


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 14 noms received

Chris wants to be an actor but is currently between jobs – he enjoys the ‘gypsy lifestyle of acting’ and has never worked a 9-5 job because he ‘just couldn’t’. He is also a skilled artist – selling works of art drawn in biro – and lists his main passions as music, movies, ideas, girls, individuality, creativity, honesty and respect.

The 33-year-old feels that his parents have taught him how to be polite to others at all times: ‘I’m trying to wean myself of this a bit because now I am obsessively polite –if someone punched me in the face and they got blood on their knuckles I’d apologise for making their hands dirty’. He is also quick and witty with a dry sense of humour, claiming: ‘I don’t see class, I just see d**kheads or not d**kheads’.

When asked if he would choose money or love, Chris said: ‘I’d rather have money right now, I’ve got love but I don’t feel independent enough to say I love myself.’ His best personality trait is that if he has bonded with someone, he will ‘love them unconditionally forever – friends and relationships’. He explains his worst personality trait as: ‘I’ll see a sunny day and say yeah but it’s going to rain in a minute’.

Chris is definitely not looking for love in the Big Brother house. He laughed: ‘I never fancied anyone who’s been on BB anyway. That is my worst nightmare.’

He gets on best with intelligent people, as ‘willing stupidity is worse than natural stupidity’. He has a big group of friends, he’s ‘trying to reduce it’.

Chris wants to do Big Brother for the ‘free rent’, ‘to lose weight’ and because he ‘can’t afford therapy’ – but insists he’s not doing the show to further his acting career: ‘I will walk through any open door right now just to check out the scenery.’

He adds that he would resent having to participate in tasks – saying his pride would get in the way, and he hates team bonding games – but thinks he would be brilliant at secret missions.

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  1. coco says:
    Reply Report

    on wednesdays show chris sat with ash rolling fags and chris ADMITTED these exact words

    ash said ‘she is a beautiful girl’

    chris replied ‘yes in every respect, to me ashleigh is like the ghost of girlfriends past, you know, she is every bit the kind of girl i would have gone with when i was 24, so because of that i feel really protective of her and really appreciate her and just like, just really think the world of her and i think i would have felt the same if id met her in a pub’

    sorry if i was ashleighs boyfriend i would punch chris cos its as clear as day chris is obsessed with ashleigh…..

    The facial expressions he pulled when he spoke the above word was like he was euphoric when speakingslimey chris fancies and is obsessed with ashleigh if you cant see it your blind

    chris leave ashleigh alone she dont need you obssessing over her and she dont need your protection cos theres nothing to protect ashleigh from just the pervy thoughts in your sick mind

    watch wednesdays big brother again carefully and take note of facial expression eyes and words being said and it is as clear as crystal

  2. coco says:
    Reply Report

    dont forget the power of sky and watching it back on channel5 past episodes….. We have the power to pause rewind and play back many times 😉

    this is a game of psychology and social interaction where every word said and everything done is analysed thats what housemates signed up for so dont feel sorry for them big brothers been going for years they ALL know what their doing and what theyre up against whilst in that house big brother can play with them all big brother wants

  3. Rainbow says:
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    Think back to when Danielle appeared with the three ex-housemates to tell the Power Alliance to watch out for Pav, who was supposedly obsessed with Ashleigh.That was where the idea came from and since then Chris has been looking to see if it was true by studying Pav’s actions. As for that roach, Steven, he has been seething since he was nominated by Chris and Ashleigh which resulted in his eviction, at long last!
    Since then he has been determined to undermine Chris by conducting a form of character assassination along with help from his mummy. He is a very sore loser and should feel lucky to have lasted as long as he did because most of the viewers would have liked him out long before he actually went. He goes on about Chris playing a game; well what was Steven’s game? It was to cook up a showmance and shag on tv. Wow, what a guy!
    I am sick of seeing him on BOTS as he constantly slags off Chris and gets the sheep in the audience to cheer and applaud his opinions. Enough of his smug mug on our tv screens! GO AWAY, STEVEN.

