


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 40
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 15 noms received

Marlon describes himself as ‘happy-go-lucky’ and says he ‘can make anyone smile’ – but he also likes to annoy people and ‘push their buttons’, and can be incredibly stubborn.

He classes himself as a ‘wild boy’ and spends all his money on clothes, clubbing, girls and ‘looking good’. The most expensive item he has ever bought is a pair of Louboutin shoes which cost him £800.

Marlon is passionate about ‘girls and having a good time’; he is very confident with the ladies and says he doesn’t dislike anything about himself. He would rather have money than love ‘I would rather be lonely in a Ferrari, than in love in an old banger’.

He’s not looking for love in the house but says that if there is an attractive girl in there, he will ‘put it on her’. He thinks he can ‘probably get in her knickers’ and boasts he could do this without anyone knowing. He plans to get it on with at least two different girls in the house. Sex is a big thing for him and he says ‘I don’t mind getting my dick out, it’s huge’.

Marlon has an alter ego called Marlicio Silver, and wants to show the world what he is all about. He reckons he’ll enjoy secret tasks in the house, and says he is a really good actor: ‘I could lie to you and you wouldn’t know’.

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  1. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd I’ve actually had to alter my opinion on him.

    After Jale battled for him to be immune from eviction last week, if ever he had an opportunity to redeem himself…that was it.

    Unfortunately he has just continued to be a bit of a prat. I’d quite like to see the back of him this week.

  2. jazz says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane totally agree with you on this one he completely blew the perfect opportunity :down:

  3. jazz says:
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    @Violet it might be what they do but that doesn’t mean it won’t make that person uncomfortable

  4. Mel says:
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    Most boring housemate ever, cant wait for him to get evicted. :heart:

  5. Jason says:
    Reply Report

    What the f**k has he even done in there, he is trying so hard to stay in that house but who knows why he’s not doing anything, hope he goes soon :envy: :down:

  6. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Go to this story:
    Look at the first post.

    This is a fix.

    So predictable.

  7. elle says:
    Reply Report

    Good on you Marlon bunch of hypocrites quite happy to use battery for their own gain…… :up:

  8. John Kane says:
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    @elle There was a big difference between the way Marlon used the battery and the way everyone else used the battery.

    Before I start let me just say that I’m not condemning or condoning the choice Marlon made.

    In fact I’m pretty sure he was tipped off before hand by the producers, and told just what to do. I predicted exactly what would happen on Monday when I first heard immunity would be up for grabs.

    In reference to your post, they didn’t need to save 100% of the battery. They just needed for there to be some power left at the end of the task.

    Also the others knew that if they did use up some power they would get the chance to recharge it by making sacrifices later, which they all did.

    Marlon and the nominated housemates were the only ones told explicitly that if they took the bait they would drain the battery once and for all and they would FAIL the task. Marlon chose to take it.

  9. K says:
    Reply Report

    He hasn’t really shown a difffrent side to himself Jale claims he’s funny but I havent seen his funny side only his vulgar side that he needs to get rid of asap. I dont feel coming on BB was a good idea for him he seems like he’s still working things out like who he is and what he wants to do the best place to do that is with your family in a loving environment. Plus he hasnt really added to the show. He should go

  10. K says:
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    Personally I think the housemates are being hypocritical about the battery use. The fact is everyone with the exception of Winston, Mark and Ash used it for their own personal gain. Jale has used it to see gossip and Ashleigh had used it to talk to her mum therefore they both knew it would be selfish to use again so didn’t. and Lil Chris plus Christmas probably know deep down Ashleigh was a bigger target than them so didn’t use it. Where as Marlon had not had an opportunity to use the battery before and is certainly not safe from eviction If I was him I probably would’ve done the same. I especially think Steven is hypocritical as when he had the challenge of eating The BB breakfast he didn’t and that lost the task for the house. Luckily he failed in a group and used Danielle as a scapegoat. I think Danielle knew although she was disappointed with Marlon cause it meant she would suffer she understood his decision to well done to her the only one using her sense at the moment.

  11. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @K Winston used it for his own personal gain to go onto Twitter to see if girls fancied him. YAWN!

    Mark used it for his own personal gain to get a spray tan and his eyebrows done (whatever that means).

