


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 51
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 9 noms received

Steven is passionate about being successful and is a believer in always trying to outdo his rivals. He set up his first business in 2010, going in to direct competition in his parents – and now, after turning over his first million in 2010, his parents and brothers work for him.

He now aims to become Prime Minister, and would choose money over love because ‘money hurts and affects you less’: ‘I’ve been in love with someone with money, now I would rather have money.’

His last relationship was complicated as he found out the woman he was dating was married, but he is looking for love and says that if he meets someone and he likes them, he will go for it.

Steven says his friends would describe him as funny, easy going and very outgoing and caring. His best personality trait is his generosity: ‘I am extremely generous, spend stupid amounts of money and I’m always the first one at the bar to buy people drinks’.

His worst trait is that he can be controlling: ‘I like to control the situation and make sure I come out good and that I am getting the best of everything’.

Steven has a huge phobia of rats, and he says if he sees one ‘my bowel would probably drop out of my arse!’

He thinks he will be the centre of attention in the house: ‘Put it like this I don’t think I’d be boring. I have always been the centre of attention and I would have to make sure that everyone knew this’.

When asked if he thinks he will win Big Brother, Steven said: ‘Historically people who are gobby and stubborn, they don’t win, but I would like to think I could win’.

Latest on Steven

  1. 5 comments

  2. 5 comments

  3. 17 comments


  1. annkaspchar says:
    Reply Report

    😀 you can’t beat a good mass debate, better in groups, never alone :heart: Bob

  2. Frank says:
    Reply Report

    Couldn’t they hear the crowd…… wrong choice and lost a load of support when they are up

  3. Bob says:
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    But it was urgent!

  4. Bob says:
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    What are suggesting Ann 😉 :heart:

  5. Bob says:
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    *what are you suggesting Ann? :heart: 😉

  6. annkaspchar says:
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    @Jane Shepherd
    :heart: :happy: . Jane, I love ya! I never get to chat to anyone, but got myself a Kindle and am doing this on the loo. You are not preaching at me, you are telling me something I have to finally come to terms with, I have to do something and before it’s too late. I have been with him 17 yrs he is 56 and I am 44 and the gap is starting to show. I now piss him off as I dress in doc martins, dyed my hair red and am getting my third piercing tomorrow. Not wanting pity, but I have Addisons disease and have no cartlidge in my knees, so I wear braces and use crutches, but I never sit on my butt and feel sorry for myself, my sense of humour is on the same par as my daughter, so we have some great laughs and can’t stop finding an inuendo in everything. We annoy my husband when we are together as he never laughs or finds anything funny, so we take the piss behind his back and we feel better. I love my DS and retro gaming and that is my escape. I am getting stronger and the day will come when I get the courage to leave. Really pissed off Stephen stayed and why Kim missing? I couldn’t stand Danielle and her double standards, but watching Stephen for another week will be hard. Won’t stop watching though as I want to see him get his eviction! And how could I stop reading these amazing comments on bbspy. 😀
    Love ya Jane :heart: and a big hug to Bob :tongue:

  7. annkaspchar says:
    Reply Report

    Well we are all here arn’t we? Haven’t had a good mass debate in seven years……… 😀 :heart:

  8. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    @bob @Annkaspchar

    I just had a thought Emma did say that Kim was ill so had to leave the house, maybe she ‘opened it’ to wide and it broke??


    Keep your sense of humour its one thing he will never be able to control, you sound like a really caring Mum so that’s wonderful. My only advice would be to make plans and think things through but don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if you think you can’t ….I know you… You are a strong woman so just ensure you stay that way !! :heart:

    Back to BB – I cant say I’m going to miss Danielle although she did make me laugh because she is so dramatic !

  9. Sandy says:
    Reply Report

    That was hilarious! Steven is now justifying the booing!! “It’s the bald guy” <> even Helen looks confused at that comment.

    His body language is so uneasy all the time, touching his head all the time.
    His palms must be dripping with sweat from the nerves.

