


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 65
  • 5 evictions faced
  • 8 noms received

Winston is a real lad’s lad and spends all his money ‘on the lads and chasing the ladies’. He currently lives in Essex with his mate in his ‘bachelor pad’ but admits that he’s ‘a messy little puck’.

Although he attends his local gym daily, the only team sport he now plays is ‘who can pull the most girls in one night’. He’s currently single but is always on the lookout for a girlfriend, and his life motto is: ‘You don’t score till you score’.

Winston’s quite picky when it comes to the ladies. ‘I tend to go for brunettes with nice breasts and a fit body, but they also have to be quick witted and can laugh at themselves’. He’s looking for love in the house and believes ‘it could happen if someone catches my eye’. If he had to choose between love and money, he’d choose love as it lasts forever: ‘I’m a secret romantic at heart but sometimes I pretend not to be’.

He classes himself as ‘the local superman’ as he’s very ‘thoughtful and kind’ who is always there to help others. He likes that he’s very loyal, strong minded and determined :‘I always speak my mind’. He said his friends would describe him as ‘a bit dippy, unintentionally hilarious, loyal and a party man who’s always up for fun’.

Winston – who dreams of one day being a famous racing car driver – truly believes he’d make the best Big Brother housemate ever, as he’s ‘charming, fun, charismatic… the list goes on’. He would hate any tasks involving horses as he’s ‘petrified’ of them, and he also detests insects.

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  1. 5 comments

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  3. 182 comments

  4. 35 comments


  1. becca says:
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    Love winston to bits, hope he wins :heart: 😀 :heart: 😉 :heart:

  2. Liz says:
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    He will go up in my estimation if he takes on Helen and puts awful Ash up for eviction in face to face nominations! Will he have the balls to though?

  3. logic says:
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    I am hoping that the public wise up and vote this fake, smug, floppy haired, Joey Essex copycat with no brains and an even faker smile and tan out of the bb house.
    Winston is an overbearing false twat and its about time he was evicted because he is a complete waste of space, the only comments that come out of his mouth are boring crap.

  4. danny-p says:
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    Just another member of the Brady bunch to me, but if he puts Helen and the wart on her arse in their place, he might go up in a few people’s books.

  5. Jane Shepherd says:
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    I think this is our first agreement Danny,

    Winston was fully aware that Helen was on the edge of another ‘explosion’ and caused the little contretemps while they were talking in bed, Ash of course was full of mirth and egging him on – until Winston left and it was just him and Helen in bed…so then he starts to ‘dis’ Winstons’ comments and cement his allegiance to Helen – Ash is soooo transparent, and so scared of Helen.

    I Hope its Winston, Ashleigh and Helen (only ‘cos we’re stuck with her) in the final

  6. Louise says:
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    He’s an aldi own brand version of Joey Essex. Can’t believe he’s only got 80 odd comments on here – other people have several hundred. Shows how little he’s done.

  7. Saz says:
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    @Louise Funny, I looked at that today. That’s why I don’t think Helen will be first out when her pass doesn’t protect her, some of the other housemates haven’t made enough of an impact to gather votes. I like Winston but he’s not my winner!

  8. northernmonkey says:
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    @Louise Haha, yes he is a bit of a Joey. It’s been a very poor series ( for me ) with barely any funny moments.

    The odd occasion I have laughed or smiled has involved Winston – So I think I am edging towards him for the win, for that sole purpose.

  9. Louise says:
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    No I don’t think Helen will be first out either. And yeah, really poor series, too much confrontation/controversy and not enough fun moments.

    Winston hasn’t done anything to offend and seems kind hearted, he always stands up for people, even of they’re not his closest friends. But he’s not as thick as he makes out.

