


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 68
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Chatty identical twins Jack and Joe share everything; friends, interests and even the same bedroom. They finish off each other’s sentences and think it would be odd to be apart, “We’re funny, we’re friendly, and we’re fat”. The twins are the youngest in their family and have three older sisters.

Jack’s party trick is “putting spoons under my moobs and holding them there”. He admits this is disgusting. Jack is not looking for love in the house as he would be worried about the cameras and mum and dad watching. They love musicals and treat themselves to seeing one every payday.

Jack and Joe support the Conservative party. Jack started to support them because of his dad and says “Ed Miliband is the main reason I don’t trust Labour”. Richard Branson is their idol because he has done so much and as Jack says “he is dyslexic and now he has an island.”

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  1. 3 comments

  2. 5 comments


  1. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Please just let them GO !!!!!!If they stay any longer there is no doorway big enough to cope with their overblown sad egos. :down: :down:

  2. David Dee says:
    Reply Report

    The twins went into the BB house with a plan based on their being funny. It would appear to me that their being ‘funny’ is their way of being accepted in the outside world.

    When they spoke to their parents and when they spoke to that pop star bloke they were overjoyed at their being seen as funny.

    They cannot take rejection as it means to them that they are not been seen as being funny and they become sad,angry, aggressive because they feel that their place in the house is under threat.

    They are young and I hope that they will see that they can develop other aspects of their personality and not feel that they need to act the clown in order to be accepted !!

  3. Maybee says:
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    :down: :down: There is no limit to their sarcasm from these bigheaded brats. :down: :down:

  4. Yogi says:
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    I have no idea why Emma Willis likes those fat Wollibies… :down: :doh:

  5. badwolf says:
    Reply Report

    Did you see their faces when they were nominated. Just can’t believe their super lame antics/personalities aren’t popular with everyone. They need a reality check. This is BB not CBEEBIES. :tongue:

  6. irene pearson says:
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    Because she’s a complete idiot?@Yogi

  7. jaylee says:
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    I agree with you – with them they can do what they like to others but when it is done to them – suddenly it is a crime or a shock and they get angry and aggressive and in a bad mood – they have lived in a bubble about them being special for being twins – It is time for them to go

  8. Poppy says:
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    They are huge fans of Westlife. For that alone I hate them :down:

  9. david Dee says:
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    Well,yes, that is true.

  10. really….u care says:
    Reply Report

    their both gay…. Just one hasnt come out yet…. Their bickering is force n not funny….. Never liked them…. They divide n listen in on convo,s…. At the beginin…. But now the just evil twins ….who have been protected by mummy n daddy… Who i find non entertaing… Marks n spencer r waitin for their applications…

  11. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    😉 Marks & Sparks have a rather high standard regarding their staff, I very much doubt these 2 will be acceptable. :straight:

    @really….u care

  12. Jack says:
    Reply Report

    These fat twins are vicious, angry and aggressive. They are happy to dish out the criticism but when it’s sent back their way they can’t take it. Please get them out Friday.

  13. Leanne says:
    Reply Report

    Get these pair of morons out!!! They want to win the most, remember when they asked their parents if they were coming across as funny on the tv!!! No, is the answer to that, you are rude, spoilt and greedy boys. Your parents should be ashamed and maybe when you get out they should do what they should have done from a very young age, yes…teach you some manners. Arrogance is not a nice quality in anyone

  14. Aamir says:
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    Is that yoooouuuuuu bro 😯 @zain

  15. aliyah says:
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    shut up bro you weigh a million kg

  16. daleklove says:
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    Mr Blobby was one of the most nightmarish creations in TV history. Having two living in close proximity, with no escape, must be a living hell. :down:

  17. matthew says:
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    not funny :straight: :down:

  18. Maybee says:
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    No, they don’t make me laugh either, yet they seem to be the favourites of both Emma & AJ :doh:

  19. irene pearson says:
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    Another reason to completely disregard any of their opinions. Why does on of them?? say BB 13? Thought they were fanatics of the show. Worst contestants for a very long time outside of Connor and Speidi.@Maybee

  20. matthew says:
    Reply Report

    the twins look like Justin for cbeebies :doh:

  21. david Dee says:
    Reply Report

    I think that they feel that they need to be seen as funny because, in their heads, if people are laughing with them then they are not laughing at them.

    Their obesity is a major factor in their behaving the way that they do and use the ‘funny’ label to avoid having to think of doing something about their fatness.

    They are not funny after 7 or so weeks of it everyone is,I guess, fed up to the teeth with it. They display a nasty side of their character when they are nominated, booed, or a housemate says something bad about them. They have held a resentment for Dexter since week one and vote for him every week.

    Having been nominated last week, and knowing who nominated them they will now have to spread resentments about more thinly (oops, no sarcasm intended)

    I hope that when they are eventually evicted that they do something about their obesity as it is an obvious health hazard but it is also stopping them from really enjoying their own lives without being ‘funny’ to try to gain approval.

  22. david Dee says:
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    The presenters have some strange favourites. They thought that Dan was a great HM with x-ray vision and they failed to see the nasty traits that the viewers saw. Their support for Jackie Travis, and her constantly appearing on the show is now so cringe worthy that I am sure they are losing viewers, but their trying to tell us that Callum was a great housemate, instead of the mentally unbalanced person that we all saw, is just one step too far.

  23. ed says:
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    Both the twins have major league wobbly man racks. Maybe they could model for victoria’s secret plus size bras when they get out.

  24. julie says:
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    playing the “funny” game, cant be bothered by them they are fake

  25. Maybee says:
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    :down: :down: How confided are these cocky twerps since they heard the cheers from the crowd. Oh no, I wonder what other so called “hilarious” antics they will get up to now. SHUT UP.

Reply to dick

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