


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 15
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 8 noms received

Rhian Marie Sugden is an English glamour model and Page Three girl. After being accepted by the Samantha Bond Agency in 2006, Rhian gave up her job as a network administrator for Global Telecoms and Technology in Bury at the age of 19.

Rhian’s first pictures appeared in the press in August 2006, as well as magazines such as Maxim, Loaded, Zoo and Nuts.

She is a professional DJ, playing dance and trance sets at small clubs across England.

Rhian is no stranger to television, having appeared as an extra in shows such as Ant and Dec Saturday Night Takeaway and Soccer AM.

In February 2010, it was revealed she had sent and received several saucy messages from the married television presenter Vernon Kay. They reportedly met on a night out in Vernon’s hometown of Bolton. Vernon admitted sending racy messages to Rhian behind his wife, presenter Tess Daly’s back.

In 2011, Rhian appeared as a Forest Woman in the Danny McBride fantasy film Your Highness. The film is a comedy about a Prince’s quest to rescue his fiancée from kidnappers.

Also in 2011, Rhian, along with Lucy Pinder, raised money for ‘Get Kids Going,’ a charity giving disabled and young children the chance to participate in sports, by means of inviting sponsorship for her and Lucy’s participation in the 2011 Modball Rally which is an international road rally which takes place on public roads, with a different route each year.

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  1. Kyle says:
    Reply Report

    I live in America but I’m watching the CBB UK version specifically for her. I didn’t even know Mike “The Situation” was on the show until I saw him, and he’s actually really very famous over here.

    My wife and I both like her and my wife even has her calendar autographed. She seems sweet and it’s too bad people always hold the “other woman” to a higher degree of fault than they do the person who’s actually married.

  2. Lauren says:
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    She looks like karly (ex bb housemate possibly from bb10) I like her so far she seems genuine

  3. tara says:
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    yes i like rhian she seems like a really nice girl :up:

  4. ruby says:
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    she seems okay.

  5. lee says:
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    :heart: :heart: she is stunning :heart: :heart:

  6. Saz says:
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    Reminds me more of Sophie BB10. Had to laugh at her answer to that Maths question – it does say in her VT that she is intelligent – she sure proved it there :tongue:

  7. Sarah-Jane says:
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    Rhian’s really started to grow on me the last few days. She’s such a warm hearted, harmless, well mannered, civilised individual. Opposite to that Jasmine anyway, I wouldn’t have given that witch the time of day if I were Rhian, she’s far too kind, honest & likeable for someone as dispicable as Jasmine!! I saw what happened between them last night, I could shake my head in disgust at the lies Jasmine told to Ashley. The fact she also plucked up the courage to do that in front of Rhian as cleverly as she did as well. Unbelievable, she showed a listening ear to Rhian and acted as if she was in the same boat as far as paranoia was concerned, then she went and told Ashley their conversation with a few nasty lies added on!! What kind of person does that?! I just think she’s really jealous of how popular Rhian is, yet everyone seems to hate her. Or maybe she really does have mental issues changing her moods & actions. The next few weeks will tell if she isn’t evicted this week of course.

  8. tara says:
    Reply Report

    😯 hey sarah-jane yes rhian a lovely girl like you said jasmine is gel of the two girls… just reading up on jasmine today apparently shes bipoler.. thats really no excuse for her horrible discusting behaviour. yes just reading your coment now she has got mental issues then again you cant really belive everything you hear. i just cant belive the way she is one minute shes ok then the next shes acting all mental what a horrible woman : :doh: hopefully shes removed from the house :up: the house will be so relaxed and a better atmosphe when shes gone do u think so? did you see when she forced her fake hug on prince loronso

  9. tara says:
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    @ sarah-jane yes just had a little read so dousebags back then :down: not so cocky now is he :doh: :doh: anyway bye for now :happy:

  10. tara says:
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    @ lee have you seen that douschbags back on bbspy :down: not so cocky now is he.. :doh: the biggest deanna fan in the world.. At one stage i thought she was his wife, she never one jogger how do you feel 😀 being so confident she wasnt loved by the public as much as you thought was she :up: stick that where the sun doesnt shine

  11. Sarah-Jane says:
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    Yes Tara, you keep rubbing it in his face, keep pressing it all into that little mind of his, you go girl! After all the crap & critisism he gave others for showing support for someone else other than Deana or saying nasty things about her, he deserves what you’re doing to him, eheehee 🙂 It’s what he gets, it’s definately taught him a lesson anyway or I’m sure he would have replied to any of us by now. Just as well as you, me & lee have all been here to put him in his place!! :up: 😀

