


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Chris wants to be an actor but is currently between jobs – he enjoys the ‘gypsy lifestyle of acting’ and has never worked a 9-5 job because he ‘just couldn’t’. He is also a skilled artist – selling works of art drawn in biro – and lists his main passions as music, movies, ideas, girls, individuality, creativity, honesty and respect.

The 33-year-old feels that his parents have taught him how to be polite to others at all times: ‘I’m trying to wean myself of this a bit because now I am obsessively polite –if someone punched me in the face and they got blood on their knuckles I’d apologise for making their hands dirty’. He is also quick and witty with a dry sense of humour, claiming: ‘I don’t see class, I just see d**kheads or not d**kheads’.

When asked if he would choose money or love, Chris said: ‘I’d rather have money right now, I’ve got love but I don’t feel independent enough to say I love myself.’ His best personality trait is that if he has bonded with someone, he will ‘love them unconditionally forever – friends and relationships’. He explains his worst personality trait as: ‘I’ll see a sunny day and say yeah but it’s going to rain in a minute’.

Chris is definitely not looking for love in the Big Brother house. He laughed: ‘I never fancied anyone who’s been on BB anyway. That is my worst nightmare.’

He gets on best with intelligent people, as ‘willing stupidity is worse than natural stupidity’. He has a big group of friends, he’s ‘trying to reduce it’.

Chris wants to do Big Brother for the ‘free rent’, ‘to lose weight’ and because he ‘can’t afford therapy’ – but insists he’s not doing the show to further his acting career: ‘I will walk through any open door right now just to check out the scenery.’

He adds that he would resent having to participate in tasks – saying his pride would get in the way, and he hates team bonding games – but thinks he would be brilliant at secret missions.

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  1. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Chris has his faults. I do not like the way he has treated Pav one bit.

    Also his sycophantic “relationship” with Helen turns my stomach.

    But there is nothing wrong with his friendship with Ashleigh, Nothing at all.

  2. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    Yes, too right, I would feel “insecure” round him, I mean has he ever had a girlfriend? He’s a sly misfit.

  3. Louise says:
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    Chris is not perfect, the way he treated Pav was wrong, he should have known better seen as he was excluded at the start of the show.

    But as for his friendship with Ashleigh, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s only a friendship through them both having no one else in there to turn to. And even If it was more than a friendship so what?!? She is not a child, she wouldn’t be on the show if she was! My boyfriend is 42, I am 23, we have been together for 3 and a half years. Do the maths. Age is only a number!

    Staring at her in the bath? They regularly show people bathing together or someone sitting on the couch whilst the other is in the bath. So why is it wrong when it’s Ashleigh and Chris? She walks around in her bikini all the time!!!

    BBOTs is poisoning, they are basically running a hate campaign against Chris. This ‘creepy’ Chris tag is just plain wrong. The word ‘creepy’ is offensive towards him – he’s said he would hate anyone to label him that. If BB we’re labelling him ‘ugly’ they wouldn’t get away with that so why should ‘creepy’ be any different? It’s just as offensive.

  4. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Louise Completely spot on.

    You can guarantee 100% that Chris and Pav will be the two housemates nominated for eviction this week.

    They’re both easy touches and everyone in there knows, with it being face-to-face noms, that neither of them will kick off if they are voted up.

    Nobody is going to mess with anyone close to Helen. In fact I’d be surprised if Mark, Winston or Ash receive a SINGLE vote.

  5. Louise says:
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    @John Kane
    Yeah I think there’s a strong possibility it’ll be Pav and Chris again, but I don’t think Christopher is doing himself any favours either and wouldn’t really kick off of people picked him.

  6. John Kane says:
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    @Louise I don’t think Christopher will get that many votes.

    I can only see Ashleigh, Chris and Pav nominating Christopher.

  7. Misty says:
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    I totally agree, well said :up: :up: :up:

  8. Misty says:
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    Yes, I really like Chris and I’m 20, wish there were more like him, the things people are saying are rubbish and it says a lot more about THEM than it does about Chris, putting their vile small little minds into overdrive, they all sit and talk in the bathroom, Chris actually looked quite bored, but people will read into it what they want to and a lot of people love to create a bit of smut! Shame on you! Trying to ruin a persons character like that! :down:

  9. Louise says:
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    @John Kane
    Oh yeah there would only be a few potential Christopher votes but sometimes a few is all that’s needed. People might use the ‘I think you’re going a bit mad in here, leaving is for your own well being’ excuse when it’s face to face.

    Totally, definitely says more about the person insinuating Chris is doing wrong than Chris himself.

  10. Misty says:
    Reply Report

    Oh my god, I cannot believe the treatment that BB is dishing out to Ashleigh and Chris with this wildlife task, it’s revolting, they really are trying to push the whole creepy Chris thing on the viewers, it’s disgusting and degrading, makes me support them even more now and I’m going to complain both to Channel 5 and that Ofcom people whatever they are called, BB YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR……SHAME ON YOU :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: down: :down:

    DISGUSTING. Hope Chris sues!!

  11. Bob says:
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    Good post Louise.

  12. Katie says:
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    When was the wildlife task shown?

  13. danny-p says:
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    If this lad gets the chance to screw Ashleigh over with the cash prize and take the lot for himself, he’ll be gone quicker than you can say creep.