    Hoping that Mark and Pav go on Friday. If so I’d put the top 6 down as:

    6th Ash
    5th Helen
    4th Winston
    3rd Christopher
    2nd Chris
    Winner Ashleigh

    I don’t mind if the 1st and 2nd swap around :- :happy:

  10. Nicky says:
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    Unfortunately I think wins tons friendship with Ash and Helen will be his downfall….. I’ve seen some really lovely qualities in Winston …. He really listens to others when he was judging who should get their letters was very telling…. I know he stands up to Helen and disagrees with her he is still heavily influenced by her and Ash…. He giggles with Ash which eggs Helen on…. But I don’t believe he realises he is doing this…. I hope to god that his family and friends take him to one side and he watches all the footage to realise that Helen and Ash will crush him… Use and abuse him…. After all he has never been included when hiding alcohol or Helens , Mark and Ash’s nasty spiteful little rants has he?????

  11. sally says:
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    Winston the most boring house mate next to ash
    Winston Mr Do Little,
    Winston Mr Say Little.
    But he could win .Well Sam did last year Winston is just as boring . :doh:

  12. Jane Shepherd says:
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    ooh I know where you are coming from but Sam was kind hearted, Winston is not as daft as he makes out. I think he will keep his alliance with the ‘cool gang’ but also gravitate to the others…

    Therefore covering all his bases.

  13. Liz says:
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    Winston was an idiot in tonight’s show, jumping on Helens band wagon and having a go at Chris. How can they have a go at Chris for doing the exact same thing as Ash and Mark. Even Mark and Ash were having a go at Chris. I can’t believe the bare face cheek of it! Oh I forgot they can do and say what they want cos they are the ‘cool kids’.

  14. Misty says:
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    Winston gone…. Bit of a shock

  15. Kells says:
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    well I think tonight’s eviction was spot on, loved Winston but I think if he had really took a back seat on the argument over the money he would still be in the house, he took Ash & Mark’s word against the money being shared, anyway I hope Chris gets an apology when he gets out….

  16. Winston rules!! says:
    Reply Report

    Awwwwww i love winston soooo much, he is such a sweet and good hearted person i wanna meet him so much and he is fit! Love you! :happy: :heart:

  17. John Kane says:
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    Mark and (in particular) Winston’s evictions tonight have totally restored my faith in the Great British public.

    Well done anyone who voted.

  18. John Kane says:
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    @Liz You hit the nail on the head Liz.

    All Chris (or in his defence Christopher) should have said during the whole vile and disgusting tirade that was aimed at him last night was: “Hang on Helen, hang on Winston…why don’t you aim this bile at your two home-boys…after-all, aren’t they the ones who really let you down?”

    Mark and (in particular) Winston’s evictions tonight have totally restored my faith in the Great British public.

    Well done anyone who voted.

  19. Saz says:
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    I think there would be a few who wanted Winston out but generally that was to save Chris and Christopher. It was simple, if we wanted them saved, we had to vote for Winston. Sorry but he was never in the running for Winner in my eyes. Saying that, a decent bloke and good luck to him!

  20. John Kane says:
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    @Saz I agree, he had his faults but overall I think he seemed like a really good bloke.

  21. Bel says:
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    Big brother is only a fix

  22. mags says:
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    I think Winston should of win;he’s a good guy and the only genuine in the house.He didn’t act ,was true to himself and fare.It looks to me that editing the show is the biggest manipulation here…we don’t really see what’s going on in the house, just small fragments.It’s all this talk Ashley up and down,etc…she’s OK but no entertainment value ,and with her Not Model legs,I can’t understand how is she a model? It’s a pretty face Only when is made up with a big lot of fake hair;what’s all this talk about her? At least Winston look the part;a homegrown superman.Put Winston back in the House ! He deserves it! ,

  23. Misty says:
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    If you google Ashleigh’s pics she actually looks amazing as a model, can’t see a thing wrong with her legs, looks like a real girl and not a stick insect, hair is all her own too, and yes, very pretty face :happy:

  24. John Kane says:
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    I’m not sure what Winston or Ashleigh’s looks have to do with anything.

    Do people really vote based on the housemates appearance?

    Winston is gone because he aligned himself to closely with Helen, and the vast majority of people do not like Helen.

    Ashleigh will likely win because she met Helen head-on (and won), and the vast majority of people do not like Helen.

  25. Misty says:
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    @John Kane

    Me either John, but felt I had to stand up for her as I don’t like people slagging her off…..talking about her legs….bit below the belt….no pun intended 😀

Reply to Laurie

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