


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Chris wants to be an actor but is currently between jobs – he enjoys the ‘gypsy lifestyle of acting’ and has never worked a 9-5 job because he ‘just couldn’t’. He is also a skilled artist – selling works of art drawn in biro – and lists his main passions as music, movies, ideas, girls, individuality, creativity, honesty and respect.

The 33-year-old feels that his parents have taught him how to be polite to others at all times: ‘I’m trying to wean myself of this a bit because now I am obsessively polite –if someone punched me in the face and they got blood on their knuckles I’d apologise for making their hands dirty’. He is also quick and witty with a dry sense of humour, claiming: ‘I don’t see class, I just see d**kheads or not d**kheads’.

When asked if he would choose money or love, Chris said: ‘I’d rather have money right now, I’ve got love but I don’t feel independent enough to say I love myself.’ His best personality trait is that if he has bonded with someone, he will ‘love them unconditionally forever – friends and relationships’. He explains his worst personality trait as: ‘I’ll see a sunny day and say yeah but it’s going to rain in a minute’.

Chris is definitely not looking for love in the Big Brother house. He laughed: ‘I never fancied anyone who’s been on BB anyway. That is my worst nightmare.’

He gets on best with intelligent people, as ‘willing stupidity is worse than natural stupidity’. He has a big group of friends, he’s ‘trying to reduce it’.

Chris wants to do Big Brother for the ‘free rent’, ‘to lose weight’ and because he ‘can’t afford therapy’ – but insists he’s not doing the show to further his acting career: ‘I will walk through any open door right now just to check out the scenery.’

He adds that he would resent having to participate in tasks – saying his pride would get in the way, and he hates team bonding games – but thinks he would be brilliant at secret missions.

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  1. Ann Paterson says:
    Reply Report

    Chris to win, I cant be bothered even commenting on the word creepy!! Except to say those who write it are like sheep!! in every sense!!

  2. Nicky says:
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    I too have tried to look at things from other points of view…. But sometimes I read them and think REALLY ????? …. Then I have to check that I am on the right page and watching the right program !!!! Looool… Last nights show just gobsmacked me…. Refusing to give Chris the benefit of the doubt like they have Ash and Mark just defies belief…. Wow…

  3. Nicky says:
    Reply Report

    Well said!!!!
    I don’t mind Chris, Ashleigh or Christopher… I think these three all DESERVE to win….
    And it will show and upset Helen and crew!!! Including Steven and Kim !!!! …

  4. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    It just seems that Helen has to have a victim all the time. For her to feel secure she has to be on the war path and inevitably someone gets hurt. Ash is really the most spineless idiot I really hope his mum give him a clip round the ear when he gets out.

    Nicky your comments on Mark are spot on – he wants that money to open his brow bar ??? he is soooo selfish !

  5. jennyjuniper says:
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    The only strange thing is after having watched that bullying, foul mouthed moron Helen for the past few months you can STILL believe that she can do no wrong.
    The reason Christopher had to shout to be heard was because Helen,Mark,Ash,Pav and Winston were all gobbing off at the same time.
    Helen is a bully. She has been since she walked through those doors and she will leave STILL a bully

  6. jennyjuniper says:
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    Plus Chris will still have his wonderful talent. Something that the likes of Helen, Ash and Mark will never have if they live to be a 100 :up:

  7. Nicky says:
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    No one can stay in that house for this length of time and not show their true colours…. Mark has definitely shown his….. He had a huge argument with Christopher about loyalty and trust worthy…. Yet he sat there and let Helen scream at Christopher…. Mark didn’t defend him…nor did he admit that he was keeping £5000 for himself…. What a nasty vile selfish little man he is….

  8. Nicky says:
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    Exactly… He truly is gifted… The one thing I would like Chris to take away from this show is confidence and belief in himself….. I would be honoured to call him a friend…. X

  9. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Totally agree -I hope Mark and Winston are out tonight

  10. TC says:
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    I hope Chris or Ashleigh win. I have loved watching Chris from the start but stopped watching because I cannot stomach Helen anymore. I watch online videos to keep up and discussion sites. I think Chris would be a deserved winner and I wish him every success in everything he ever endeavours. He is a very genuine man and the others apart from his close friends in there are just horrible to watch. They are selfish, mean people who are desperate for attention and jealous of Chris, Christopher and Ashleigh.

