


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 26
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 1 noms received

Deirdre Kelly, better known as ‘White Dee’, came to public prominence in the Channel 4 documentary Benefits Street. Critics have vilified her as the “patron saint of drug addicts and dropouts”, whereas fans see her as a working-class hero. Dee is a single mother to a son and a daughter.

Until five years ago, Deirdre worked as an administrator for Birmingham City Council, until it was claimed she was being convicted of stealing to fund her then-partner’s drug abuse.

Since then Dee received benefits from the government after claiming she could not work due to suffering from depression.

Since the success of Benefits Street, Dee has received offers from all over the world for appearances in modelling, newspaper columns, cooking, holidays, as well as other television reality shows.

Recently Dee travelled to Magaluf. This resulted in David Cameron personally ordering a probe into her finances after she was photographed enjoying a boozy holiday, despite being ‘too depressed’ to work. Dee no longer claims benefits.

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  1. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    Lmao. don,t blame you for running 😀

  2. woo says:
    Reply Report

    Judging by the amount of cigarettes she smokes do you think Dee is short for dog-end?

  3. Paul says:
    Reply Report

    What about the chat with Dad that one paper or site reported? Strangely Dee apologised to Gary shortly after the telephone call.

  4. Donna Mc says:
    Reply Report

    Oops is that right lol. I new it was a fake sorry anyway the bitch.

  5. Sheila Palmer says:
    Reply Report

    I too was appalled by Dee’s vomiting motion, but it seemed nobody noticed or cared enough to comment. Or if it was noticed then the footage was not shown. If Gary had done this instead, whilst reading out a letter, he would have got very short shrift from the others.

  6. matt says:
    Reply Report

    Vile woman. But she got cheers ? we are a strange nation indeed. Hope she doesn`t win. Tbh I hope she`s first out followed by James, george and edele.

  7. woo says:
    Reply Report

    We all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet on various sites so it seem suspicious to me that Dee got cheers from the crowd. Are the crowd genuine?

  8. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    I don’t mean to butt in but Agryll posted some time ago on the regular BB series. He had friends that went to the house on one eviction night and they were asked who they supported – I forget who it was- but it wasn’t the person that BB wanted the cheers for – so his friends were moved to the back of the crowd, so I guess the answer is the crowds are genuine but BB still control the crowds – essentially making a bit of mockery of it all.

  9. Linda says:
    Reply Report

    Get that ill-reared BITCH out

  10. Elaine says:
    Reply Report

    Love Dee genuine article :up:

  11. Robert doyle says:
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    I forgot how dirty dees house was in benifits Britton , such a cheek to go on at Gary about hygiene , cheeky mare !

  12. woo says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd
    You haven’t butted in, I value your opinion, which enlightened me, and spoke volumes..

  13. Soulman says:
    Reply Report

    This sight is disturbing -not a healthy read, full of trolls won’t hang around on it, not good for the soul 🙁

  14. jennyjuniper says:
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    @Jane Shepherd
    Hi Jane, it would seem to be true, about being ‘directed’ to cheer a particular housemate. Why else on many different sites and polls is Dee near the bottom and hardly anyone has a good word to say about her, yet she still gets :doh: :down: cheers??

  15. flodders says:
    Reply Report

    I’m wondering who checks the votes, are they manipulated too.

  16. fi says:
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    Dee stole 13000 pounds from a charity fund for disabled people when she worked for birmingham city council.

  17. fi says:
    Reply Report

    Dee got away with the crime on a technicalitywhen she really was as guilty as sin.

  18. Kayley says:
    Reply Report

    I agree with most of the things said on here. But I think the cheers and boos are recordings, because there is a mans voice the loudest, that is heard every time. Dee is vile, two faced. Although practically everyone hates her, and some say it’s fixed for her to win as was Helen’s. I hope Gary or his team sue the arse off ch5 for letting the disrespectful behaviour and bullying go on for so long. What dee said in a threatening manner goes against the terms and conditions of bb. But nothing done, should have been chucked out the back door.

  19. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    something odd going on but as I said before about BB my friends were in crowd to boo and had posters re GET HELEN out and were shifted from one area to another further back and lots of others anti Helen as well . WHY ? they never could get a reason.

    Take out from that what you wish.

    very strange goings on BB and CBB.

  20. jennyjuniper says:
    Reply Report

    I believe it Argyll, and now to make you laugh. The Mirror, another paper that writes fairy stories, has a headline saying Dee is a lovely, caring Brummie :doh: The only part that’s true is that she’s a Brummie.
    Then it goes on to say that a CANCER charity is Walsall is going to ask Dee to be an ambassador!! :doh: :tongue: A chain smoking ambassador…..I thought I’d heard it all.

  21. Donna Mc says:
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    Omg Jenny please tell me you are joking? So she steals from charity and is now going to be asked to be an ambassador. Well what kind of world are we living in I am gob smacked. 😯

  22. Margaret Rose says:
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    I too saw that, it was uncalled for but did show how insincere her apology was, a truly obnoxious individual.

  23. fi says:
    Reply Report

    I think that bb bosses definately have a secret agenda, they intend to create a reality tv monster out of a complete shitbag (Dee).
    Behind closed doors I assume there is much hilarity, banter and personal staff betting between the management staff at channel 5 as they push big fat bitch Dee further into the media spotlight, making fools of her and everyone who watches bb.

  24. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    OMG Jenny

    That surely is the most ridiculous thing? Dee can not be an ambassador for a Cancer Charity ( or any charity for that matter) – surely they wouldn’t allow it??

    We’ll have to wait and see but the Mirror is all a load of bull normally so I hope this is just that !

  25. argyll says:
    Reply Report

    never ever would any Cancer charity use DEE a chain smoker as an ambassador .
    If this turns out to be true the world is going crazy honestly .

Reply to june

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