


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 26
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 1 noms received

Deirdre Kelly, better known as ‘White Dee’, came to public prominence in the Channel 4 documentary Benefits Street. Critics have vilified her as the “patron saint of drug addicts and dropouts”, whereas fans see her as a working-class hero. Dee is a single mother to a son and a daughter.

Until five years ago, Deirdre worked as an administrator for Birmingham City Council, until it was claimed she was being convicted of stealing to fund her then-partner’s drug abuse.

Since then Dee received benefits from the government after claiming she could not work due to suffering from depression.

Since the success of Benefits Street, Dee has received offers from all over the world for appearances in modelling, newspaper columns, cooking, holidays, as well as other television reality shows.

Recently Dee travelled to Magaluf. This resulted in David Cameron personally ordering a probe into her finances after she was photographed enjoying a boozy holiday, despite being ‘too depressed’ to work. Dee no longer claims benefits.

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  1. Olive White says:
    Reply Report

    I hope I never set eyes on that vile woman Dee again 🙁

  2. Olive White says:
    Reply Report

    My thoughts exactly!@Janet

  3. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    @Olive White
    agree and how nasty was she even after the final.

    on BBOTS the twisted nasty look on her ugly face when Rylan was talking to Gary.

    unfortunately she will get work – it is unbelievable but she will be on telly BUT I WILL DEFINATELY SWITCH OFF .

  4. fi says:
    Reply Report

    And all the neighbours in benefits street are well and truly pissed off now that the BFB (big fat bitch) Dee is back in her coucil house shithole.
    I bet they are so happy that the biggest, loudest, vilest scumbag in the street is back amongst them to continue her thieving, sponging, nasty evil plans to get everything for free for her fat self and her family.

  5. fi says:
    Reply Report

    Deidre Kelly = Nasty fat old bag and smelly.

    100% fact.

  6. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    Oh yes, she is now a “cash cow”, and is signed up with an agent ! unbelievable ! So I imagine she’ll be lined up for all the usual shows: Celebrity Juice/ I’m a Celebrity/ Masterchef/ Strictly etc She will be raking it in, well I won’t let her darken my tv screen, if there is any justice this “creature” will get her comeuppance. Karma.

  7. Edie says:
    Reply Report

    I cannot believe that people could be so hateful. I think everyone of you that have sat at your computers spreading nothing but hate should really good look at yourselves before you start throwing stones.
    Your comments are riddled with jealously as l cannot think of any other reason that would warrant this kind of behaviour. What kind of people are you when all you can do is call someone fat, slag, slob and a bitch.
    Wouldn’t it be funny if the majority of you were on benefits.
    Hateful people with nothing but hateful in there hearts

  8. Janicer says:
    Reply Report

    Not jealousy at all moral outrage that she has sat around on benefits whilst hundreds if not thousands of decent people scrimp to make ends meet and feed their families. Outrage that the BB producers thought she was worthy of a place in the celebrity big brother and have paid her handsomely for it. Outrage that she was allowed to act the way she did without intervention
    What message does it send to the youth of today when they see her doing very nicely without working for it. To see her puffing on her fags which we have paid for and will undoubtedly lead to health issues which will require more government assistance to put right. Where is the morality ,the lesson that if you work garden you will prosper?
    No sit around on benefits ,sign up for the next reality show and live a life of luxury.
    Get an inflated ego which leads you to believe you are the voice of people!
    No she deserves to be put in her place and people need to switch off when she appears on our screens. Maybe the TV companies will then get the message.we want to see real celebrities and people who have overcome adversity in their lives such as the paralympians or intrepid participants.@Edie

  9. Janicer says:
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    That should have read invictus not intrepid!

  10. Lynn says:
    Reply Report

    Go Garry !! Lets hope white Dee and James never get a job in a care home !! Lovely Audley and Lauren very caring people .

  11. Lynn says:
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    Dee’s behaviour on Bbots was more than rude when Gary was talking,I think she’s forgotten the nation were watching, by the way Dee you looked like a piky!

  12. SM says:
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    Auditions for BB next year :criteria Must Be A Bully! Criteria for CBB : you don’t have to have celebrity status anybody who has ever been on TV for as long as 2 seconds can apply) why would anyone apply for civilian bb when they can go on the cbb get paid mega bucks. As much as Gary must have been annoying to live with in my eyes he was the only one in there that could call himself a celebrity apart from Audley the rest were just a bunch of rude nobodies.

  13. rachfio says:
    Reply Report

    Dee showed herself for exactly who she is and that is an ignorant nobody. She was so full of bitterness at Gary’s win. Durring BBOTS she sat there making faces and talking throughout. Please remove this awful woman from our screens, there are far better people to represent the Benefit Community surely.

  14. Sarah says:
    Reply Report

    I found Dee, partly due to her behaviour in the Big Brother house and partly due to her behaviour previous to taking part in Celebrity Big Brother, a despicable person. She called Gary Busey a liar. Perhaps he was but ………………….. “Pot, Kettle”. Dee kept telling us she was a caring person. She liked to help people. That that was who she was. This was not a truth. This was the person who stole thousands of pounds (money that the people of her own city had paid in tax) that was meant for the care of vulnerable people. People of her own community and city. Therefore, if not a truth, a lie.

  15. zi says:
    Reply Report

    Can you imagine having to poke that big mouthed fat cow Dee after three weeks of solitude and peace?
    I pity her boyfriend for having to love up Dee the dirty donkey, although he just sees he as a meal ticket.

  16. marie says:
    Reply Report

    well done Dee, you stayed true to your self regardless of what others may think.

  17. sparrow says:
    Reply Report

    ‘Stayed true to herself’ yes i agree… as the two faced lazy nasty bitch she is. Picking on a disabled person… screaming in their faces, slagging their wife off and pulling faces at them while they are having their interview.. cant get any lower. You total scumbag rot in hell

  18. al says:
    Reply Report

    Dee let down the people of Birmingham by her bullying rudeness and thickness

  19. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    Anyone remember those cartoon characters The fat slags in Viz in the 90s ? Youve got it ! Maybee, if you catch this Take good care of yourself, It was lovely to have chatted to You Janicer & Jenny Juniper, the only real people on here ! I wont be back on here now as most of the commenter,s on here are worse than some of those on Big Brother, only far more sinister ! 😉 :heart:

  20. Katie says:
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    I think its only fair that we melt this fat beast down and use the tallow fat to keep us warm all winter.

    After all we’ve paid for the lard in the first place.


  21. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @Katie I hear what your saying there Katie, but I couldnt possibly comment, :up: 😉

  22. fi says:
    Reply Report

    We have to remember that Dee suffers with depression, yeah she’s depressed because she is a BIG FAT COW!

  23. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @fi Yeah, right Depressed Buttocks that is, very very depressed ? LOL , 😀

  24. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    Thank goodness for that !

  25. fi says:
    Reply Report

    Yeah, very lol, and Dee’s bingo wings make me laugh too, made with at least ten years of fish and chip suppers. Tentacles of a jellyfish.

Reply to flodders

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