


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Ash openly admits to being lazy and says his looks have given him ‘an easy, blessed life filled with women’. He has an easy going laid back charm that he often uses to his advantage, and describes himself as an ‘unabashed flirt, who doesn’t want to settle down’.

He currently single and prefers it that way ‘life is so much less complicated without being tied down’. His last relationship was over a year ago, ‘it just fizzled out, she didn’t trust me and I ended up getting hurt’.

He is a big party boy and claims to be well known in Manchester, where he grew up – he can’t imagine living anywhere else. He’s passionate about having a good time, stating ‘life’s too short. I think everyone should make the most of each day by having it large’.

The 26-year-old still lives at home with his mum as he enjoys her cooking. He says ‘my mum’s one of my best friends, I’m a mummy’s boy and tell her everything – she’s one of the lads’. He uses being brought up by women to his advantage and knows how to turn on the charm, claiming his good looks have got him everything and anything he’s wanted from an early age.

Ash was always part of the ‘good-looking, popular group’ at school and was even friends with the majority of his teachers. His favourite subject was PE as it just came naturally to him: ‘It was always a subject that ensured I caught the ladies eyes’.

He is now a model, but having previously worked for his dad’s building firm from a young age, he isn’t afraid to get dirty – despite his blessed looks, he’s known by his family and friends as ‘the local handyman’. David Beckham is his ultimate idol – he sees himself as ‘a younger, better looking version’ of the footballer.

Ash – who also studied law at college, and business and management at university – attends his local gym daily as well as playing football three times a week usually spends the whole summer in Ibiza ‘working and getting wrecked’. He classes himself as a ‘cheeky chappy’ and a ‘class clown’ and believes he’ll be a ‘laid back, handsome housemate who’s always up for fun’.

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  1. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Not really sure what Ash has done wrong to be honest and why people don’t like him. Is it purely because he gets on with Helen?

  2. peter says:
    Reply Report

    Spot on, I can’t stand Ash’s arrogance. Tbh, some of the other popular hms think they are higher than te others.

  3. Northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    He is from my neck of the woods so I wanted him to be ok, reacted badly when he was nominated though.

    Needs to sort his head out and chill out.

  4. Violet says:
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    Exactly what I thought! Even in this recent argument! Yeah he reacted badly, that’s probably because he thought Toya and Matthew were better friends with him than most other people… He only asked a simple question ‘did you choose to save Kimberly over the rest of us?’ OBVIOUSLY… He didn’t understand what was going on! He got it wrong and Toya just got up on the defensive because she’s obviously insecure or couldn’t think of a valid reason why she chose to veto his noms. Don’t understand how someone could dislike him that much

  5. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Bob I actually think Ash dealt with the Toya incident well. He kept a lot calmer than I would have in the face face of her screaming at everyone like a Primary School teacher who lost patience with her class.

    She doesn’t have conversations with people, she just talks AT them. even to her friends. There’s no back and forth, it’s just one speech after another with her.

  6. John Kane says:
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    @peter Everything being said re: Marlon, Ash and Winston’s reaction may be true, but Toya is far far worse.

    She is a self-rightoes, self-important ego-maniac who cannot even entertain a different viewpoint than her own.

    She is also very calculating (and an emotional bully). As she displayed with her disecting of Christopher psyche (not to mention her friendly fire towards Danielle and Helen tonight).

    I have yet to see her have a conversation in the house. Instead she talks AT people forcing her “truth” down their throats. It’s no wonder the majority of the house…and the public… have lost patience with her.

    The amount of times she starts a rant by shouting “Let me tell you something…” over the other person. That is no way to communicate with people. It IS a good way to DICTATE to people, which is exactly what she does, time after time after time.

    A truly unpleasant, joyless individual.

