


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 19 noms received

Socialite Gina recently lived in The Savoy for six months fully paid by her parents. She now lives in a house in Kings Cross. She once appeared in a tabloid newspaper a ‘the most spoilt girl in the country. She dropped out of Hertfordshire University where she was studying Fashion and Marketing as “people didn’t party enough”. Her ideal job would be to have her own talk show.

Gina admits she spends money when she is angry, “If I’m angry I feel I deserve certain things”. Gina has never had a real job where she has been employed by a company. She does wardrobe styling and personal shopping for her rapper boyfriend and her mum’s friends who admire her fashion sense.

She lives off a £10,000 per month allowance from her mum which she spends on clothes, make-up, going out, petrol, haircuts, pedicures, manicures and other ways of treating herself. She has saved some money but has no idea how much. She does believe in God but is not religious and neither are her parents. “Fashion is my religion”, shopping makes her happy and she is passionate about handbags.

Gina’s saying is “I’m rich, so I can be a bitch!” She does say that she is not bitchy for the sake of it, only if someone gives her a reason to be. She doesn’t have breakfast but always finds time for lunch. She loves sushi and always meets friends for lunch. Her favourite restaurants are Banca and Nobu. Gina has dated up and coming rapper, Ecksell for over a year.

Latest on Gina

  1. 4 comments

  2. 21 comments

  3. 15 comments


  1. N says:
    Reply Report

    ‘The people who loved her a couple weeks ago and suddenly dislike her now. Your very fickle people’ – That would make us the opposite of fickle as we’re willing to change our opinion about someone as we see them behave differently as time goes on.

    ‘GAME SHOW A GAME SHOW I REPEAT DAMMIT A GAMMMEEE SHHHOWWW’ – Firstly be quiet. You say it’s a game show but then you say how you hate Dexter for being devious (gameplaying) and sophie planting seeds (gameplaying) as you point out the flaws of all housemates BUT Gina…

    So your one ‘valid’ point is ‘Gina is honest (she’s just being herself)’. And I’ll remind you what that is:
    [takes Hazels seat, Hazel sits next to her] ‘get the peasant [hazel] away from me’ ‘deal with her’
    ‘I was going to make that bitch my footstool’
    ‘dirty skank’ ‘she argues like a child’
    ‘who calls people ugly???’
    ‘*to charlie after Charlie said Hazel could be a singer (how dare she???)* ‘trust me if i didn’t like you you’d know about it’ *Gina says turning her head slowly with a smile on her face*. You’re defending someone who is a class 2 mentally disordered person – I’ve seen the moments of hate/jealousy and murderous looks that comes out from her usually giggling eyes as she bitches.

    You copy Gina’s opinion (her hate message for charlie ‘not finding herself’ bullshit) -you don’t have your own thoughts ‘humble’. Maybe you think what’s written here is nothing compared to people actualy say on tv because you literally have just copied all of the opinions from that vile bit on the side audience in the last few days. Only yesterday they started all turning on Sophie and then look who comes in the comments saying the same thing: YOU.

  2. N says:
    Reply Report

    I was wrong about one thing:
    Fickle: ‘Changing frequently, esp. as regards one’s loyalties, interests, or affection’

    Funny how a word so close to the word ‘thick’ soundwise can have a meaning that actually describes people who are the opposite of thick: ie someone who refuses to change their mind despite changing observance, a blindly loyal prejudiced unthinking fool.

  3. claire says:
    Reply Report

    Oh my humble likes to talk I switched off after the first 4 lines! To me it’s quite simple Gina is generally not a good person and Charlie is generally a very good person!

  4. zoe says:
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    I agree with Claire Charlie is generally a good person I think she has made mistakes in the house such as nominating callum week after week but come on her mum was telling her not to trust him and saying he wasn’t genuine if your mum’s telling you that about a guy who you’ve known for a few weeks your gonna trust your mum over that guy. Especially when your Charlie and you are easily manipulated. She is the nicest one in there she just needs to trust her own judgements a bit more but hopefully she will learn from this experience! And as for being criticized for not knowing herself God she’s only 27 she’s got plenty of time she will get there!

  5. Ilovelamp says:
    Reply Report

    Wait for it……..Gina the witch gets another secret task :down:

  6. tim says:
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    Are you familiar with the phrase’To cut a long story short’? Obviously not. Here’s the thing, Gina is Evil, Evil, Evil. Charlie to win :tongue:

  7. diane tracie peers says:
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    Dexters a wimp he ony put sophie up cuz hes scared of gina
    Sophie deserves it more than any of them

  8. Sam Yeardley says:
    Reply Report

    Gina is sly bitchy and evil just wantes to make sumthing clear people who are something or is somethin denies it even thou people can see it and often says other peopler are it or have it the point is gina is evil inside and is trying to denie it and said hazel was evil in side she doing both symptoms gine is a bitch person get gina out !!!!!!!!!

