


  • Entered Day 1
  • Walked Day 45
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 7 noms received

Kimberly has been a Playboy model around the world and has spent time in the Playboy Mansion and was even awarded ‘cyber girl of the month’ for her unique look. She says people compare her to Elle Woods from Legally Blonde: ‘She was a cheerleader who decided to become a lawyer and took everyone by surprise by her wit and competitive determination’.

She loves to explore her sexuality and intellect, and this has helped her ‘delve deeper’ into travelling, hot yoga, painting and photography. She says she doesn’t like that ‘people often take advantage of her ‘kind nature’, adding: ‘I’m also super competitive and tend to overwork myself’.

Kimberly would choose love over money because ‘having money without love is like having a penis with no hands’, but does have a ‘wish list’ on her Twitter page, where ‘admirers’ can ‘treat her to gifts’

She often gets into fights with guys: ‘Whilst studying at Oxford I punched a preppy boy in the face for groping my ass’. She gets on best with lads, but can’t stand men that fake tan or take longer to get ready than she would, and claims she’d clash with anyone from Essex.

Kimberly’s party trick is that she’s the ‘twerking queen’.

Latest on Kimberly

  1. 5 comments

  2. 13 comments

  3. 50 comments


  1. John Kane says:
    Reply Report So this series, so far, Steven has had messages from his Mam, his Nana and a nice five minute chat with Kim.

    They’d be as well just giving him a mobile phone and the internet.

    This show is a total joke.

  2. john says:
    Reply Report

    :heart: @John Kane
    Wow how did that get on youtube before tv i dont gee
    t it im guessing she preggers lmao

  3. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    Danielle did mention how disgusted she was when she saw “the protection” on their bedside table.

  4. Danish Khan says:
    Reply Report

    🙁 im really sad kimberly has walked she was my favourite housemate although she was dirty sometimes. she is so beautiful i hope she gets better and comes back ( well she wont): get pavandeep out or ash!

  5. John Kane says:
    Reply Report Helen @ 45 seconds: “It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work you just get a divorce.”

    The woman is an effing abomination.

  6. Sandra Floyd says:
    Reply Report

    summat fishy here methinks!!!!

  7. Sandra Floyd says:
    Reply Report

    agreeing with John Kane on this, the show is a joke. Steven getting far too many privileges, they are so having a laugh.

  8. Jack says:
    Reply Report

    I love Kimberly I’m just so sad she left hopefully she returns but I doubt it very much

  9. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    on KIM’S profile it states walked – why is she allowed on BBOTS tonight.? :down: :down:

  10. Dave says:
    Reply Report

    I was disappointed to hear what Kim had to say on BBOTS last night, I genuinely thought she’d got herself out of the house to escape from the bullying mind control of the giant lard monster. seems like its not over yet. I (genuinely) wish her all good luck with him in this doomed joke of a relationship, which must end in tears as a minimum. She may note that he has not been overly bothered by her absence, I believe it will have been a great relief to him for her to not be around, as not only does he not have to keep up the pretence of who he is ( he’s such a fake) also he can relax knowing this great love affair can’t collapse embarrassingly in front of the other housemates, which did seem to be happening. He can play the “big man” even more than ever now – he actually can’t believe his luck he’s ” had ” a top model , and thinks his wonderful love making skills shows everyone else how superior he is. What an odious jerk. I think kim will have problems further down the line in getting him to stay away from her.

  11. Em says:
    Reply Report

    Speculating whether Kimberly’s ‘illness’ was/is morning sickness, I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me,
    love Kimberly and don’t think bad of her but the idea is resting in my head

  12. Keithy says:
    Reply Report

    A total set up, she went in with a mission and self obsessed Steven fell for it right into her hands its a media stunt.

  13. John Kane says:
    Reply Report Has everybody read this? I’m not a doctor and have no medical knowledge but this just doesn’t feel right to me. Does anybody know, does this timeline add up?

