


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Ash openly admits to being lazy and says his looks have given him ‘an easy, blessed life filled with women’. He has an easy going laid back charm that he often uses to his advantage, and describes himself as an ‘unabashed flirt, who doesn’t want to settle down’.

He currently single and prefers it that way ‘life is so much less complicated without being tied down’. His last relationship was over a year ago, ‘it just fizzled out, she didn’t trust me and I ended up getting hurt’.

He is a big party boy and claims to be well known in Manchester, where he grew up – he can’t imagine living anywhere else. He’s passionate about having a good time, stating ‘life’s too short. I think everyone should make the most of each day by having it large’.

The 26-year-old still lives at home with his mum as he enjoys her cooking. He says ‘my mum’s one of my best friends, I’m a mummy’s boy and tell her everything – she’s one of the lads’. He uses being brought up by women to his advantage and knows how to turn on the charm, claiming his good looks have got him everything and anything he’s wanted from an early age.

Ash was always part of the ‘good-looking, popular group’ at school and was even friends with the majority of his teachers. His favourite subject was PE as it just came naturally to him: ‘It was always a subject that ensured I caught the ladies eyes’.

He is now a model, but having previously worked for his dad’s building firm from a young age, he isn’t afraid to get dirty – despite his blessed looks, he’s known by his family and friends as ‘the local handyman’. David Beckham is his ultimate idol – he sees himself as ‘a younger, better looking version’ of the footballer.

Ash – who also studied law at college, and business and management at university – attends his local gym daily as well as playing football three times a week usually spends the whole summer in Ibiza ‘working and getting wrecked’. He classes himself as a ‘cheeky chappy’ and a ‘class clown’ and believes he’ll be a ‘laid back, handsome housemate who’s always up for fun’.

Latest on Ash

  1. 13 comments

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  1. HarveyJ says:
    Reply Report

    Want to know what the Paul Family is like? Have a look at their Comical Nature: This is their version of the Harlem Shake LOLx

  2. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report


    Great comment – did you notice his best comment to date was Helen needs a muzzle. If he was a ‘true’ friend he would have given her that advice before he welcomed her into his bed.

  3. Open it says:
    Reply Report

    So he wants to be James Bond huh!!
    I think he’s just looking for Pussy Galore!!!!

    Or jack & Danny 😀 …….I read that somewhere!!!

  4. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    @Open it
    Absolutely – I wonder who would make a good 007 evil baddie that tried to tempt James into the dark side ?? 😀 😀

  5. Geo says:
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    At least he’s been fun to watch I fast foward Ashleigh and chrises conversations boring..!!!!

  6. Misty says:
    Reply Report


    Fun.???? Get out much.??? Lol 😀

  7. Amy says:
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    Ash is too quiet some of you say… He isnt funny some of you say.. Then when he says something funny about Helen, he gets blamed for trying to ‘ditch’ her. But if he said it about Ashley, Chris or Christopher he would be a bully… hmmmmm.

  8. Jane says:
    Reply Report

    has helen really been evicted???
    or is she a secret power housemate to trick housemates???

    1) what happened to her final pass? no announcements or warnings that she had lost it?
    2) Emma said the public have voted but there were no announcements to evict anyone? and no numbers to vote to evict?
    3) there was no crowd when emma willis announced?
    4) it was too sudden
    5) she was requested to leave the house via diary room door???? suspicious

    must be a big trick 😉

  9. Sandra Floyd says:
    Reply Report

    hope she hasn’t been evicted, they have all, including the judy james hounded her, had her cowed, and almost cowering, all should be ashamed, IMO.

  10. Sandra Floyd says:
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    you were right about one thing, Ash, check out the massive smile on Ashleigh’s face when Emma came on,

  11. flodders says:
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    poor Helen.

  12. Maybee says:
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    @Sandra Floyd

    Helen along with Chris is in a secret house watching & listening to the other housemates. :up:

  13. yogi6 says:
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    He is so beige…vanilla :down:

  14. John Kane says:
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    @Sandra Floyd “had her cowed, and almost cowering, all should be ashamed” That’s called karma.

    Helen has been bullying and intimidating people during the whole series (and I suspect her whole life).

    The tears and tantrums she threw afterwards were out of pure jealousy and frustration. Ashleigh is everything Helen wishes she was but knows she could never be.

    The producers of Big Brother have once again been on a massive push this week to try and garner votes for their little favourite Helen, even going so far as to put her into luxury accommodation.

    Will the British public fall for it? I doubt it very much.

  15. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @Sandra Floyd
    Smile indeed – relief hoping that Helen was being evicted.

    Helen would love to be Ashleigh and that is one of the many many issues that
    nasty vile Helen has – it was very evident in diary room last night.

  16. flodders says:
    Reply Report

    Helen for the win, only genuine one in there.

  17. Misty says:
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    @Sandra Floyd

    If I was in that house I’d look forward to Friday as well, one week nearer to getting away from these people 😀

  18. John Kane says:
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    does anyone get the impression that even Ash, whilst he would never admit it, has also had more than enough of Helen now?

  19. Misty says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane

    Yes John

    But spooked in here

    Never anyone here lol 😀

  20. Keithy says:
    Reply Report

    Helens little puppy dog, have u noticed how most comments on this stream are all about Helen. And not Ash. Just proves he’s been controlled the whole way through. He has to be one of the most boring housemates ever, he says nothing controversial does nothing interesting and melts into the background. He will be very quickly forgotten along with the rest

  21. Misty says:
    Reply Report


    Hello, I think this is the store room lol 😀

  22. pat says:
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    Ash isnt even that good looking ffs! He is narcissistic, lacking in persnality and has no depth. He has deceived Helen (athough she has been horrible) and really is a mummys boy. He needs to learn humility and get speech lessons…..Keith Lemon in real life!

  23. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Tried to also post the Channel 5 “contact us” page but it has been shut down since last night.

    How convenient.

Reply to Clazzer

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