  12. Sarah-Jane says:
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    Yes the house will become so much more relaxed and much easier to live in if Jasmine is voted out this evening 🙂 Bipolar is she? Well that explains it all then, bipolar people have split personalities, two sides to them so that explains how her treatment of other housemates has been drasticallty changing every hour, ahaha 😉 But yes you would think because she has been diagnosed and has had the appropriate support and help given to her, she wouldn’t be so out of control & would know what to do if she feels a sudden shift in her mood towards someone. That would be going to the diary room or speaking to someone in confidence. At least then she’s be doing herself a favour as the housemates wouldn’t have turned against her the way they have. Too late to save herself now in my view :down:

  13. tara says:
    Reply Report

    @sarah~jane omg!! Thank god crazy womans out.. Don’t think shres going two be missed at all by the other housemates, did you see her exit f**k this I’m having a cigereete. So glad she’s out horrible woman, least there will be no tention in the house now:)

  14. Sarah-Jane says:
    Reply Report

    😀 Yes Tara, nobody will miss her. All she did was walk around acting like she was all that judging the housemates after only knowing them for a couple of days!! She was downright crude, brutal & so manipulative when she cried on Julie’s shoulder. Couldn’t ever stand the sight of the b****. She needs a lot of psychological help as I’ve said before, ’nuff said 😀 I breathed a huge sigh of relief when she was out those front doors, that’s all I can say!! Ahahaha.

  15. tara says:
    Reply Report

    Yes sarah~jane who do you want two win? Its a hard one this year!! I like most of this years hm,s… Can’t wait for 2morrow eviction well we’ll see catch ya later.:)

  16. poopster says:
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    Am I the only one who wishes to caress her sexy feet? :tongue:

  17. Sarah-Jane says:
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    Well that’s an interesting question tara, because I was thinking the same as Jasmine when she was asked by Brian who she wants to win. I think I’d like either Samantha or Rhian to win it 🙂 If either of them aren’t succesful in winning the prize though then it would have to be Julie. Any of these three would be winners of the show. How about you tara? If you don’t mind me asking, where abouts are you from?

  18. Sarah-Jane says:
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    I think either Coleen or Julian will be evicted tomorrow. I have taken a dislike to Coleen ever since she’s started becoming obsessed with proving Julie has a game plan! I know game players when I see them, Julie defo isn’t one. I think Coleen was attempting to get votes by pouring her heart out to BB tonight that her & Julie just don’t see eye to eye, I wouldn’t be so sure she’s as sweet as she appears 😯

  19. tara says:
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    @sarah~jane hmm just read your comment intresting for some rerason I think prince lorenz might go as I think hers a bit boring! Also did you hear when collen I think it was said she thinks she’s playing a game.. There’s no way that julie could like every HM… then soon as they walk she’s talking behind there back is she playing a game! Catch ya later sarah~jane

  20. tara says:
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    @sarah~jane oh sorry I was just reading your comment I’m half asleep making spelling mistakes! No I don’t mind you asking I’m from clapham junction what about you?:)

  21. tara says:
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    @sarah jane well I’ve just rercently moved from stratford acuaually to clapham loving it rreally nice part of london! I’m a londoner anyway born and raised.. Don’t know if your going two reply now so I’ll say goodnight catch ya later.:)

  22. Sarah-Jane says:
    Reply Report

    Right I see tara 🙂 I’m from Dunfermline in Scotland, although I am a quarter english because my Grandad was born in Newcastle you see. So I’m mostly scottish originally but a bit english as well. For some reason every time I read your comments I think you sound so scottish ahahaha. What age are you? I’m 18 :up: Second live eviction tonight as well, get the drums rolling!! Lol.

  23. Sarah-Jane says:
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    Omfg, a new celebrity is coming into the bb house, Jasmine’s Mum!! Lol. Thought I’d seen the last of anything to do with that snake, arghhhh. :envy:

  24. tara says:
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    @sarah jane just read your comment… Scotland nice:) have a few scottish friends, I’m a bit older than you I’m in my 30,s… Are you being serious is jasmines mum really coming in the house??

  25. Sarah-Jane says:
    Reply Report

    Yup there’s an article about it on the tellymix website, plus it was announced on BOTS last night. According to tellymix, her Mum has a secret task of fooling all the housemates into believing she’s genuinly a new housemate & Jasmine will give her instructions to give certain housemates “psychic predictions for their future in the house”. Seriously, I’m not joking! If her Mum passes the task, Jasmine will win a very special prize, hopefully not money out of the prize fund!!! However I think that “special prize” will be the doors opening for her to re-enter the house. So whatever money was spent on saving Rhian might have been a huge waste of time & expense! (If the task is completed successfully) I’m not even religious, but I pray to my Gran up in heaven that they will fall flat on their faces in this secret task!

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