


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 24
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

As an actress, Nadia Sawalha got her big break in 1997, joining BBC One’s hit soap EastEnders as Annie Palmer, a ruthless businesswoman. Following appearances in Casualty and The Bill, she has now become better known as a TV presenter.

Her credits include a string of BBC programmes, including Passport To The Sun, Heir Hunters, Wanted Down Under and Accidents Can Happen. In 2006, she became Adrian Chiles’ original co-host on teatime magazine programme The One Show, but she was eventually replaced by Christine Bleakley after leaving due to pregnancy.

The next year, Nadia was crowned winner of Celebrity Masterchef, and she went on to present the show’s junior spin-off, before fronting Saturday Cookbook, Sunday Scoop and cookery segments on Lorraine for ITV.

In 2011, she joined the sixth series of Dancing On Ice, but was eliminated in its first week. She returned to Loose Women as a regular panellist in 2013, eleven years after her first three-year stint on the popular talkshow.

Nadia – a huge Big Brother fan – hints that she’ll keep her opinions to herself in the house, saying: “I don’t look for confrontation, but I would describe myself as feisty but fair.

“What I can’t take is someone who isn’t kind. If somebody just really isn’t a very nice person then I will have a rub up with them.”

However, she isn’t afraid of the prospect of living with loudmouth Katie Hopkins. “I suspect she acts a lot of what she says. I don’t think anyone could be that nasty,” the 50-year-old comments. “I think it’s for business because it gets her work. I’m hoping I meet her and she’s actually nice.”

Nadia may love all things food – but she’s been warned to avoid becoming the resident CBB chef. She laughs: “My mum’s only bit of advice was, ‘Don’t take over the kitchen, because people hate people who take over the kitchen on reality shows’. It’s hilarious because all I ever do is cook!”

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  1. 20 comments

  2. 33 comments

  3. 11 comments


  1. Aaron says:
    Reply Report

    I love Nadia. She is real, honest, loyal and courageous. She speaks her mind and does not follow the crowd. Katie H is manipulative, rude and a bully. The way she treated Alicia was unbelievable and BB did not do anything about it.
    On the other hand, Nadia stood up for the underdogs!! if KH wins, this would mean that the British public is endorsing her behaviour!! What does it really say about us as the British public??So I truly hope Nadia wins and she is not evicted this Friday!!

  2. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    The only reason Nadia ‘stood up’ for the underdog was to get back at Katy H: Nadia is blinkered by her dislike and cannot or will not see that Perez is a moron. Let’s not forget that the very first instance of aggression was started by Perez and backed up by Nadia towards Katy H.
    Nadia is also a hypocrite, because she demands proof or seeing it with her own eyes whenever something is said about someone she likes, but believes implicitly, without proof, when anything is said about someone, usually Katy H, that she doesn’t like.

  3. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Not really. I believe Nadia has backed herself into a corner by sticking with Perez. She teamed up with him right at the start, because he was the only other housemate who didn’t like Katy H.
    I honestly believe that if Katy H wasn’t in the house, Nadia would have had no ‘friendship’ with Perez.

  4. Macd says:
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    I think you’re right about that, she would have teamed up with a like minded soul against Perez if KH wasn’t in the picture.

  5. Chloe says:
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    Hurray!! The two-faced stirrer is out!!

  6. phil says:
    Reply Report

    Hey this isn’t about Nadia , this Is about Perez, hey bitches he’s still there, apparently everyone hates him, I don’t think so, I think he has a massive fan base really, defo in the final and Perez may knick it!!

  7. SM says:
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    I believe since BB moved to channel 5 it’s a farce, no matter who you vote for it won’t matter, it’s whoever BB producers want to keep in. So many people hate Perez yet he still there to cause agro same with Katie H she the biggest stirrer in the house anything to keep viewers.

