


  • Entered Day 1
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Chatty identical twins Jack and Joe share everything; friends, interests and even the same bedroom. They finish off each other’s sentences and think it would be odd to be apart, “We’re funny, we’re friendly, and we’re fat”. The twins are the youngest in their family and have three older sisters.

Jack’s party trick is “putting spoons under my moobs and holding them there”. He admits this is disgusting. Jack is not looking for love in the house as he would be worried about the cameras and mum and dad watching. They love musicals and treat themselves to seeing one every payday.

Jack and Joe support the Conservative party. Jack started to support them because of his dad and says “Ed Miliband is the main reason I don’t trust Labour”. Richard Branson is their idol because he has done so much and as Jack says “he is dyslexic and now he has an island.”

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  1. 3 comments

  2. 5 comments


  1. Irene Pearson says:
    Reply Report

    @dick Don’t think you have a clue what narcissism means to make such a silly remark. Please enlighten me to your interpretation and then apply that to someone you barely know like Gina. 😀

  2. dick says:
    Reply Report

    @Irene Pearson
    Narcissitic people are usually vain, egotistical, self centred & selfish………..Gina to a T. Ok head mistress. Also pedantically correcting people on there grammar & use of words is a form of O.C.D. You need help mrs. Charlie to win :heart:

  3. jc says:
    Reply Report

    charlies not self centred me me and how people need to understand about. how she feels all the time and the need to want everyone to love her.’is a classic sign of narcissism.people talk about charlie as if shes a child shes a 27 nearly 28 year old womam. all i can think she is how she is because she must of lacked.’ any nurturing and loving in her childhood from her mother.

  4. todd says:
    Reply Report

    I think Charlie’s neediness is down to low self esteem not narcissim. She did have cancer & missed out on most of her teenage years. So her growth & maturity were stunted. She’s been the kindest most considerate housemate this series & a great housemate :heart:

  5. Susie Shoe says:
    Reply Report

    Entertaining young men, who have kept me amused. Haven’t noticed them being nasty bitchy more in the vein of funny asides similar to Brian Dowling o 😀

  6. irene pearson says:
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    @dick Hi Dick, I consider myself well and truly chastised .Still disagree that Gina is narcissistic , but I will seek help for my OCD ASAP :up: 😀

  7. irene pearson says:
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    Plus a controlling needy mother , not a good mix all in all, I wish her and all the HM’s well.

  8. Yogi says:
    Reply Report

    I used to detest these boys, but I actually have grown to like them now…

    From the selection of five I mean 😉

  9. Irene Pearson says:
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    Noooooooo !!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

  10. ryan says:
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    God Emma Willis just loves you two cheeky chappy’s doesn’t she….silly cow :down:

Reply to Holly

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