


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Ash openly admits to being lazy and says his looks have given him ‘an easy, blessed life filled with women’. He has an easy going laid back charm that he often uses to his advantage, and describes himself as an ‘unabashed flirt, who doesn’t want to settle down’.

He currently single and prefers it that way ‘life is so much less complicated without being tied down’. His last relationship was over a year ago, ‘it just fizzled out, she didn’t trust me and I ended up getting hurt’.

He is a big party boy and claims to be well known in Manchester, where he grew up – he can’t imagine living anywhere else. He’s passionate about having a good time, stating ‘life’s too short. I think everyone should make the most of each day by having it large’.

The 26-year-old still lives at home with his mum as he enjoys her cooking. He says ‘my mum’s one of my best friends, I’m a mummy’s boy and tell her everything – she’s one of the lads’. He uses being brought up by women to his advantage and knows how to turn on the charm, claiming his good looks have got him everything and anything he’s wanted from an early age.

Ash was always part of the ‘good-looking, popular group’ at school and was even friends with the majority of his teachers. His favourite subject was PE as it just came naturally to him: ‘It was always a subject that ensured I caught the ladies eyes’.

He is now a model, but having previously worked for his dad’s building firm from a young age, he isn’t afraid to get dirty – despite his blessed looks, he’s known by his family and friends as ‘the local handyman’. David Beckham is his ultimate idol – he sees himself as ‘a younger, better looking version’ of the footballer.

Ash – who also studied law at college, and business and management at university – attends his local gym daily as well as playing football three times a week usually spends the whole summer in Ibiza ‘working and getting wrecked’. He classes himself as a ‘cheeky chappy’ and a ‘class clown’ and believes he’ll be a ‘laid back, handsome housemate who’s always up for fun’.

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  1. ste says:
    Reply Report

    I agree bob I’ve got my fingers crossed my toes crossed my legs crossed that bb twist noms..and put helen up too. 😀

  2. I’ll have what he’s having says:
    Reply Report

    Ash & Winston are dumb neanderthalls.
    Both really bad communicators.
    The only thing they could consider as a skill or talent is laughing like a pair of deranged hyenas at other peoples misfortune!!!
    They are both spectacularly ordinary & a million miles from being COOL :down:

  3. danny-p says:
    Reply Report

    Honestly think Ash has clung to Helen for the same reason her other little followers did at the beginning of BB. HE’S SCARED TO GO AGAINST HER.
    what a little fa^N¥ he is. Hahaha
    Do you think he would still find her attractive if he knew she sold her slice for a living????
    OR if he had seen the pictures if her before she sold her body to pay for the way she looks now??
    Ash may have done well in this if he had kept away from poison ivy.
    The only reason he more than likely isn’t going to go Friday is because he is up against suicidal Steven

  4. Clazzer says:
    Reply Report

    Proves the point that beauty is only skin deep. Initially I thought wow. He has as much personality as wood chip wallpaper.

    So immature. 26 seriously! Needs to have boys around, yes boys not men to gossip with.

    Reminds me of Les Dawson’s female character that gossiped over the fence whilst hitching up her bust.

    Nothing more of a turn off than a bitchy gossipy man. Obviously Stephen is exceptional. Started having to fast forward through coverage of him from the start back in Pauline days. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a more self centred, self deluded person.

  5. danny-p says:
    Reply Report

    Too true :up: @Clazzer

  6. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    Even mark acknowledged that Ash will take being put up for eviction worse than any other housemate when he finds out who has the power. Ashes true colours are gonna show again. Him and Helen are gonna be gunning for Mark.

  7. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    The housemates think Ash is safe this week cos he got a few random cheers on Friday. He should have gone weeks ago GET HIM OUT!

  8. ste says:
    Reply Report

    Ash has been saved from nomination and ashliegh is up instead

  9. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    From my earlier post to this: Can anybody honestly deny that the producers of Big Brother are deliberately skewing everything in Helens favour?