  12. Sammi Humphreys says:
    Reply Report

    Don’t feel bad about saving urself they used more battery than u getting fake tan and petting there dogs and listening to gossip ur the only one with a genuine reason for draining battery so fuck em was a mark fan but definitely marlon to win now all that bullshit bout even if someone is in the wrong if it’s two or three against one I’ll defend them well the whole house was against u and he didn’t say shit In fact joined in marlon to win all the way xx

  13. K says:
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    @John Kane

    I didn't even know Winston had used it. I guess that makes it even worst that they are angry with Marlon. It really isn't Marlon who lost the task it was everyone who decided to use the battery knowing that it could lead to them failing the task. Just cause Marlon was the one to finish it does not mean he is to blame. Your right the people in the house are hypocrites. Only Danielle had an appropriate reaction disappointing but not blaming him.

  14. del says:
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    He’s been rejected from the group for ‘playing the game’ and who is there for him to turn to? The uncool kids cos they are the nicer people!

  15. Milodevenus says:
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    He was incredibly stupid and short-sighted (considering he’s an optical technician) to have given himself immunity this week because it is obvious that he’d be nominated and probably evicted the following week for being so selfish.
    He clearly didn’t rate his chances of being likeable enough to the voting public to avoid eviction because let’s face it – he has all the charisma and charm of a lobotomized sloth!

  16. K says:
    Reply Report

    Its game they are getting to comfortable in this house. You should watch BB USA its so competitive and the contestants actually get that it is a game and form alliances etc. BB UK everyone is just free flowing as if they are a couple of mates on holiday. Marlon didn’t loose the task everyone who choice to not preserve the battery power and choice to use it for their selfish gain lost it. Steven and Ashleigh didn’t have to watch the clips from their mum, Winston and Christopher didn’t have to use it to see the public’s opinion plus Mark didn’t have to use it to do his eye browns. If everyone had turned down the temptation to use the battery perhaps Marlon wouldn’t have felt justified to use it too. They are all game players Marlon probably would’ve gone had he not used it although his decision was cowardly I understand it and so should the house. There all hypocrites. Jale out of all people should know how it feels to be alienated from the group and should’ve stood by Marlon she was the main person even bringing up the ‘how do you feel about Marlon’ conversations. She never stood up to the cool gang even when we knew she disagreed with some of their decisions.

  17. K says:
    Reply Report

    Marlon is a slippery slope, but at the end of the day it is a game

  18. sam says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry but he does take sides. He tried to be popular with the cool kids and ended up getting stabbed in the back. LOL. He followed them cool kids around kissing their arse trying to be like them and dress like them. Just looking really odd. He should of been himself it’s embarrassing to watch. Toya was correct. Now look no one is talking to him. It’s hilarious I love it. Trying to be one of the lads. I knew they never liked him really.

  19. sam says:
    Reply Report

    Can’t stand him. Embarrassing to watch ghetto trying to be Essex. Why do u think he was being booed. His a fake yout. Lol low it

  20. Katie says:
    Reply Report

    Such a boring and pointless housemate. I can’t stand everyone in the house. Only one who’s ok is chris.

  21. ross says:
    Reply Report

    they ar eall pussys the best thing which has happend and gets away with it because housemates will vote for him to be evicted and then he leaves that’s a good game plan and other housemates will have to have the same old eviction but marlon who makes a mistake just aloud to go what a lad
    marlon just leaves then that’s better than facing eviction because you just aloud then

  22. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Added nothing at all to the show, lacks a backbone and personality.

  23. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Why is it that whenever a housemate gets evicted, as with Marlon last night, BBBOTS cannot wait to show them the pictures of Danielle posing topless yet they NEVER show the headlines of Helen Wood’s Rooney scandal?

  24. Pearl says:
    Reply Report

    Marlon’s greatest weakness is that he didn’t think things through without knowing his repercussions to it. In there major occasion.
    1. When he called toya a bitch
    2. pressing the button in two seconds,Marlon really LOL and he knew that after it happened
    3.Dude you should have gone in your boxers LOL, no i think it was best not too ain’t ready for that view.

  25. Keithy says:
    Reply Report

    Was this guy even in there forgotten him already

Reply to Northernmonkey

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