


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 19 noms received

Socialite Gina recently lived in The Savoy for six months fully paid by her parents. She now lives in a house in Kings Cross. She once appeared in a tabloid newspaper a ‘the most spoilt girl in the country. She dropped out of Hertfordshire University where she was studying Fashion and Marketing as “people didn’t party enough”. Her ideal job would be to have her own talk show.

Gina admits she spends money when she is angry, “If I’m angry I feel I deserve certain things”. Gina has never had a real job where she has been employed by a company. She does wardrobe styling and personal shopping for her rapper boyfriend and her mum’s friends who admire her fashion sense.

She lives off a £10,000 per month allowance from her mum which she spends on clothes, make-up, going out, petrol, haircuts, pedicures, manicures and other ways of treating herself. She has saved some money but has no idea how much. She does believe in God but is not religious and neither are her parents. “Fashion is my religion”, shopping makes her happy and she is passionate about handbags.

Gina’s saying is “I’m rich, so I can be a bitch!” She does say that she is not bitchy for the sake of it, only if someone gives her a reason to be. She doesn’t have breakfast but always finds time for lunch. She loves sushi and always meets friends for lunch. Her favourite restaurants are Banca and Nobu. Gina has dated up and coming rapper, Ecksell for over a year.

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  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments

  3. 15 comments


  1. BBFANMAN says:
    Reply Report

    No one mentioned the fact that she’s been exposed as an actress?

    (in Daily Star)

  2. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Do you mean you think she is another mole?@BBFANMAN

  3. Dr Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Looking at our current poll, Gina is by FAR the most popular among bbspy voters. This is a complete reversal.

    What on earth happened!? She’s hateful!

  4. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    I didn’t like her at the start, but now she is integrating with the others and has stopped the spoiled, arrogant behaviour I am seeing a different woman.Not my favourite by any means.

  5. BBFan says:
    Reply Report

    I didn’t like her in the beginning but now i’ve started to like her. Even though some of the things she says can be seen as snobby and ungreatful, i think she doesn’t realise it because she has been brought up in a different way to everyone else and she’s saying nice things but it just sounds bad to everyone else like when she said she felt sorry for Wolfy and wanted to take her shopping

  6. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    The shopping comment was very patronising. For Gina shopping is how she spends a lot of her time and her parents money and of course lunching with her friends. HER loss not Wolfies who lives in the real world and is standing on her own two feet and finding out who she is as an adult.@BBFan

  7. Christine Stone says:
    Reply Report

    Yes Irene, spot on!!!!!@irene pearson

  8. Zee says:
    Reply Report

    I’m so glad that she did stay, i do truly hope that she starts assimilating within the house. Hopefully she’ll go far. Miss Sallie though. All housemates are actually cool, i think i just want Gina to come out of her shell and realise certain things about peoples actual social life. She seems to have noticed some things. As shopping is het way of treating herself, she felt that shopping would also be a treat for Wolfie. I don’t think she meant to be patronising.

  9. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Zee I don’t think she meant it as patronising at all. That was just how it came across to me. She needs to learn HOW to respect Wolfie’s financial status in life, her ability to enjoy life without a lot of money Gina is young and kind and has said all of this about Wolfie herself.. It is Gina’s materialisic lifestyle and she knows nothing else. “Taking her shopping” demeans that and puts Wolfie beneath her although she never meant it in that way ??Shopping may well be a treat for Wolfie too but not using someone else’s money. That would go against who Wolfie is I think. One has to tread very carefully where wealth is concerned.Gina is emerging as a very different character to the one she first portrayed ( defense and insecurity)and will get a lot out of this. Just my opinion. 😀 @Zee

  10. Jessica bardney says:
    Reply Report

    I LOVE this girl!! I wish I had her bank balance!

  11. Sam says:
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    I didn’t think I’d say this, but if Gina continues to change as a person, she could actually win the show o.O

  12. babs says:
    Reply Report

    I like gina hope she wins

  13. babs says:
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    :up: @Sam
    she could win yep

  14. Leah says:
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    I love gina even tho her hairs too blonde lol she’s starting to grow on me now think she should win win do glad sally left because we wouldnt of saw the real gina they did hate her soon as she walked through the door sally deserved to go she was a intimidating manipulative cow & I don’t like Wolfy anymore she’s changing & believes she’s gonna win, well time will tell?

  15. Leah says:
    Reply Report

    I love gina even tho her hairs too blonde lol she’s starting to grow on me now think she should win so glad sally left because we wouldnt of saw the real gina they did hate her soon as she walked through the door sally deserved to go she was a intimidating manipulative cow & I don’t like Wolfy anymore she’s changing and lied she only brung in 2 tops & bottoms when I seen her with atleast 3 already since her suitcase came back & she believes she’s gonna win, well time will tell?

  16. DanDanBoBanBananafanaFoFan says:
    Reply Report

    When it comes down to looks

    Charlie > Gina > Dog poo > Sallie

  17. Irene Pearson says:
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    Her bank balance seems to be under close scrutiny by the tabloid press and other sites and they say ????is seriously lacking. lol Suspicion everywhere!!!!! “Secrets AND Lies” is the theme so nothing would surprise me. Dexter also under the public microscope and not what he claims to be either. LOL@Jessica bardney

  18. Wmn says:
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    Funny how Gina can’t stand anything dirty, then when she’s in jail she wears Wolfy’s poncho. Wolfy has been wearing it for 2 weeks!!

  19. lizzie says:
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    Ouch, someone is bitter. You know jealousy is very unattractive…

    Gina to win!!

  20. lizzie says:
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    I totally agree with you there!

  21. Gillian Winter says:
    Reply Report

    good luck to her

  22. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Can’t wait to see her face to face noms. She is the only one IMO who will be honest.

  23. irene pearson says:
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    A bit harsh Emma.@emma

  24. Mike says:
    Reply Report

    Gina is Yaphet Kotto in drag

  25. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    She was brilliant last night LOL

Reply to irene pearson

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