


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Chris wants to be an actor but is currently between jobs – he enjoys the ‘gypsy lifestyle of acting’ and has never worked a 9-5 job because he ‘just couldn’t’. He is also a skilled artist – selling works of art drawn in biro – and lists his main passions as music, movies, ideas, girls, individuality, creativity, honesty and respect.

The 33-year-old feels that his parents have taught him how to be polite to others at all times: ‘I’m trying to wean myself of this a bit because now I am obsessively polite –if someone punched me in the face and they got blood on their knuckles I’d apologise for making their hands dirty’. He is also quick and witty with a dry sense of humour, claiming: ‘I don’t see class, I just see d**kheads or not d**kheads’.

When asked if he would choose money or love, Chris said: ‘I’d rather have money right now, I’ve got love but I don’t feel independent enough to say I love myself.’ His best personality trait is that if he has bonded with someone, he will ‘love them unconditionally forever – friends and relationships’. He explains his worst personality trait as: ‘I’ll see a sunny day and say yeah but it’s going to rain in a minute’.

Chris is definitely not looking for love in the Big Brother house. He laughed: ‘I never fancied anyone who’s been on BB anyway. That is my worst nightmare.’

He gets on best with intelligent people, as ‘willing stupidity is worse than natural stupidity’. He has a big group of friends, he’s ‘trying to reduce it’.

Chris wants to do Big Brother for the ‘free rent’, ‘to lose weight’ and because he ‘can’t afford therapy’ – but insists he’s not doing the show to further his acting career: ‘I will walk through any open door right now just to check out the scenery.’

He adds that he would resent having to participate in tasks – saying his pride would get in the way, and he hates team bonding games – but thinks he would be brilliant at secret missions.

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  1. Jess says:
    Reply Report

    Chris for the win!! Huge crush on the guy. I look forward to seeing him every night.

  2. Nicky says:
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    I hope when you come out you read these positive comments because you should be proud of yourself !!! You stay true to yourself and try to help others and what a great judge of character you are !!! ….. Gain in confidence and stand tall…
    Make it up with jale she will be your greatest ally you are so good for each other as friends x

  3. Laura says:
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    Chris to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. northernmonkey says:
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    Time for this man to be counted now. If he stands up to Helen when she is bullying – then he wins.

    Trouble is, he/they know they’d be stuck with her until the final :down:

    The twat who thought of the ‘free pass’ should be sacked, or coshed – either or both will do 😀

  5. John Kane says:
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    Go to this story:
    Look at the first post.

    This is a fix.

    So predictable.

  6. Sheila says:
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    Love Chris – He is smart and has a brilliant mind. He is just superb – obviously, Stephen can sense that Chris is a threat. Hence, the reason why he said to the others that Chris is a game player?? What hypocrisy !!! This is a game show – or have they all forgotten that? I am backing Chris all the way!!!! Chris to win!!! :happy:

  7. Jane Shepherd says:
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    @Sheila – At this point in time its Chris for me as well. Decent chap !

  8. geordiegirl says:
    Reply Report

    I, :heart:

    love chris and want him to win .

    I love Chris and want him to win .

  9. geordiegirl says:
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    Love Chris and want him to win .

  10. gandolph says:
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    Tip toed & pussyfooted around Helen all the time he’s been in the house, never stood up to anyone at all, even when Jale confronted him, he was in the right & should have stood his ground but he crumbled like the little pussy that he is. Spineless, no fight in him. Just a smug little no-mark, Middle class in other words!!! :down: :down:

  11. Jane Shepherd says:
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    I don’t agree, Chris will sit and observe and make rational judgements, he does not suck up to anyone, he admits when he feels he is wrong and apologises accordingly. He has a very dry sense of humour is never smug and is genuinely fascinated in what makes his fellow house mates tick…

    If you really think that calling him middle class should be perceived as a derogatory comment, then where would you put the likes of Helen Wood Danielle McMahon and Kim and Steven in your demographic ?