  8. Sandra says:
    Reply Report

    Just watched her on BOTS – can she talk about anything else apart from her dislike of Katie H!! I really dislike this Nadia – she is always right, everyone loves her, she always makes the right choices – talk about having a large ego – I think that she was the main source of discontent in the house, and that both Perez and Katie H will calm down a bit – without her stirring. Whatever her problem with Katie H is – she needs to meet the lady in private and talk it out – then move on! I was so looking forward to seeing her in the BB house – what a disappointment she has turned out to be. I truly hope that her agent, family and real friends convince her that she needs to stop seeing Perez through such rose tinted glasses and blaming Katie H for everything that was bad in the house. What could and should have been a great experience for her – has just turned into a bitchfest against another woman.

  9. connie says:
    Reply Report

    I saw her on BOTS and thought it was the best ever exit interview, everything she said was spot on, she is lovely, and a loyal friend to Perez, she was definitely the voice of reason in that house.

  10. jessie says:
    Reply Report

    Glad she has gone.

  11. CBB FAN says:
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    In response to Aaron’s comment he wrote on 30th January 2015. Aaron mentioned that Katie H is manipulative, rude and a bully, the way she treated Alicia was unbelievable and BB did not do anything about it. He also said if KH wins, this would mean that the British public is endorsing her behaviour!! What does it really say about us as the British public.
    Well Aaron, what did you expect BB to do this year, especially after that NASTY BULLY Helen Wood 27 from Bolton who was also a Former prostitute, she freely and unbelievably displayed and directed her foul nauseating and offensive behavior at Ashleigh Coyle who was several years her junior, as well as many of her other housemates.
    Well, I will say no more about the British public or BB, cos if last years winner wasn’t fixed then the Royal family is not Royal.

  12. CBB FAN says:
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    Nadia is the type of person that would witness Perez viciously raping a man, she would then do her level best to proclaim his innocents, as far as she’s concerned ti was the man who forced himself onto Perez. Nadia was so busy trying to be the peace maker that she failed to see where she was going wrong.

  13. Kat says:
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    Nadia is a strong amazing woman who deserves alot of respect. I was shocked by the boos she received leaving just because she stuck to her friend instead of following Katie’s gang. Celeb BB is a complete set up with certain individuals being given a pass to the final…. and the show is orchestrated around that. Yes Perez is annoying but nothing compared with Katie who is a manipulative cow. Nadia should not regret her actions as BB showed what a decent human being she is :happy:

  14. gypsygirl says:
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    @Kat Agree totally!

  15. millyx says:
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    Should of being in the final nice kind woman :heart: : :up: xx

  16. elle says:
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    Kind woman. No way she stuck up for the vile Perez , dissgusting man especially his comments about aids

  17. will says:
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    Thought you were absolutely incredible on the show. I am very glad you stuck by Perez. His behavior was, at times, unacceptable but to see him socially excluded and bullied by K.H was unbearable viewing. I am just glad some people in there had a moral compass and could do the right thing in the end. Its a shame you did not make the final as you fully deserved it but i am sure you were relieved to have a break from that place. All the best Beauty x 😀 😀 :heart:

  18. CBB FAN says:
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    It is evidently clear that a lot of people use the word BULLY far too freely, Perez was not BULLIED by anyone, he goaded and instigated all the arguments he got into with everyone. All you people with your one sided views regarding who was the BULLY, please remember why Alexandra WALKED OUT THE HOUSE. Funny how many can only say it was Katie H that spoke her mind towards Perez, is it because she is hated for her comments in her column. Perez had the whole house living in a house of hell, and you all need to admit it. Seems like Nadia and Perez along with you other fools only seem to recognize and voice only what Katie H has said and done. Perez is no child and there was no one who was unable to fight back, the other housemates told Perez what they thought of him but yet still you all seem to only mention what Katie H said and done. Regardless whether you like or loath a person you have to give credit where credit is due, see all housemates for what they were, and the distress they caused. If Katie was such a BULLY like many of you have claimed, then why didn’t all housemates state that and put her up for nomination every week??????? Stop being so blindfolded by your dislike for Katie H.

Reply to Aaron

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