    I reckon Kim is already half way back to the US if she
    has any sense!

    Cheers everyone, have a good weekend Big Brother!!

  10. danny-p says:
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  11. The Bronze Age, where everyone had a tan says:
    Reply Report

    Pav & Zoe bottled it tonight, should have kicked Stephen out, but didn’t want to face the flak of the gruesome twosome Helen & Ash.
    Once more BB deny’s the public the chance to oust their least favourite housemate, It would have been the walking talking hot air balloon of verbal diarrhea that is Stephen Goode.
    Who is the producer of this show? What’s his pedigree? I am suffering from twist fatigue.
    Just stick to BB’s original principal, housemates nominate, viewers vote to evict.
    If it’s not broke, don’t try to fix it.
    The idiots running this show will go to any lengths to boost ratings. Hope Channel 5 lose the franchise & soon.
    Stephen & Helen are like cats with 9 lives, makes me sick. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

  12. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    @The Bronze Age, where everyone had a tan
    :up: Spot on with those comments.

  13. lynne says:
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    hes a nobhead

  14. lynne says:
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    hes a nobhead :

  15. Bob says:
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    So now Kim has left for good, he is going to walk? To be honest he didn’t even look that bothered that she’s left the house.
    If he loved her as he claims he would have left to make sure she was ok.

  16. K says:
    Reply Report

    The new housemates wasted their power trip in order to play it safe. They should of relished their opportunity and used it to get Steven out he is a strong character and game player a long with Lil Chris( except Chris is likable) . It would be interesting if BB gave the power to the ex housemates and they use a mole in the house to find out all the info then vote one of the housemates out.

  17. Sandra Floyd says:
    Reply Report

    I hope Kim is on the plane to Canada, away from controlling monster, Steve.

  18. Sandra Floyd says:
    Reply Report

    Steven may walk, he’ll be physicking, wondering about the deal Kim will be making to the Mags.

  19. denise warden says:
    Reply Report

    is steven going be daddy on big brother

  20. Margaret Rose says:
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    Steven is now the national joke, if I were his parents I would pray for him to be nominated then spend every penny I have to get him evicted. If not this, I would buy him a one way ticket to Australia.

  21. Jane Shepherd says:
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    @Margaret Rose,
    I don’t think Australia would accept him, he has now skills………… and the Oz’s have a the best immigration policy IMO 😀

  22. Jane Shepherd says:
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    meant to read NO skills oopps 😯

  23. Brooke says:
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    I must be the only person that actually likes him lol

  24. B-52 says:
    Reply Report

    Should be long gone now, dead jammy it wasn’t a public vote.
    Then had the incomprehensible arrogance to suggest
    the ‘2 second Stephen’ chant was made up by one of the crowd warm up men, a bald guy apparently.???
    Just gobsmacked by this toe rags delusion.
    He will never be lonely though, he will have a lifelong love affair with himself. Wanker!!!

  25. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    Steven is desperate, no doubt about that delusional narcissistic behaviour since very early on, my only disappointment is that Kimberley has left without explanation …..I don’t really care that she has left and I don’t really care that means Steven is left to ‘face the music’ alone.
    I am more interested in her reasoning, did she truly feel threatened by Steven ?? in which case she should admit this and be prepared to state her reasons as a warning to others.
    Is she embarrassed that the nation saw her shagging on national TV.

    I am confused because to be honest I cant see that she would be embarrassed (given her previous) But I also don’t think she genuinely felt threatened by Steven (despite us all discussing his sociopathic tendencies) Kim was savvy enough to see that and I think she embraced the role.
    My conclusion as it stands at the moment is that Kim realised that her ‘game plan’ – to get involved with an English guy – have a showmance , reap the $$$$$££££ from Hello Heat OK mag and all the rest – has back fired.
    Steven became too full on, Kim realised the public dislike, took the easy option of exiting with no interview no explanation nothing! – Her law degree may serve her well when she needs to negotiate the braking of her contract with BB

Reply to Sandra Floyd

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