  10. Liz says:
    Reply Report

    What?noooo so it’s not just Helen getting special treatment any more it’s also her right hand man. That’s a joke the Public chose Ashleigh for power housemate and once again Bb have not listened to what viewers want. Arghhh stupid! :down:

  11. Mel says:
    Reply Report

    What a joke!!! Ash needs to go does nothing for the house except luck Helens arse.
    BB is becoming unreal why are the bad ones always getting out of eviction???
    How he can even save himself is fu**kingwrong Zoe should have been safe.
    Get ASH out and take Helens pass away, public don’t like either of them.

  12. John Kane says:
    Reply Report Go to Channel 5 and complain, that’s the only way to make any difference.

  13. Sammy says:
    Reply Report

    What’s the point in nominations anymore?
    What’s the point in parting with your money on votes anymore?
    What’s the point in watching anymore?
    The show is obviously being run to a script and BB as we know it has been ruined and unless the formats changed and the show is handed back to the public this could be the start of a long downward spiral.

  14. del says:
    Reply Report

    Get Ash out

  15. geordiegirl says:
    Reply Report

    He and Helen are hackey lazy . Do nothing but sit in garden .

  16. Sandy Twomey says:
    Reply Report

    😀 Well sorry to say I don’t like Ash,dont like the way he speaks to women.He is so full of himself and has a huge ego.I would run a mile if he came near me he gives me the creeps

  17. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @Sandy Twomey
    :up: :up:
    spineless and loves himself.

    lazy big sod.- yuk.

  18. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Below are a list of the Email addresses for the main tabloid newspapers.

    If we really want to know what is going on with the producers of Big Brother and their obsession with Helen Wood then I urge everyone to Email those papers and request that they look into it and run a story.

    Who knows what they might uncover?

    The Sun: [email protected]
    The Mirror: [email protected]
    Sunday Mirror: [email protected]
    Mail on Sunday: [email protected]
    Daily Mail: [email protected]
    The Daily Star: [email protected] & [email protected]

  19. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    Thanks I did contact Sun and Mirror yesterday.

  20. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @argyll Good stuff.

    Spread it around too. Get your pals / family to do it.

    The more requests they receive to look into it the more likely we are to actually get some answers.

    Clearly the producers or the presenters of the show aren’t interested in giving us any reasons for their blatant favouritism.

  21. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    Ash had the golden opportunity yesterday to actually speak out – an even in so doing could have protected Helen by saying something along the lines of
    ‘when Helen said those things it was to me and wasn’t said with malice (even though it was) BB takes things out of the intended context in which they are said, blah blah blah,’ BUT HE COULD NOT EVEN DO THAT

    Spineless excuse for a man! I cant believe he is genuinely scared of the wrath of Helen, just as weak as dishwater and wants to sweep it all under the duvet in exchange for a handjob, well if he thinks that she is not charging her then he is badly mistaken………… It will cost him a lot more when he leaves the house without his conscience and self dignity.

  22. Rainbow says:
    Reply Report

    I don’t find him that good looking. He’s another one with a law degree? From where? He has been a waste of space through the entire series , lying about smoking and bi*(&ing about the others with the Harpy from Bolton. Nasty; hope he is not in the final.

  23. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Rainbow He DOES NOT have a Law degree. I will guarantee you that.

    His profile states: “who also studied law at college, and business and management at university”

    No talk of any degree’s or actual qualifications. It’s just clever editing.

    I could go to college tomorrow and study astro-physics, that doesn’t mean I’m any good at it.

  24. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    The producers are very clever. They think they are going to appease the public (who were rightly outraged when Ashleigh was fed to the wolves AGAIN last week) by giving us the power to save her from nominations this week.

    However, if Ashleigh IS saved, then she does not get to nominate, which means it will be one less person nominating Ash.

    It is clear from the public reaction and all of the on-line polls that even IF up for eviction, Ashleigh would be safe, so this is a pointless exercise.

    It’s just a way for the producers to minimise the nominations for Ash. Soooo transparent.

    If they were really interested in giving the public some power, and giving the fans what they want, they would give us the power to remove Helen’s final pass.

    Neeeeever gonna happen.

  25. Keithy says:
    Reply Report

    Typical mancunian empty, dull and boring, and hes Helens lap dog, wish they would boot him out.

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