


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 26
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 1 noms received

Deirdre Kelly, better known as ‘White Dee’, came to public prominence in the Channel 4 documentary Benefits Street. Critics have vilified her as the “patron saint of drug addicts and dropouts”, whereas fans see her as a working-class hero. Dee is a single mother to a son and a daughter.

Until five years ago, Deirdre worked as an administrator for Birmingham City Council, until it was claimed she was being convicted of stealing to fund her then-partner’s drug abuse.

Since then Dee received benefits from the government after claiming she could not work due to suffering from depression.

Since the success of Benefits Street, Dee has received offers from all over the world for appearances in modelling, newspaper columns, cooking, holidays, as well as other television reality shows.

Recently Dee travelled to Magaluf. This resulted in David Cameron personally ordering a probe into her finances after she was photographed enjoying a boozy holiday, despite being ‘too depressed’ to work. Dee no longer claims benefits.

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  1. flodders says:
    Reply Report

    Dee’s a scream, she’s on now calling the bloody prime minister

  2. Janicer says:
    Reply Report

    The problem is there will always be those who abuse the benefit system while others desperately in need go without. You are right that she has shown no signs of suffering from depression and I assume that she is no longer taking medication given her intake of alcohol. The doctors however have a problem with diagnoses of depression and backache as they are difficult to disprove. Her GP has to deal with the facts as she gives them even her acting abilities would stretch to a 10 minute consultation. What lesson has she given her children ? Have they achieved there potential or learned that you can get by on handouts rather than working.
    a href=”#comment-74286″>@Sylvia

  3. Carola Baird says:
    Reply Report

    @vixi v
    Couldn’t have put it better myself…before dee went in the house i thought she was great… wrong was i…she has no empathy towards anyone and makes out she is so caring….she has the nerve to criticize gary about his behaviour…when she eats like a pig, NEEDS to wear a bra how insulting is that towards people in the house….she called james an arse wipe!!! If gary said that he would be hung drawn and quartered!!!! She is awful!!!! Gary to Win.

  4. mamajean says:
    Reply Report

    Dee & James are two of a kind, they always give out negative statements on Gary all the time Dee stated in the kitchen that Gary had called the British public, then said I love the British public, well she would the British public has paid all her bills and fag money for years. Seems unfair that someone who has cheated the public can profit from them and become famous for it, She is NO celebrity, Get Dee OUT, she is vile, she only stuck her fat body round Ricky & Lauren calling them her babies, so they wouldn’t nominate her. She was very quick nominating Edele a couple of times now she’s up her behind, and the others ( George, James, Edele ) all seem to distance themselves away from Gary & Audley and try at every opportunity to down them on camera. GARY or AUDLEY TO WIN I like them both equally Gary may have been very draining to live with, but hold on he didn’t and doesn’t deserve to be treated like he has by Dee and her pawns, Audley is the only one that has understood Gary fully and taken him for who and what he is as an elderly gent. Audley deserves to win, so we can see their bullying faces when its announced, equally Gary too, and for the same reasons, for them to know the British public are not conned.

  5. jessie says:
    Reply Report

    Could and still not believe that this vile woman
    was not given a warning, goes to show how this is
    such a fake, it has been in her favour time after
    time, last time i will watch this programme as long
    as someone is bullied who cares, just as long as
    they pull in the viewers.

  6. jessie says:
    Reply Report

    And the winner is bully dee well done big brother.

  7. jennyjuniper says:
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    Very well said mammajean. :up: :up: 😀

  8. Janicer says:
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    If she James or even George wins tonight it will be the death knell for the show. Viacom should ditch the entire production team as they are a bunch of sad individuals who chose these people’s as celebritities and have done nothing to stop them from behaving in the vile and disgusting way n which they have.@jessie

  9. Robert doyle says:
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    At last we get rid of you dee !

  10. argyll says:
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    @Robert doyle
    :up: :up:
    delighted she is out.

  11. Carol says:
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    Disgusting fat cow!

  12. sparrow says:
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    PLEASE do not ever grace our tv screens again you rancid woman

  13. Strictly Me says:
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    Well done Dee you were a great house mate. Good luck with whatever you do next :up:

  14. justsaying says:
    Reply Report

    Please go to your nearest store and buy a bra, toothpaste, antiperspirant and some slim fast :up: be sure not to go through self serve!! I think you have sponged enough from this country.
    Disgrace to the human race..

  15. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report


    Lol :tongue: :up:

  16. sparrow says:
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    Omg shes still giving gary shit on cbb bit on the side.. you cant leave it can you, hes a film star you are a thieving scrounger. You putrid disgusting vile woman. I hope you pay in some way for your actions towards him

  17. hannalaura says:
    Reply Report

    Please do not put that grosse obnoxious dee person on our screens again…who the hell does she think she is?? The right winner won.

  18. rachfio says:
    Reply Report

    Please, please don’t go into politics!

  19. sparrow says:
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    @hannalaura i wish benefits street had never been made and she was still in her shit hole bubble she lived in as the nobody that she is.

  20. Bobby says:
    Reply Report

    Dee is a disgrace. Could have cried with anger her disrespect to gary on the couch. Horrible sponger Now rich So wrong

  21. sparrow says:
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    She wont stay rich.. she’ll waste it all then the fat walrus will be back on benefits once her 5 mins of fame is over.

  22. Lilian Turner says:
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    At last I do not have to watch this big horrible woman any more. She is disgusting. Tomorrow when she reads all these comments will she be shocked !!! She needs to watch her dance moves at the end ! good god how embarrassing. She thinks this show is going to make her a star….. I hope not ……she is exactly who she is, where she is from and she is as common as bloody muck… she should never have gone on this show… Come on David Cameron take her down and when all her money has gone and she has to claim again she will have to show where every penny has gone but I suppose she will know all this so Benefits Officers everywhere….wait…. she will be visiting you soon.

  23. Janet says:
    Reply Report

    Well done Gary winning ! True celebrity not like those nasty jealous low life’s that we’re vile and boring and basically abhorrent the way they treated you … He was so humble and polite and encouraging and thankful to them .. True gentlemen .. They really let’s us down with their reaction and they are nothing and nobody’s … Well done Lauren and Audrey at least They have morals

  24. Janet says:
    Reply Report

    Was rooting for this Chav in the beginning , thought she was ok !!! But her mask slipped , she’s a nasty evil bitch and showed her true colours
    Really fake and manipulated everyone … Hope she disappears offf the radar very soon back to being a scrounger and mixing with what she’s accustomed to !!! Oh and if you read this , research about the great Gary busey , a legend and TRUE CELEBRITY!!! And read about brain injuries you stupid ignorant bitch then you and the other cronies that resented him winning ..will eat your words that’s if you have a conscience , which I doubt very much!!!

  25. Janicer says:
    Reply Report

    She won’t read these comments as that would imply that she actually cares about other people’s opinions!
    She is deluded about her own self importance. In that house she was enabled by the others who allowed her to feel that she had a right to act the way that she did. It was a disgrace! The school yard whispers,snide remarks and shouting in people’s faces. Calling others rude whilst doing exactly the same things if not worse. I was sick of seeing her talking with her mouth full! She needs to take a long look at herself as she has blown this golden opportunity. There are rumours that she has other TV lined up if the producers have any sense they will recast in a hurry.@Lilian Turner

Reply to Kattryzsinna Oslaquaska

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