    Reply Report

    Don’t any of you see any comedy value at all in Toya. She is a ludicrous, pompous woman with delusions of grandeur but I find her unintentionally hilarious when she blows her top. She has to stay. If she goes the bullies will gain control again with Helen as leader & god help Jale, Danielle, Ashleigh, Chris & Christopher, it won’t make for comfortable viewing. With Toya still in the house Helens evil streak will be stifled, as will her pathetic flock of yes men!!! Marlon should go, he’s a neanderthall, actually referred to Toya as a C**t in last nights episode. is there a more offensive word directed at a woman??? Surprised BB didn’t step in.

  8. John Kane says:
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    @LIGHTERFLUID Is there a more offensive word? Is there a more APT word is the question?

    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    So along with Brain of Britain Marlon, you too would describe Toya as a C**T??
    Good luck with your choice of words in future. :up:

  10. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    I personally don’t find her funny at all, she has to be one of the most nasty people i’ve ever seen on BB over the years.
    If she stays then she will think she has justification to speak(shout) to people the way she does.
    I would go worse than John and call her a F**king C**t.

  11. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Anyway, despite someone(the person who can’t spell mummy) saying above that I was just attention seeking windup merchant, I still don’t really see what Ash has done that is so wrong, yes I know he has called Jale a few names, which are not nice BTW but there are far worse people in there that should go.

  12. John Kane says:
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    @Bob I seem to be agreeing with you more and more these days Bob.

    @LIGHTERFLUID How would you describe Toya… in one word?

  13. Bob says:
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    @John Kane
    Worrying 😉

  14. jennyjuniper says:
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    At first I thought Ash was just a fairly good looking nonetity. Since he hooked up with Helen though he has turned into nearly as big a bully as her. He’s foul mouthed and can’t take the least bit of critisicm, but he sure can dish it out.
    I hope he goes on Friday, because although Toya is irritating and a bit full on, she doesn’t pick on the ‘weaker’ ones, at least she hasn’t since Pauline left.

  15. sammyvan14 says:
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    Prat! May be good looking but in a seedy way.
    Once he opens his mouth it wouldn’t matter if he looked like George Clooney [ or whoever you consider handsome ] as his language and arrogance are enough to make you hit the :down:
    Hope he goes this Friday – Toya will keep till next week.

  16. chloe says:
    Reply Report

    Funnily enough, I do start to like Toya. She is loud and screams for England. However, she is shouting at the bullies and, I think it is hilarious. I do agree that she has to stay. Ash to go – what a complete prat and, I do not find him attractive – he looks rough and vulgar. ciao all

  17. zara says:
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    Agree keep toya in for now at least shes finally fighting on the right side even if she is slightly unhinged! get ash out then toya can go next week!@chloe

  18. del boy says:
    Reply Report

    He seemed ok at the beginning but what a prize plonker! Hope he goes!

  19. Lou says:
    Reply Report

    You are the only maggot round here you egotistical dick head. People will nominate you you dick it’s big brother! Good on you mark for sticking up for jale! Come on people get ash out!

  20. zara says:
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    Hope he goes and the crowd outside chant maggot at him!!!

  21. Liz says:
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    He was pathetic tonight the way he was trying to justify Helen’s behaviour and when he told Matthew that he would rip him apart lyrically I nearly wet myself! I will be voting to evict him just to see look on helens face! What a maggot!

  22. Belinda says:
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    Said tonight that if Matthew continued arguing with ‘my mate’ Helen that he would ‘tear him up, not literally but lyrically’ . So that translates as ‘ not actually but literally’ unless of course he chooses to express his anger toward Matthew through the medium of song! Get him out Friday he really is the wind beneath Helen’s wings.

  23. Northernmonkey says:
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    Haha, he lacks the wit and intelligence to be able to ‘tear ‘ anyone up.

    He has no self awareness at all. I’d prefer him to go over Toya now.

  24. SM says:
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    Please please please all the voters get Ash out, anyone that defends that vile bitch Helen does not deserve to be there , ( all her gang ) should have been men and tell her she was completely out of order; they both deserve each other they are both vile.

  25. Anna says:
    Reply Report

    Ash to go, both a Twat and a Maggot, Helen will go ape, nasty, vile man, looks dirty and unkept.

Reply to Liz

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