


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 26
  • 3 evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

In 1997, Audley became the British superheavyweight champion and retained the title in 1998. He then went on to win gold at the 1998 Commonwealth Games.

At the Sydney Olympics in 2000, Audley doubled his gold winnings as an amateur when he defeated Mukhtarkhan Dildabekov and became the first British boxer to win Olympic gold in the superheavyweight division.

After his Olympic gold medal win, Audley was awarded an MBE in 2001 Queenโ€™s New Yearโ€™s Honours list for his services to sport.

Audley turned professional in 2001 after signing a ยฃ1million contract with BBC Sport for his first 10 professional fights. In May 2001, he began his professional career with a first round victory, closely followed by several other convincing wins.

6ft 6 inch Audley continued his winning streak when he made his US debut in 2003. This led to him permanently relocating to the USA, where he was unbeaten in 11 fights, eight of which were knockout victories.

In December 2005, Audley returned to the UK to face fellow Briton Danny Williams for the Commonwealth title; he stepped in after Williamsโ€™ opponent pulled out five weeks before the fight, and lost on a split decision in the match.

After being knocked out by Michael Sprott for the European title in 2007, Audley made his comeback when he defeated him in 2010 and won the European heavyweight title. His only chance to be crowned the world champion, in 2010, was against David Haye for the WBA belt; he was knocked out in the third round.

In a brutal first-round knockout in 2012, Audley was put in hospital with a suspected broken nose and mild concussion; which subsequently led him into early retirement.

Despite this, he extended his career again at the age of 41, winning the Heavyweight Prizefighter event for a second time.

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  1. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    One thing for certain, nothing he does on this cack show will be as embarrassing as his pro boxing carreer ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Violet says:
    Reply Report

    Really? Not that I’d know… I thought his boxing career sounded successful Haha! A gold medal sounded good ๐Ÿ˜€

    Felt for him in the situation with Kellie… He seemed very sweet

  3. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Haha he was awful as a Pro, unbelievably deluded.

    Can’t take way a gold medal though. Otherwise seemed a decent enough bloke.

  4. Aoife says:
    Reply Report

    Didn’t like the way he said to Kellie “so do I call you kellie” and “f***ing hell frank” thought it was quite rude

  5. Peter G says:
    Reply Report

    nice wholesome good looking well mannered man

    seems nice person i like him :up:

  6. Peter G says:
    Reply Report

    forgot to say :up: im happy with this housemate top bloke :up:

  7. Peter says:
    Reply Report

    I don’t think he was rude Aoife,
    Thing is they are friends, they have worked together,
    He said it in a way that it was something only a ‘friend’ can say to another friend,!
    Also in the same conversation Audley said ,
    “I take my hat off to you man”

  8. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Awful as a pro? Really? You clearly don’t know much about boxing.

  9. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Agreed, they are friends.

  10. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Bob Agreed. He did everything as a pro except win a World Title.

    Not too shabby.

    Boxing (and in particular Heavyweight boxing) is the hardest game in the World.

  11. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @Bob I clearly know much more about boxing than you do. In fact I have probably forgot more than you know.

    He was awful and deluded, possible the worst heavyweight Gold medallist that has lived, in fact I do believe he was the only one who never won a World title.

  12. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane Hahaha I watched all his fights, he was shite.

    Never known a Gold medallist who was so scared to be hit lol

    He was the main reason BBC ditched the boxing, after he took their million for fighting fat bouncers and bums.

    Ok he got a lucky punch when he beat a average Sprott, who was winning by a mile.

  13. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Gold medallist and self – proclaimed future World champ ๐Ÿ˜€

    KO’d in 82 seconds -

    Wilder, 1st round again, barely a punch thrown

    Haye ( ok good boxer ) did him in 3 and Harrison barely throw a punch again.

    So Bob , was that not awful ? by a Gold medallist standard ? Huh ? .

    Haha stick to Lacrosse.

  14. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    First link didn’t work, now don’t forget Audrey as he was known by boxing fans, told us all many times that he was destined to be World champ ( only Bob believed him )

    Hahaha 1 punch, pathetic coward who robbed a living as a Pro.

  15. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @northernmonkey If you think every professional boxer who doesn’t end up a World Champion is “shite” then you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    I’ve been around boxing all my life. Every male in my family is involved in boxing.

    The bloke was European and Commonwealth Champion. Do you know how many good boxers there have been that worked hard every day in the gym that never managed that?

    Not every professional footballer wins the European Cup. Not every Golfer wins the Open. Not every tennis player wins Wimbledon.

    Was he an elite level professional? Certainly not.

    That does not mean he was “shite”.

  16. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane Oh God, the old ‘ I’ve been around boxing my whole life’ bollocks.

    I have loved boxing for years, and I think you ued google, did you watch all his fights then ? Name 5, just 5 fighst where he didn’t fight awful, even against very poor opponents.

    Ask 10 people who is the biggest joke in British boxing over the last 10 years – they’ll all say fraudley.

    He helped ruin younger boxers chances of earning good cash when the BBC ditched boxing – nearly all his fights were awful and he was an embarrassment to British boxing. ( didn’t throw 1 punch against Haye ) after people spent cash to watch him shit himself.

    Obviously I, as do many, judge him by a Gold medallist standard, and his own words – which he never backed up.

    A truly awful boxer.

  17. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    ‘ waits to see someone post his pumped up record ‘

    Anyhow, regardless of how shite he was at boxing – He seems likable enough :up:

  18. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Have you ever boxed?

  19. Wexford says:
    Reply Report

    Calm down you boys, or I’ll box your ears. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Yes, as did my father. Have you ? Apart from being a keyboard warrior ?.

    Tell me Robert, how many times did Audley fight wel ( not awful )l ? Name the fights now.

  21. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Waits a tall story from Robert. Ex – Pro Rob ? Why do you think he was known as Fraudley ?.

    Hint: Unlike you, it had nothing to do with making sock puppet accounts on a forum because he didn’t even have the balls to say something under his main account :tongue:

    How’s the googling going ? ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  22. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    @Wexford Haha it’s like getting spit roasted of fecking Hale & Pace ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    You say you did box, then your comments surprise me even more.
    Yes I did, never professionally though, in the same gym as Mr Eubank.
    Effeminate you say, why thank you, I take that as a compliment, must have been the 20 years in Brighton.

  24. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    You know this isn’t a forum, right?
    You seem obsessed with telling people they are googling, don’t judge everyone by your own standards.
    Anyway calm down, I’m really not that bothered if you think Audley was an awful fighter, you are just embarrassing yourself with your ignorance because anyone who knows anything about boxing knows he was NOT an awful boxer, every boxer has poor fights no and again.

  25. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @northernmonkey Off the top of my head, I remember him fighting Michael Sprott with one arm (I think he tore his bicep or maybe his pec in about round 3) and starching him with about 3 seconds to go in the 12th to avoid a land slide victory for Sprott.

    At a guess I’d say I’ve seen 90% of his fights. Except Price, Wilder and the 2nd Prizefighter he was in.

    Like I said, he wasn’t Elite, far from it. But he was a decent pro who had some decent achievements as a professional.

    Your comments about him costing young fighters money because of his BBC deal proves without a doubt that you know little about boxing save what you’ve read in the papers.

    Boxing had been dying a slow death on terrestrial TV long before Audley signed his post-Olympics contract.

    And another FACT is that you have NEVER boxed, not at any level, and I’d be surprised if your old man had either. You’d have a lot more respect for fighters if your Dad had really been one. Nobody who has boxed (at any level) would talk about another fighter with the bile that you do.

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