  14. sue says:
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    hi dan. just wanted to say i think chris is a perfect gentleman and i hold him in the highest respect. wish more guys were like him. if i met him i would be proud to have him as a friend

  15. sue says:
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    would love to meet him in person. please tell him that loads of us have faith in him as a person and we wish him all that is good in life. also i went on his site and his drawings are truly amazing. he has such talent. many of us are supporting him every step of the way. xx

  16. Margaret Rose says:
    Reply Report

    Chris needs all our support this week to stay for the final. I am not sure if he will win but I know I would feel angry if I thought the production team and presenters got their way. It has been a disgraceful exhibition in which a lack of a disinterested point of view has been shown to the other contestants and I for one would feel “mugged off” by the show.

  17. ste says:
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    I really do hope the public keep chris in Fri. .just to stick two large fingers up to big brother and the treatment they & bots dished out to him..All because chris didn’t get nominated in face to face noms..the producers most prob overnight had a meeting and come up with the prize fund twist does anyone really think that if chris had been nominated last night leaving ash..ashleigh they would of come up with this pathetic twist I don’t think so.

  18. TC says:
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    they are determined to get him out. Why?? I am a Chris fan and I really really hope he stays on Friday. I think he is very genuine and the public love him. They (BB) are determined to have certain HM’s win. Why? makes you wonder if the rumour is true… someone decided to put an AWFUL lot of money on Helen to win well before the series began and as someone else said jokingly ..a producer perhaps! and was given the answer- “now that would make a lot of sense when you look at how Helen is being protected ” —-makes you think!!

  19. TC says:
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    part of the comment I read about should or could Chris sue was and I quote: (The”creepy” prefix lands Endemol in a dubious grey area, which is why
    Willis was obviously ordered to “back track” publically and stop any further use of this on television. Once you’ve effectively branded
    someone a sex pest in the public domain, then yes, there are grounds for a class libel action.
    If when he leaves Chris becomes the target for abuse, threats or violence, then he would have grounds for legal action.
    It’s about the burden of proof and malicious intent.
    Someone asked what proof they have that Willis was ordered to make her Volte face the following day? The fact that she did and that Endemol
    then went out of their way to take Chris’ side in terms of the edit, is strong evidence of this.”) another part said (Where the case surrounding Chris would differ is that he had been given a
    label and that label had been with the intention of destroying his character. It’s also notable that there were no chants from the eviction crowd that night. I’d be interested to know from anyone who went if
    they’d been ordered by producers specifically not to) .

  20. ste says:
    Reply Report

    I totally agree with everything you say TC I think this year’s bb has been mapped out for helen from the moment she entered the house..I still find it strange now helen was the only housemate who the public new something about and suprise suprise who received the free pass and it wouldn’t suprise me one little bit if Pauline was given a back hander to pick helen for the free pass if you remember what she said when she picked helen THERE GONNA KILL ME FOR THIS who was she talking about I can only think she ment the public why else would she say it.
    and after watching this year’s bb I wouldn put anything past the bunch of idiots running this show.

  21. TC says:
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    I really hope that Chris stays Ste, I really do. I think he is a great HM and just like you I cant believe what they are doing this year. I stopped watching already and just come on discussion sites and watch daily motion to see what is going on. I stopped watching BBBOTS since they slated Chris, BOTS is biased and one sided depending on who they want to pick on at any given time or week. Helen is just a nasty piece of work wont change ever. Is a puppet master, manipulator who thrives on conflict and is consumed with anger and hatred. would love Chris to win or Ashleigh or vice versa with either as runner up.

  22. northernmonkey says:
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    I hope he stays too, him and Winston. It’s a shame others in there were not up.

  23. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Does anyone remember how quickly Emma Willis jumped down the throat of the audience member on BBBOTS – who tried to voice her opinion about Steven Goode being a controlling menacing guy – she whipped away the microphone and made an apology to the camera and said Steven wasn’t there in person to defend any allegations like that!………

    So why are they not only allowing this type of discrimination towards Chris, but seem to be actively encouraging it.

    I really hope they get their fingers burnt :doh: :doh:

  24. ste says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd
    I totally agree with Jane I can only think bb seen chris as a real threat in winning the show witch isn’t any excuse at all for the treatment he received especially on bots and from Emma.
    I mean what did chris actually do to deserve the treatment he received when you think what helen was dishing out to hms with her vile behaviour and that was just brushed under the carpet.
    I use to think Emma was fair not anymore she’s a terrible interviewer but in the past week the way she delt with the whole creepy Chris stuff making snide comments and that silly giggling I’ve gone right off her.
    as I said earlier too I hope Chris stays just to put two fingers up to bb for the disgusting character assassination of Chris.

  25. Mo says:
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    If he is really vulnerable and will be devastated to read what has been said about him when he leaves, he really is in the wrong place!!! As his friend, should you not have persuaded that the Big Brother house is not for the faint hearted….. Sorry, but in my opinion, if you sign up for BB, you know damn well what’s ahead!! It’s been on for years so there is no excuse. They are all in it for their shot at “fame”… I love the show btw. It’s hilarious.

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