  14. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    @ John Kane

    The simple answer is no – this does not add up, I posted on the news about Mark instead of here so I apologise but no this smells highly of BS

    Eptopic pregnancy as far as I am aware is when the egg is fertilised in the fallopian tube instead of the womb ( I am no Doctor either)

    But this stinks in more ways than one, I don’t know any woman that would gladly go on TV after having such a procedure ( to remove the egg from the tube) – BB will make money from this story….open it ?? oh gosh the condom split.

    I very much doubt that Kimberly was reliant on condoms – surely she would also take the pill or other forms of contraception.

    And knowing what they know would Emma do a fake bump when Kim was on BBOTS – Either terribly poor taste or a crock of you know what

    The news announced the payout to the old housemate for braking her ankle, perhaps
    Stimberly see ££ – certainly BB does IMO

  15. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd Er…how do they know the condom split anyway? Surely if they noticed the condom had split they would have asked for the morning after pill?

    It’s just total garbage.

    Horrible effing people.

    She’s a whore, nothing more.

  16. Misty says:
    Reply Report

    To appear with a cushion in the first place was disgusting…. Disgusting people….. Wants to stay in the news, if you even thought there was a chance you were pregnant you shouldn’t have made fun of it with a cushion stuffed up your dress :down:

  17. me says:
    Reply Report

    they just seem to be trying every trick in the book to get money deals from this show they are disgusting in every way.

  18. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    absolutely – prior to Stevens’ exit Kim denied at least 3 times on separate occasions that she was pregnant, she even said and I quote… ” Pregnancy was never an option I use birth control and we used a condom”

    She went on to say Steven lasted more than two seconds and satisfied her and if she was in the same situation again i.e. in the house – so would she have sex on camera again – she said absolutely.

  19. Louise says:
    Reply Report

    Can you believe she has been getting her kit off for one of the lads mags less than 2 weeks after this so called ectopic pregnancy?!?

    Disgusting woman. so insulting to those women who have suffered from an ectopic.

    Her and Steven deserve each other.

  20. kitty says:
    Reply Report

    she got preggers by steven omg how disgusting they had condoms in the house she never used one euw

  21. susan thorkildsen says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd
    they DID use a condom but it broke and this CAN happen !! No one goes into a show to get pregnant. Come onnnnn !

  22. susan thorkildsen says:
    Reply Report

    I actually like her. She was one of the brightest people in the house , intelligent , thoughtful and sensitive to others. One of the brightest in all of the BB shows ! She didn’t have to reduce herself to getting pregnant to ” make” a show out of BB. No one does that with intent. she would make a good friend , a bright asset to anyone one’s life and I think Steven is very very lucky to have found someone who can live with his bossy way. I think he will relax more though now that he knows that there is no one else in Kim’s life. I don’t think many people know but Hugh Hefner’s people go for the bright people and not just for the boobs etc. You get some pretty darn classy women in the Playboy house.

  23. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    @susan thorkildsen

    Then our definitions of class obviously vary a great deal Susan.
    No one is disputing that she is intelligent, but I don’t believe there was a baby – IF and its a big if she did have an ectopic pregnancy then the fact is it was not Stevens’ (several people who have experienced this have posted regarding times/dates etc..)
    If she didn’t have an ectopic at all then she has done a massive disservice to all the couples that have faced this tragic situation.
    When she left (before Steven) She gave several interviews stating she was using birth control and pregnancy was not an option. Yes condoms do split, but hey……come on………
    And so as Steven is evicted they announce this crock of rubbish to sell a story, boost her profile and make more ‘news’ – BB make money from any press releases give by the evicted housemates for at least 6 months after their exit.
    If you really think this couple are genuine and will go the distance then I salute your optimism.
    Go on google and see her naked yoga videos and admission to making porn films – If you would like her as a friend for you ( or maybe your Son) then I am sure Stevens Mother will be glad to hand her over.
    I for one would not like her or Helen anywhere near my boy.

  24. Misty says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd
    Go Jane go Jane go Jane :up: :up: :up: couldn’t have said it better myself 😀

  25. High flyer says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd
    Totally agree if she pregnant it was the partners she was living with for 3 years right up until she went into the house. Yet she nor Stephen got any of the flack hazel got last year
    She sat on the sofa on Thursday so prim and proper castings aspersions on Chris’ character unbelievable 😯

Reply to kitty

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