


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 16
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 5 noms received

Jemima runs her own matchmaking website called which she started in 2008. The website is all about women who want a rich man to date. It now has 40,000 clients and four categories: Golddigger Boy, Golddigger Babe, Wealthy Man and Wealthy Lady. Jemima herself has dated a Saudi Prince and a man worth £50 million. She’s also got an eye for a younger man – her last boyfriend was 19 when they met. She admits to being a gold digger and a cougar. Jemima thinks that without money, love will never work. Alongside the website Jemima is a hairdresser.

She lives with her 13 year old daughter Lily who Jemima had when she was 27. She describes her as “13 going on 18” always telling her mum what to do. Jemima says she has taught Lily to work hard but “If you have expensive tastes you need someone to pay for them”.

She has vowed not to have sex before she goes into the Big Brother house. When asked if she would have sex in the house, she says “If I fancy someone, I’ll go for it.” Jemima would hate to be put in the house with smokers, lazy people or anyone smelly. If her fellow housemates were lazy, she thinks she would be able to motivate them and often has people coming to ask her for advice. The most difficult thing about the experience will be being away from her close family. She plans to cope with this by bonding with her “new family” in the house and potentially finding someone to share her bed. She would love to win Big Brother and show that a mother of her age has what it takes.

Latest on Jemima

  1. 4 comments

  2. 8 comments


  1. emma says:
    Reply Report

    not nice person… not nice at all… she was screaming like fish wife tonight… not classy… AT ALL!

  2. Sixx Sixx- Sixx says:
    Reply Report

    Omg what an annoying shrill woman. Talk about self involved. That really annoyed me what she said about her daughter dying. Get JAMIMA OUT!!!!!

  3. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    After her Oscar losing “performance ” last night (on so many levels LOL ) I think we have seen just what they have had to put up with for over a week. I think she has now guaranteed her eviction.

  4. Michelle says:
    Reply Report

    Jemima would of been 28 to have a thirteen year old……….

  5. Matt Levett says:
    Reply Report

    I went out with her when she was 19 and she had no children!!

  6. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    It states on another site that she lives with her 23 year old daughter who she had when she was 17??
    Then the same as above:- she describes her as 13 going on 18 which she also said in the show. So no further forward.

  7. equality service says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson
    I do agree with you – it was so over the top I was well shocked

  8. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    Thought Jackie might thump her last night LOL

  9. LondonG says:
    Reply Report

    I think it’s difficult to judge someone purely on a tv show when the film it edited and the circumstances that these contestants are in!! It’s just a show & they are just normal people trying to cope with the things that have been thrown at them. I’m sure anyone that’s not eating properly & in a small space will feel exhausted!! I say give them all a break

  10. anne666 says:
    Reply Report

    All coming out of the woodwork about her now re her baby story.Lies .

  11. Ben says:
    Reply Report

    This comment has me in stitches – “If you have expensive tastes you need someone to pay for them”. No luv, if you have expensive tastes YOU pay for them. She aint nothing special, same league as KP – trailer trash

  12. Pooball says:
    Reply Report

    @Matt Levett
    Hate liars, and you’re one of them.

  13. lali says:
    Reply Report

    get her outtttttt :envy:

  14. LondonG says:
    Reply Report

    How do you know he’s lying?? As he’s not its true what he says!!! By the way all Just to confirm Jem was 27 when she had her daughter!!!

  15. Pooball says:
    Reply Report

    Don’t even tr to get involved. It was my opinion and he was lying. She could have had a kid at 17 but the kid could have died or is older than what she said.
    It is between me and matt.

    @Matt Levett

  16. LondonG says:
    Reply Report

    Well to me I know the truth! And your opinions are could have or would have. So I stick to what I’ve said previously as its fact!!

  17. Pooball says:
    Reply Report

    You know her name, not her story.

  18. lizzie says:
    Reply Report

    How over dramatic was this woman? Christ, I think she should have the nickname of ‘MeMe’.

    Yes, it was terrible that her daughter at the age of 1 had stopped breathing, but she was revived. If anything, Jemima should think it a miracle and a blessing to have been able to bring her daughter back to her.
    Charlie’s grandmother died. Actually died. There was no happy ending there. And also, Charlie was only a child herself.
    Jackie was explaining why Charlie is the way she is, telling the group that its only now that she’s growing up, and so struggles with things such as appropriateness during social gatherings.

    Jemima’s selfishness and lack of sympathy was absolutely disgusting.

  19. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    I totally agree, a very self absorbed and selfish woman. It was nothing more than a save poor me me me and she would have said all of that utter nonsense to anyone she could that night.I didn’t believe a word of it.@lizzie

  20. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    Big hug Jemima, think deep down your a nice woman. Act your age lol, that’s all. :up:

  21. gabe says:
    Reply Report

    she is all write at the moment

  22. fiona says:
    Reply Report

    It clearly says she had her daughter at 27

  23. Constantinople says:
    Reply Report

    So pleased she’s been evicted, some peace from that whiney voice.

  24. james says:
    Reply Report

    she looks like a serial killer/alien

  25. M says:
    Reply Report

    THE AMORAL WARNINGS GIVEN BY BIG BROTHER ON TEH FIRST TWO EPISODES MAKE ME WANT TO PUKE. WEAK PEOPLE politially correct – morally empty. It’s not right how big brother is literally like Big Brother from 1984 the dystopian novel.

Reply to Saz

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