


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 22
  • 1 evictions faced
  • 7 noms received

Julie Goodyear is a soap opera legend most famous for her character, Bet Lynch in the world’s longest running soap, Coronation Street.

In 1995, after winning the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ for her role as Bet Lynch in the first ever National Television Awards, Julie quit the soap.

Julie was awarded the M.B.E. (Member of the Order of the British Empire) in 1996 ‘For services to Television Drama.’

In 1979 during a routine check up Julie discovered she had cervical cancer, she had two major operations. In typical fighting spirit, she fought her illness and made a full recovery. The Julie Goodyear Laboratory, which her charity supports now, operates at The Christie Hospital, Manchester.

Julie openly discussed her relationship with men and women in her autobiography ‘Just Julie,’ in November 2006. Her sexuality became news, after experiencing many kiss and tell stories from her partners. Julie freely admits she makes very wrong decisions sometimes and trusts the wrong people.

After a couple of her failed relationships, Julie has actually employed her ex partners. After the relationship ended with Vicky Claffey, Vicky became her PA and Janet Ross is now her housekeeper.

In 2007 Julie then aged 65, married long time boyfriend and ex-stalker Scott Brand, 39, in an intimate ceremony. She met Scott when he used to sit in a tree outside her house watching her. She slowly grew fond of him over time and realised he want to protect her and genuinely loved her.

Their wedding reception was attended by the Duchess of York, Charlotte Church, Clive Owen and members of Duran Duran.

Most recently in May 2012, Julie starred in the Coronation Street musical, ‘Street Of Dreams’ a musical interpretation of the famous soap, playing homage to its most well loved characters from the past. It boasted camp costumes, upbeat and original show tunes.

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  1. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Thought her and Julian were buddies. She sat and lied to him about Colleen but I don’t think he was quite convinced. This woman is devoid of integrity

  2. linda lowe says:
    Reply Report

    i think they should show the mortals what the gods were saying about them………that would shake things up a bit and show a few people in their true light.

  3. skyeman says:
    Reply Report

    Should be good tonight:

    Julie accuses Lorenzo of having lost his balls, also adding that she thinks Coleen is two-faced. Erm, is that the sound of the pot calling the kettle a colour that isn’t white? She’s not the only one throwing around these kind of claims though – Martin also reckons there’s some double-crossing in the House, pointing the finger towards the original accuser, Julie. Whatever the case, it seems like the House has more faces than the number of residents.

    Well done Martin, give her a dose back. Yuk.

  4. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    agree. Isn’t it sad to see these so called celebrities debase themselves

  5. tara says:
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    Omg!! Did you just see what julie said about danica… One word toofaced:(

  6. Looby says:
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    how on earth are we gonna get her out???????

  7. Jillian says:
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    Don’t like her or BB’s favouritism towards her! She told Sam after Rhian walked out “Danica’s next to go”‘ and Julian about Coleen “I watched the screen last night. I saw some some not so very nice things.” When Julian asks her, “Like what?” she gestures towards Coleen and says, “Be very careful of her. Very careful. She goes from group to group mixing. Awful. Absolutely horrendous.” (she doesn’t ever say WHAT was said or to WHOM, but it’s definitely a case of ‘pot meet kettle’) The nomination period before, she pulled Ashley and Mike aside and basically bullied them into nominating ‘their own’ girls.

    She is blatantly doing her best to influence nominations but BB does NOTHING to put a stop to her constant rule break.

  8. irene pearson says:
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    Julie always escapes the punishment whilst others are held to account. Love to see her contract conditions wouldn’t you. Totally biased and unfair

  9. elle ford says:
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    A cigarette holder and crocs……She has style…..

  10. Myra says:
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    I don’t like Julie at all I think she’s a wiked old which I WAN’T HER TO GOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Jillian says:
    Reply Report

    LOVED Coleen being saved (and the look on Julie’s face). LOVED the crowd chanting “Get Julie out” and her obvious fear that the other HMs will now follow Lorenzo’s lead and nominate her. LOVED watching her trying to stay calm, cool and collected like it didn’t matter when we know it better. Can’t wait to see it all kick off in the next couple of days. 😀

  12. Gillian says:
    Reply Report

    I agree with you Jillian (great name by the way) the next couple of days are going to be interesting and Coleen has already hinted that she will be more outspoken. At least it will be a relief that it won’t be the danica show.

  13. irene pearson says:
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    @elle ford
    Yes a silent movie star trapped in a caravan!!! as someone said on BBBOTS Spot on.

  14. irene pearson says:
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    She had the wind taken out of her sails alright. Karma is a wonderful thing. She started the sympathy grabbing old lady performance last night with Julian . This will escalate or she will try to be Coleens best friend. Think she will be out the first chance the public get . So glad to hear the boos, restored my faith in human nature. Just wish Julian wasn’t so fooled by her. She has lied through her teeth to him about Coleen. No integrity at all.

  15. sarah says:
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    @irene pearson
    I agree Irene, she will try with desperation now to be colleens pal, but i think colleen can see right through her. I felt like screaming at th tv when she said to Martin (i think it was) she nearly knocked my two front teeth out 😯 bloody liar…… the replay blatently showed her gently putting it against her :doh: silly lady she is :tongue:

  16. irene pearson says:
    Reply Report

    Just been catching up on BB’s useless website and guess what she is crawling all over Coleen. They have also AT LAST punished her for noms talk. Hooray!!!!!!!!

  17. elle ford says:
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    Your so right.

  18. elle ford says:
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    I can’t stand looking at her. There are better looking transvestites out there. And the way she puts that holder in her mouth, that tongue, makes me feel sick.

  19. irene pearson says:
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    Looks like most of them have her sussed. Noms should be intresting

  20. Dr Bob says:
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    BB should take away her disgusting chewing gum. Yech, it’s unbearable to look at and listen to.

    I pity the BB audio guy.

  21. irene pearson says:
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  22. irene pearson says:
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    SOS got carried away there also up are martin and lorenzo. Hope she is out first. Think Lorenzo will go too.

  23. Flossie says:
    Reply Report

    Vile woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    she is rude and illmannered, hasn’t anyone ever told her its rude to chew gum whilst speaking? obviously not, 70 year old slapper

  24. elle ford says:
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    a href=”#comment-6370″>@Flossie
    Your so right. I can’t see what others see in her. I hope she gets voted out. Wicked woman.

  25. elle ford says:
    Reply Report

    What is that mad woman talking about. Did she or did she not nominate as well. She’s up there with the fairys.

Reply to Gillian

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