole exit seems to be engineered in some way…

Reply to Brooke

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