  11. Jadee says:
    Reply Report

    Well you mustn’t be watching the same show i am then .. because during the whole season up to so far each and every single member of that house has at some point been a bully, speaking in foul mouth, lying and manipulating while talking to someones face and then sneaking off to the diary room to talk bad about the person behind their back..Ashleigh has flown off the handle and attacked Christopher and Kim and whoever was the flavor of the day.. Not one of those housemates has been a good person so to single out Helen as the only bad one there is wrong on your part.

  12. Jadee says:
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    If Chris goes tonight then its because he was hanging with the wrong person .. Ashleigh.. Whoever comes into contact with that girl is gone because she is poison.. Chris should of stayed the man he was when he entered that house.. I found him very interesting and knowledgeable and intriguing and i know he could of handled himself and done well.. As soon as he became lap dog to Ashleigh and distanced himself and stopped participating with others he went downhill. He should of stayed his own person and not her puppet

  13. Dannie says:
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    Chris needs to go he is highly irritating and boring, same as Ashleigh she needs to get off her high horse and to stop thinking the sun shines out her ass, Christopher is now starting to annoy me now too he is changing and acting like a right douchee bag, get these 3 out WINSTON TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Misty says:
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    Love Chris, so now that Mark is gone going to use all my votes for Pav, don’t mind him but like the rest more :straight:

  15. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Chris got it spot on when he was mulling over the ‘escape’ of Helen Ash and Winston,

    He said “Throw the twats out”

    I wish BB would !!

  16. Saz says:
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    So pleased Chris is in the final :heart:

  17. Misty says:
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    Chris – love ya :heart:

  18. lucy says:
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    Chris is so weird and creepy ashleigh will realise that soon she leaves she will realise that

  19. maria says:
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    Hi Saz, Chris is not in the final (as yet) BB made it very clear that all HM’s are in the final week but are not finalists. They have to prove their worth through various tasks. They had to show how taskworthy they are and Chris failed miserably. Didn’t do any of the tasks and walked by them making stupid comments. Thats why Christopher nominated him as being least interested in becoming a finalist. He needs to leave the house 😯

  20. maria says:
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    Sorry, that is me saying he needs to leave the house, just in case there was any confusion. I wouldn’t want to get fans of Chris worried :heart:

  21. Jadee says:
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    Are you kidding me?? Chris and Ashleigh just sat there and didnt participate in the tasks at all.. I didnt see that stupid princess eat any hot peppers or have not the slightest bit of green on her.. chris just walked by like he was too good for any of that.. Those two should of been penalized for not taking part .. Thank god we have the rest of the people otherwise there would of been no show at all .. Ashleigh and Chris are deadbeats who do NOT deserve to win one penny because they didnt do nothing this whole season .. I really cant see how people can vote for them at all. I think its BB choosing and no votes count and they take all the money and make a program. If Ashleigh wins then its fixed totally because she really doesnt deserve it at all. She did NOTHING to deserve it and even when they were told the task was for the final they still didnt do nothing.. So ridiculous beyond belief

  22. John says:
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    For me i want someone to win this show who fought all their life to become a better person, who went through shit and really deserves it, not a model/actor who acts like a spoiled bimbo or a who is fooling around just to hang out with miss popular. This aint high school no more. Boot chris and ashley. Yay for Helen!

  23. jennyjuniper says:
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    Oh my, so because of a couple of tasks you condemn two of the nicest people in there. What about all the times Helen wouldn’t play ball?
    I don’t care how involved or not Helen and cronies have been. Being a foul mouthed bully should never be rewarded.

  24. Jadee says:
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    Then if being a foul mouthed bully shouldnt be rewarded then that takes Ashleigh out of winning it.. because she has 100% been that .. She bullied Christopher and others in her own way with her snide remarks and she has the mouth of a sailor .. She doesnt do any tasks .. She is not one bit a BB contestant and doesnt deserve to win.. PLUS she ruined it for Chris ..

  25. jennyjuniper says:
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    I don’t think Helen is the only bad one, I mean she’s the worst one. Mainly because she incites others to gang up on other housemates, a schoolyard bully of the first calibre. Pauline was the same, but since she’s left Helen reigns supreme as the biggest bitch in the house.
    It’s true that all housemates at some point have been guilty of bitching about each other, but there’s bitching and there is being a bitch, which are two different things.

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