


  • Entered Day 1
  • Walked Day 45
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  • 7 noms received

Kimberly has been a Playboy model around the world and has spent time in the Playboy Mansion and was even awarded ‘cyber girl of the month’ for her unique look. She says people compare her to Elle Woods from Legally Blonde: ‘She was a cheerleader who decided to become a lawyer and took everyone by surprise by her wit and competitive determination’.

She loves to explore her sexuality and intellect, and this has helped her ‘delve deeper’ into travelling, hot yoga, painting and photography. She says she doesn’t like that ‘people often take advantage of her ‘kind nature’, adding: ‘I’m also super competitive and tend to overwork myself’.

Kimberly would choose love over money because ‘having money without love is like having a penis with no hands’, but does have a ‘wish list’ on her Twitter page, where ‘admirers’ can ‘treat her to gifts’

She often gets into fights with guys: ‘Whilst studying at Oxford I punched a preppy boy in the face for groping my ass’. She gets on best with lads, but can’t stand men that fake tan or take longer to get ready than she would, and claims she’d clash with anyone from Essex.

Kimberly’s party trick is that she’s the ‘twerking queen’.

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  1. scarlett says:
    Reply Report

    From the “I’m better than you!” stable!.

    “I have a brain cell and I’m ruthless”.

    “There’s more to me than just beauty”.bla bla bla…

    Honey. Degrees in the US are GCSE’s here…..

    Prove to me you are more than another vain, ruthlessly ambitious, boring predictable
    smart-ass from across the Pond. Cos Hilary Clinton you aint!

  2. Maybee says:
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  3. Violet says:
    Reply Report

    Bit bland and humourless really ain’t she… and so serious! Maybe it’s the American in her not quite understanding the situations

  4. #ILOVEBB says:
    Reply Report

    Abit boring, don’t like her very much in that sense. She’s ok I suppose, if she had the power her true colours will show.

  5. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    She reminds me of Koo Stark, the ex girlfriend of Prince Andrew. 😉

  6. Violet says:
    Reply Report

    Reckon she should get the power next! She’d be good I think! Hopefully she’ll find out what Helen was saying about her!

  7. birchee says:
    Reply Report

    no, she’s just lame…..(I’m American living over here)@Violet

  8. Violet says:
    Reply Report

    Oh… No offence! I just thought that for the first couple of days she looked miserable be she’d just come from America and trying to fit in. Now I just realise that she generally never smiles or looks remotely happy. I do really like her nod though

  9. Violet says:
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  10. Liam says:
    Reply Report

    At first I thought she’d be the typical American reality TV wannabe. But she’s not, she’s really not. Definitely the one who has surprised me from seeing her vt.

    I like her, she’s one of my favourites and I hope she goes far. Her nominations were bang on and I’m glad she actually has her own opinion.

  11. zara says:
    Reply Report

    But she’s started to buddy up with the ‘it’ group and was agreeing with Paulines put downs of jale she’s gone down in my estimation for this. However she’s better than most of them in there just not a front runner for me.

  12. Rebecca says:
    Reply Report

    There’s something quite likeable about her, I think. She doesn’t get much air time, but she’s managed to win me over. She’s definitely different from my first impression. :up:

  13. graham says:
    Reply Report

    Says a lot about British society that the nice, calm, level headed one is a yank, go figure.

  14. gil says:
    Reply Report

    degrees in the U.S are just as good if not better than britain. Just look at World University Rankings, m8 @scarlett

  15. Belinda says:
    Reply Report

    Going off her rapidly. Too much sucking up to the clique for someone who was sold as knowing her own mind etc. She also is on thin ice complaining about being objectified as a ‘piece of meat’ by Marlon. She is after all a Playboy model and to that extent has ‘objectified’ herself.

  16. john says:
    Reply Report

    she’s definitely a strong and wise woman!

  17. Jo says:
    Reply Report

    Really like her :up:

  18. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    Forget being a Playboy bunny, she should be a ventriloquist, she never moves her lips when talking. She told Marlon off for making sexist comments about her yet the internet has lots of pics of her that are practically soft porn. Another hypocrite like Danielle use their body for cash then when it suits play the victim card! Oh and I don’t believe she has a law degree either her general knowledge is appalling.

  19. una says:
    Reply Report

    Fell for Stephens smarmy patter so not a very good judge of character & she is bland & wishy washy, doesn’t have a personality just drones on in that monotone voice of hers, like a stepford wife.

  20. Northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Yes, I’d have to agree. Doesn’t seem a bad girl but is boring and her voice, along with the scouse lad is starting to boil my piss 😀

  21. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    😀 Yes I was wondering what her voice reminded me of. Ha ha 😀

  22. SBrooks says:
    Reply Report

    I like her but she is quiet and her boyfriend calling into BOTS is doing her no favors.

  23. Northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Less talking and more twerking.

  24. Asuigeneris1 says:
    Reply Report

    I don’t know any more than what is stated above, but since when is Oxford in the US?

  25. Charlotte says:
    Reply Report

    She will end up being hated by the public if she gets any closer to Helen. Which is upsetting cause i like Kim.

Reply to AJ

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