  4. mitchell says:
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    if anyone needs protecting at all ashleigh needs protecting from chris 😀

  5. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Even if Chris does fancy Ashleigh he is only dreaming from afar, there is no way on earth he would act on any crush he has got primarily because he knows she has a boyfriend and he respects that.

    I don’t understand all these sly comments about Chris being creepy or pervy – Chris is a man he has two eyes Ahsleigh is a very attractive girl ( Ibet Winston Ash and Pav fancy her too) Why is just Chris that gets this abuse.??? is because he has befriended her, supported her and listened to her?
    Would you prefer he was like Ash – a quick fumble in the dark under the duvet when he thinks know else is watching? or like Steven declaring undying love forever like a control freak sociopathic weirdo ?

    If people are just saying its because of the age gap – get over it –

    IF I was Ashleigh Chris would certainly be my friend

  6. northernmonkey says:
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    @coco If you play the hug back, look very carefully and you’ll see Chris had a raging boner 😀

  7. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Oh you incorrigible 😀
    Tell me I’m wrong but I thought that an erection is normally pretty spontaneous so its an unconscious reaction to what he sees.
    I’m not denying he fancies her but why all this perv backlash?
    There was nearly 14years between Prince Charles and Lady Diana but know one called Charles a perv, I think the majority of people thought lucky old devil.
    Chris wont act on his crush and Ashleigh certainly does not reciprocate any feelings of attraction so nothing is going to happen. Poor chap can’t help getting a raging boner 😀 😀

  8. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Please ex 😯 cuse all my typos and grammatical errors ! – I must be tired

  9. Maybee says:
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    Oh, and what about him sitting on the chair watching Ashleigh while she was having a bath ! Most disturbing, I’d be so concerned if she was my daughter. :down:

  10. Jim says:
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    Yeah he a perve

    funny when they did the internet task and they asked the most creepy housemate was chris was the one everyone thinks is creepy and he commented later “i get it outside, its not new”

    so chris admitted he gets called a creep outside the big brother housewell if everyone says so theres truth in it he is a creep euw i wouldnt like him near my girlfriend like he is with ashleigh. everywhere ashleigh is chris follows creeeeep

  11. Jim says:
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    Which day was that shown ….. Chris watching ashleigh have a bath????

  12. Jim says:
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    did you see on thursdays big brother 39 minutes in (best buddies) ashleigh and helen were chatting in front of the mirror then chris came looking for ashleig and pretendedhe wanted to use the bathroom when theres one outside….. Then ashleigh let out a frustrating groan – i hope ashleigh tells chris to leave her alone soon f**king tell him

  13. ste says:
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    Does anyone find it strange that no one was calling chris creepy Chris in the first 7wks I think bb & bots has a lot to answer for this tag will stick with him when he leaves the house witch in my opinion is totally unfair.
    Why weren’t bots referring to helen as two faced helen or zoe as stuck up zoe it’s coming across as bb bias.

  14. Maybee says:
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    And what’s with all this hugging malarkey ? Yuck, he’s so “touch-feely”. Most young girls I know wouldn’t go within a mile of him. What must her boyfriend really think?

  15. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Ashleigh had knickers and Tshirt on in the bath She has worn less clothes in the swimming pool, a lot of them actually take a bath together, Chris was just chatting – Most house mates use the interior bathroom when they don’t want the housemates in the garden to hear their ablutions. Don’t most friends hug each other? I hug my friends both male and female.

    Chris was referring to being misunderstood outside the house.

    But like I said so what if he fancies her??? Nothing is going to happen.

  16. Lou says:
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    That’s actually not what he was referring to. If you look at the scene again which you’ve clearly twisted to suit your own point, chris says in the bathroom with ashley that he doesn’t mind people saying he LOOKS creepy but he would absolutely hate if someone were to point out an occasion that he was creepy this was explaining the point he made in the task about the outside. Ashleigh sighed in the bathroom because winston had been to the loo 😉 so your wrong on most counts. He was also not watching her bath. She said he was the opposite of creepy during that conversation and in my opinion was not at all creepy during it. Ashleigh has walked about in a bikini top as any normal person would in the house. She was wearing one in the bath. Those 2 things are no different therefore chris did nothing wrong. Your watching too much bots were housemates who were disliked by the public when they were in the house, both this year and last, are getting their own back on current housemates. Logically Stevens only saying what he says because chris did not like him. He has free reign to say whatever he wants knowing chris is in the house and can’t answer. @Jim

  17. jim says:
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    The thing is ashleigh encourages him by saying she will crack up if chris is evicted 😯 sitting next to him as he lays in bed touching each others hands commenting if they are cold or warm, ashleigh saying chris is her favourite housemate she is young and naive regarding chris …….. If you notice everywhere ashleig sits chris is right next to her.