  12. Sam2 says:
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    He’s so boring sheep count him when they want to go to sleep.

  13. gandolph says:
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    @Jane Shepherd

    Helen Wood is a working class chav as is Danielle, who says she’s been to finishing school, don’t believe a word of it.
    Kim is american but probably from a well to do backgroung.
    Stephen working class but with ludicrous delusions of grandeur.
    Chris screams lightweight middle class wet blanket, our uni’s are full of em. make me sick.

  14. Jane Shepherd says:
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    As far as I can see Helen came from an upper middle class background and pretty affluent (father is a Professor of some sort) meaning her upbringing was monetarily better off than the average person. I agree she is a chav, but unfortunately she chose that self definition, and her actions since have only proven that point.
    Kim is/ was a playboy naked yoga model who will willing have sex on national TV, despite her law degree, maybe she just wants to retire early and eventually close all that…… she and Steven have opened?….
    Steven is insecure sociopath with delusions of grandeur I agree, (see his page) I’ve put comments on Danielles’ page because its too long to repeat, but Chris is decent, articulate and witty, he may not be the most ‘explosive’ housemate but he is genuine.

    I don’t know Gandolph, if you’re male or female ( I am presuming male) and I don’t want to sound either old or condescending but when you finish Uni would you rather introduce Helen, Danielle or Kim to parents?? – or bring Chris as mate??

    Sometimes quite observation pays dividends?

  15. dolores says:
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    :envy:love him I think his brilliant x

  16. gandolph says:
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    @Jane Shepherd

    Stand by all I’ve said, the only person I’d like to introduce to my parents is Ashleigh, a young working class girl from a very very tough town, which has seen enough trauma in it’s past than most cities ten times it’s size.
    Ashleigh seems the most genuine & real out of the whole lot. She is also a quiet observer but unlike Chris has fire in her belly & is not afraid to express her opinion.
    All the housemates know where they stand with Ashleigh, unlike wishy washy Chris.

  17. Jane Shepherd says:
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    @gandolph good comments I agree Ashleigh has shown reserve and considers what she says before she voices it. I like Ashleigh and yes Londonderry has been through (and still is experiencing to some degree) some extremely tough times. But that does not make Chris wet and wishy washy.
    Maybe it is an age thing but I still would not like my 18 year old Daughter to have done the modelling shots that Ashleigh has, that’s why I posted on Jales page that as far as I can see she (Jale) was the only female who had no glamour/porno history.
    I don’t want to sound derogatory to Ashleigh she is extremely capable especially for someone so young. But I wouldn’t want her to get too cocky or complacent either, perhaps she trusted BB too much and that could be her downfall.

  18. donna forde says:
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    I :heart: chris I want him to win 🙂 hes so sweet and attractive hes definatly some1 youd be delighted to have as a friend I think.
    CHRIS TO WIN :up: 😀

  19. Pearl says:
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    I :heart: Chris observation of individuals it is on point but sometimes harsh to hear. I could actually sit down and have a conversation with Chris. His presences is not understood by housemates by with the public its like someone saying what your already think and your sitting in your living room cause you know he is right and your thinking the same thing.

  20. Liz says:
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    Oi Bianca leave our Chris alone he’s 100x the person that you will ever be! Chris is right Bianca has constantly stirred telling people that Danielle is a hypocrite, Says she who claims to hate Helen but was bitching with her and lap dancing for her last night. Double and standards springs to mind.

  21. Liz says:
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    Get Bianca out!

  22. Liz says:
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    And well done to Ashleigh for backing our Chris against Helen I was quite impressed with that she immediately diffused the situation to make things less awkward for Chris good girl :up:

  23. steven gerrard’s rubbish says:
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    God Chris, be a man for once in your life.
    Backed down twice in one day, they were bitching in the toilet about Danielle.
    His cowardly middle class sensibilities are starting to annoy me.
    & one more thing, he’s not pissed in the sink yet. :down:

  24. Maybee says:
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  25. Liz says:
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    He’s a good guy :up:

Reply to argyll

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