


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 65
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 4 noms received

Mark says his friends would describe him as a ‘lovely person that always looks gorgeous. I’m a good loyal friend until people cross me – then it’s another story’.

He is very focussed on his image, getting his hair professionally done four times a week and a spray tan once a week. He also has ‘HD’ eyebrows, which he describes as ‘proper massive and razor sharp’. He even claims to be ‘a bit psychic’, using tarot cards to decide what to wear.

Mark doesn’t like that he has a short temper and never backs down from an argument: ‘I often fly off the handle over the smallest things like if the wind blows my hair out of place’. However, he reckons his lack of a ‘filter’ is part of his ‘charm’: ‘I just say what I want when I want and never think before I speak.’

He finds it difficult dating: ‘my problem is that I’m beyond picky, no one is ever good enough for me’.

Mark believes he’ll be a ‘fabulous, fun housemate’ who will always make people laugh. He knows how to keep a ‘high energy’ and can’t wait to give people makeovers – ‘there’s going to be a Scouse brow day once a week where I’ll give all my fellow housemates a Scouse brow’. He claims he gets on with everyone apart from ‘dickheads’ and judgemental people.

He’s ridiculously competitive and hates to lose: ‘If I don’t win, I just sulk’. He’d hate any mental tasks and says ‘I’d be an epic fail if I had do an IQ test or any general knowledge quizzes’.

Latest on Mark

  1. 5 comments

  2. 5 comments

  3. 21 comments


  1. Richard Cox says:
    Reply Report

    At last that irritating spineless twit has gone. Mark will not be missed

  2. Misty says:
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    @John Kane

    Did you see him squirm in that interview with Emma about the money, priceless 😀

  3. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Misty I actually missed his interview, I was watching the Golf.

    I might try and catch it on-line later.

    What order do you think the remaining HM’s will leave in?

  4. Misty says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    I don’t mind as long as Ashleigh, Christopher and Chris are in top three any order, would like Pav fourth, Ash fifth and Helen first out through the door whether it’s open or not, if I was there, I would look her in the eye and say ” pick a window” 😀

  5. zoe says:
    Reply Report

    i absolutely loved mark he made me smile and laugh and i love his arguments with christopher shame you have gone will miss you

  6. Susan says:
    Reply Report

    i foooooooookin luuuuurve you mark in my mind your my winner

  7. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Misty One of my favourite ever comments on here. Brilliant stuff.

  8. Teena says:
    Reply Report

    I am having mark withdrawel symptoms he was the most entertaining love him they got rid of wrong one
    so sad winston has left too

  9. Teena says:
    Reply Report

    im jus watching tonights bb
    when bb closed the bedroom and hot water and everything and mark said

    ‘i need to do my hair’

    i nearly fell off my sofa laughing i adore you mark your comedy gold

    whilst sour faced ashleigh and chris had sour faces

    i was laughing so much

    why dont they just grow up and laugh it off i would

    i adore you mark mwah

  10. jermaine says:
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    little princess ashleighs face she looked so fed up it was lovely watching her face all sour and horrible NOT been looking at her miserable face since bb started why dont she smile ffs and lighten up miserable cow moooooo

  11. jermaine says:
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    chris and ashleigh are sooooo peeeeed off hahahahahahah same old story with them

    ashleigh on her high horse – queen b – oh yeah ashleigh looks like a right monger at 7am wake up lmao wouldnt wanna wake up with her euw

    i love seeing em upset

    mark has the right attitude

  12. Samantha says:
    Reply Report

    mark was a light and energy of the house now it will be so dull

  13. jermaine says:
    Reply Report

    i cant stand ashleigh but callin her a witch well i can understand why u would call her that but its a bit strong love

  14. zoe says:
    Reply Report

    ok sorry how about b*tch
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week
    give pav the power this week

    pav hasnt had a chance to have power
    give pav the power this week

  15. jermaine says:
    Reply Report

    all ashleigh does is lie around with chris, do her washing and mope around

    helen is correct in this when she says what does ashleigh do to deserve winning

    ashleigh jus mopes around moaning and b*tching and calling people d*cks

    lovely lasy isnt she NOT

    mark or winston shoulda won

    people are stopping watching big brother now he said its sh*te and im beginning to think the same

    who wants to watch it now the best hm’s have gone

    just trash in the house now

  16. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report


    Good morning Zoe, Pav was given the power when he entered the house along with Biannca and your namesake….or did you forget that.

    My reply on Pavs page is waiting for you.

  17. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd Oh my Jane I have literally just posted almost the exact same message over on Pav’s page.

    Almost word-for-word. That is so funny.

    No wonder people think we’re in cahoots!

  18. Zoe says:
    Reply Report

    no pav hasnt had the power alone – he had it with 2 others

    makr, winston, ash, helen hasnt been given the power i dont think? Correct me if im wrong

    i think EVERY housemate should have been given a power chance

  19. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    God John Just saw your post and came straight back to this page.. well at least whoever believe we are the same person will be able to get verification if the need to from timings and BBspy.


    Still great minds and all that ???? ………….

    I’ll get my head bitten off later for that 😀 😀

  20. Zoe says:
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    p.s otherwise its not fair if all hm’s havent had a power chance and it looks like favouritism

    dont think christopher has had powerr either

    or am i being forgetful lolol

  21. Zoe says:
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    p.p.s kimberley wasnt given the power either

    quite a few

  22. John Kane says:
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    @Zoe Only Chris and Pauline ever had the power on their own. Every other “Power” situation has involved a couple or a group.

    Mark was part of the “Power Alliance” and Helen was part of “Girl Power”. Winston is gone so he can’t have the power.

    I’m certain that Ash has never had the power. And as far as I can remember neither has Christopher.

    Maybe a final Power Couple before the show ends?

  23. John Kane says:
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    @Zoe Kimberley was given the power, she was part of “Girl Power”.

  24. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    Chris had the power alone, Pav had it with other two girls, Helen had it with all the girls I don’t think mark or Ash or Christopher had it – it was voted to give the girls the power, not the boys…

    I could be wrong I’m trying to remember but to be honest Zoe its a bit late for power to change perceptions I think. Do you want Pav to win or just have power – explain to me I’m trying to get your coming from?

  25. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Jane Shepherd Mark was part of the “Power Alliance” with Ashleigh and Chris.

Reply to Bob

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