


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 70
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 13 noms received

Luke S is a 24-year-old nightclub promoter from Stoke On Trent. He’s a charmer who wins people over whether they like it or not “including your girlfriend!”

Luke thinks that he’s always the best looking alpha male in any bar he goes into and is a compulsive flirt; he likes the attention and having a hold over people.

He dropped out of university to work in bars, and got well known in the club scene, which took him in another direction, into club promoting. “Guys want to be me, girls want to be with me”. He’s only had one serious relationship and says that his ideal type of girl would have a “proper tight body” and not be stupid as he likes a challenge, “if she frustrates me that’s a good thing”.

In the Big Brother House he says he’ll be super competitive, “I’m a bad loser; I’d find a way of making it look like it was fixed if I lost. I’d have a sulk”. When asked if he thinks he can win the show, he’s clear on his intent, “I wouldn’t even bother applying if I didn’t want to win. If I play monopoly, I want to win. It’s not about the taking part”.

Latest on Luke S

  1. 20 comments

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  3. 38 comments


  1. Chelle says:
    Reply Report

    Why does this idiot keep justifying his so called relationship with Ashleigh in the diary room? They reckon that it’s like the old days where everyone got their five minutes worth of fame at the height of the BB concept, how dumb are they? There’s nothing in the paper’s like it used to be, and they’re idiot’s to think fake romances bring in the cash if they don’t win. Seriously? Five second wonder, nothing more nothing less. They’re as fake as Becky’s so called bubblyness and as dumb as Caroline’s hair

  2. Dan says:
    Reply Report

    :down: :down: FAKEST PERSON EVER!!! HE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED :down: :down:

  3. Micky says:
    Reply Report

    Why does he think he is good looking, a trip to specs avers called for I think ! Deeeloooded !!!!!!!

  4. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Loved his reaction to being nominated. Stands above the others and actually gets out his giant testicle! A more ridiculous inadequate male response is not imaginable! What is going on with this guy.Could be large testicle ,small man syndrome

  5. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Not so cocky now? but of course the tribe have resorted to the old chestnut We are being portrayed badly. very predictable. Best eviction night ever ever ever. How the mighty are fallen! thought he would faint from the shock to his ego.Giant testicle will be coming out again soon.

  6. bea4 says:
    Reply Report

    @irene pearson
    :down: lol yes he went as white as a ghost when there was only him and caroline left ,anyone else would of known it was her going but he wasnt sure was he it was fab to watch and it was also my favourite eviction too 😀

  7. MsRon says:
    Reply Report

    Luke’s face is so ugly wow :doh:

  8. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    He’s now saying he wants to go down the Peter and Katie route!!!!!!! That’s all he went in there for. God this man is such a loser. Does he think we are all totally stupid. Anything with a pulse in that house would have done ,we all know that you idiot.Now he thinks he’s guaranteed her parents vote. for gods sake they must see what he is doing.Hope there isn’t a magazine deal offered but I doubt it. What a complete loser. YUK YUK YUK

  9. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    been trying to think who he looks like and read another comment somewhere. Yes Dr Spock eyebrows perfect for it.Couldn’t believe my eyes hen I saw the bloody fool with the tweezers. What a knob

  10. Wyatt says:
    Reply Report

    Luke you are such a big prick you are bound to have a large tessie,,hope trashleigh has given you herppies on the knob…ha ha ha

  11. wyatt says:
    Reply Report

    Loving your work ,,,you pulled yourself out the shit there with trashlie,, but if you had written it down she still would not have understood what a sly shit you are,,,,

  12. wyatt says:
    Reply Report

    Luke whats that pulsing away on your lip,,lol its a new friend for life,,every time you feel your lip getting warm you can think of trashley,,its the gift that keeps giving,,it gives you a rash a scab an irritation you shouldnt scratch,,just been reading up on it for you,,

  13. Sam says:
    Reply Report

    Seriously Luke you’re not winning votes just cause you parade around with no top on, get over yourself. Loved the episode when they tricked him into a calendar shoot… What a twat… You and Ashleigh deserve each other..

  14. Hawtrey says:
    Reply Report

    I absolutely agree. He is an absolute tool and takes himself sooo seriously. Awful!!!

  15. wyatt says:
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    Does a club promoter stand outside handing out fliers,,,

  16. celia19 says:
    Reply Report

    It has been bugging me for weeks who Luke S reminds me of, and I have finally pieced together what he reminds me of : A League of Gentlemen character, crossed with Pete Postlethwaite and Rex from Big Brother 9’s Mr Whippey ginger comb over hair. So cheesy!

  17. wyatt says:
    Reply Report

    Well wasnt that the loveliest thing you have ever seen Puke s being upset about Sara going out the white room,, cant think of the right words to say how impressed i was ,,,so will borrow scott`s what a load of crap,,how fake is that shit,,,well said Scott..

  18. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    He really is an insulting LITTLE sod. Does he think we all share his VERY low intellect .WE DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD YOU SAY. and keep your bloody clothes on for god sake. Dont want to see that little excuse fr a body any more

  19. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    And yes he probably does hand out leaflets at the club door

  20. hayton says:
    Reply Report

    dull, arrogant and vain best describes this guy. he really made me laugh though when he said he only had slight boos from the last eviction day. smh

  21. shayla says:
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    Do you think that tattoo studios up and down the country have been bombarded with requests for a kiss to be tattooed onto muscle bound arms?? not sure how you would ask for that…..” hi can you put a kiss on me arm mate??” ” no but i can put a stitch in your f***ing head!!” 😀

  22. wyatt says:
    Reply Report

    Do you think he will take the money i do and he is sly enough to say i only did it so i could get medical attention for the STD Trashley gave me,,He was so upset by the booing ,,why boo me he asked,,because you are so flipping obnoxious you tw.t,

  23. megan says:
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    I think he’s funny it was funny last nite when him and Connor we’re putting saras bra and knickers in ther heds 😀

  24. wyatt says:
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    Megan the police have words for people who do that with women`s under ware,,@megan

  25. wyatt says:
    Reply Report

    ROFL,,,you Luke s (stupid) (slow) seems funny to me after seeing you sewing Sara`s Jeans last week ,,that it was you that got stitched up by Conner,,oh dear your poor little face was redder than your stupid tattoo,,so so funny what a nasty man Conner was he didnt even lube you before he worked it to you ..Even Trash thought it was funny,, its onl

Reply to Christina Chance

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