  9. Karenannanina says:
    Reply Report

    It amazes me that Gina has fans because she “tells it like it is” – all that means is that she’s completely tactless, rude, arrogant and disrespectful. She cannot STAND anybody who even goes so far as to disagree with her, never mind stand up to her. What about OTHER people’s right to “tell it like it is” to HER? And for someone who claims to be “classy”, the language she used towards Hazel wasn’t something you’d hear in high society. Everything about her screams “spoiled, pretentious bully”. And for the benefit of “humble”, you don’t have to love Gina because you hate Hazel.

  10. Yogi says:
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    She accuses everyone else of being all those negative words she spews, but, in actually fact SHE IS DESCRIBING HERSELF 😉 :up:

  11. Alena says:
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    How the hell does this bitch have fans? I really hope she doesn’t win – like she deserves any more money?! She’s already spoiled enough as it is… I completely agree with Karenannanina. Gina is just a rude, obnoxious cow. Like, I swear all she does is bitch about the other housemates; I cannot comprehend how anyone can find that interesting. Maybe if she was actually doing something rather than sitting on her fat arse all day talking smack, but nope! I didn’t watch BB at the start of the series, but if Gina has ‘changed’ then I dread to think how horrific her behaviour was at the beginning. I mean, if her ugly face isn’t enough to make you sick, surely her personality should? Really don’t understand some people.

  12. liz says:
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    Really hope there are get Gina chants out tonight! She needs to hear that! her ego is getting even bigger than it was when she first went in!

  13. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Is there a long story competition going on here?Good for Gina , brilliant last night.

  14. SM says:
    Reply Report

    Agreed but I doubt it as the previous shows go the only audience allowed have to be gina fans!!! Same goes for bots.and their presenters…although how she has any fans baffles me@liz

  15. Lisadoc says:
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    Gina’s hair looked better last night.Has BB bought her a new wig ? .

  16. GET GINA OUT NOW ! says:
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  17. Country Boy says:
    Reply Report

    Unbelievable! Even an intelligent person cant read Gina! Someone (humble) with your obvious intelligence should be able to know a right horrible nasty piece of work like Gina when you see one! And I’m not one of the people who liked her (Gina) at the start, but dislikes her now. I’m one of the people who thinks she’s been a right bitch from the start and still thinks that way!

  18. ISIS says:
    Reply Report

    Gina is still in because nobody since the second week has had the nerve to nominate her she is so rude rude rude she is lazy and dirty she hasnt washed her hair since week two she must be crawling if thats how people act with money she shouldnt have any get a job do you good GINA OUT GINA OUT GINA OUT GINA OUT GINA OUT :down:

  19. cj says:
    Reply Report

    she hasn’t got money she lives in a council flat in Islington and her mum is a benefit cheat that information came from her own brother

  20. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Gina is FAB

  21. SM says:
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    Another hand picked fun task for gina so she could tell HMs exactly what she thought of them but not in a nasty way….(..Ginas famous last words )it wouldn’t surprise me if BB had a mobile phone in dairy room for the BITCH …. OMG I hate this woman more everyday.

  22. Blob says:
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    @ilovelamp You can’t read a blatantly sarcastic comment? I actually don’t think Jemima was racist for saying her preference.

  23. Country Boy says:
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    And NOT well done to the sleazy wimp Dexter. He didn’t have the guts to look the horrible Gina in the face and tell her that she would be up for eviction. I’m not surprised, because they are two of a kind. Both probably spend most of their awake hours attending sleazy night clubs somewhere between 10.00pm & 4.00am, flashing their NOT hard earned cash around. Along with the horrible, made up false looks and awful personality of Gina, Dexter has the sneaky/slimy character and walk like Hannibal Lector. They make a great couple! Oh, and I’m surprised there wasn’t an un-natural disaster when water got over Gina’s face during the task………. I thought there was going to be a mud slide!

  24. Unimpressed says:
    Reply Report

    It’s become the Gina show. Why hasn’t Gina ever had to do difficult tasks. She’s always had the easy route, no buzzer stuck to her butt, the safe house, etc.. You’ve never seen her shower. Not that I want to, but everyone else has been stripped of all dignity. If Gina had to do the same as everyone else, you would’ve seen a very different side. She couldn’t cope with flour in her hair for Christ sakes. If she gets 10k a month income from her mum, then why does her hair look like a bird collected straw and stuck it to scalp!! She’s disgraceful and I can’t believe people think she’s cool. 😥

  25. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Lots of sour grapes on here. 😀 Good for Gina :up:

Reply to SM

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