    Its clear he has an obsession with her cos of how he spoke about her with ash – his words speak of his undying affection towards ashleigh – if it was me id run a mile.

    He sits there staring at ashleigh ive seen it loads he is a perv and a creep and everyone is saying the same shame u dont see the truth

  18. jim says:
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    The thing is ashleigh encourages him by saying she will crack up if chris is evicted 😯 sitting next to him as he lays in bed touching each others hands commenting if they are cold or warm, ashleigh saying chris is her favourite housemate she is young and naive regarding chris …….. If you notice everywhere ashleig sits chris is right next to her.
    Lets face it his behaviour towards ashleigh is clingy and is not normal if i was her boyfriend i would be upset watching him be like that towards my girlfriend

    Its clear he has an obsession with her cos of how he spoke about her with ash – his words speak of his undying affection towards ashleigh – if it was me id run a mile.

    He sits there staring at ashleigh ive seen it loads he is a perv and a creep and everyone is saying the same shame u dont see the truth

  19. sue says:
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    ashleigh wore a pink bikini in the bath – cos theres cameras there but f**k sake let the girl have a bath and wash her privates without chris sitting there staring

    he looks creepy and acts creepy id run a mile if i was in the house with him

  20. Lou says:
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    Who are you addressing? He speaks highly of her because he likes the girls personality ffs honest to god. Is he not allowed to like her personality? Ash lifted ashley up when they won a task does that mean he’s a perv too? Should they ignore her because she’s 18 and leave her sitting in the corner like the first couple of weeks?@jim

  21. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    Hi Lou, there are always people who can take the most innocent friendship and turn it into something ugly. If that is the way their minds work, then I feel sorry for them.
    Chris is an astute guy and even if he did fancy Ashleigh (and let’s face it he would have to be made of stone not to) he’s a realist enough to know that even if she was free as a bird, nothing would happen between them.
    Let the lad play Sir Galahad to the maiden. It’s not harming anyone and for all of those who slag Chris off, get a life and at least take your minds out of the sewer.

  22. Jim says:
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    Yeah ash lifted ashleigh up but he dont hang around her aaaaaaall the time like chris does

    then friday evction night showed chris and ashleigh in the bedroom and chris is expressing STRONGLY

    ‘you really are like the big thing for me in here’what the f**k is that comment about?????? big thing for him????? theres somethng not right about this guy leave the little girl alone

    Then he says ‘i will take you away as a friend and i really intend to properly like have you as a friend ….. Like i mean i wanna be your mate like forever and that will be the best thing cos i got one thing from that experience i gotta good mate’

    ashleigh just replies ‘yeah’

    he is pushing himself onto her verbally – he speaks very strongly and i find that scary if anyone said that to me id be creeped outher boyfriend should be fuming at his wierdness towards poor ashleigh

  23. Jim says:
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    chris is obsessed with ashleigh and ashleigh loves being adored and loves the affection and attention

    ashleigh said she would crack up if chris leaves clearly she neeeeds his creepy attention

    i find their so called friendship disturbing

    i find chris a disturbing 33 year old man obsessing over a 18 year old who cant see the disturbing dynamics of chris

  24. Maybee says:
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    His supporters have failed to mention how now he finds Helen rather “loveable” !! It just beggars belief what a 2 faced, sly, spineless person he is.

  25. Bob says:
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    It’s strange how some people think it’s creepy that someone has found a good friend, I just don’t get why age is relevant! Finding really good friends throughout life is such a rare thing in the grand scheme of things that you should cherish everyone of them.

    I think maybe(e) the people who think it’s creepy are reflecting their own insecurities.

Reply to Nicky

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