


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 37
  • 4 times (Killer nominee) evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Jale is sarcastic and dry, she isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. She hates weakness in others, and likes to rant – especially about things she is passionate about, such as ‘s**t drivers, terrible call centre workers, people who are s**t at their jobs and martyrs’.

She currently works as a customer adviser, and has been doing ‘lots of project work’ for about a year. She had to move teams because a ‘girl thought I didn’t like her, and like a moron, instead of speaking to me like an adult, told a manager and it got massively blown up’.

Jale’s school life was difficult as she says ‘a lot of people at school hated me’. She says people took a dislike to her because she was ‘strong minded and strong willed’ and would stand up for herself.

She has strong political views on immigrants, benefits and unemployment and thinks the ‘divide between the rich and poor is sick’. She thinks the government are ‘making the rich richer and the poor are scrambling around trying to feed themselves’.

Jale always tries to see the good in people but can sometimes hurt people with her words. She says she uses them as a ‘defence mechanism’ and will verbally ‘tear someone apart’ if she gets angry. Her worst trait is that she gets wound up too easily – she has to meditate on a daily basis because if she doesn’t, her ‘energy builds up, her defence mechanism goes up and her temper comes’.

Her strengths are ‘thinking and strategising’ and she thinks this would benefit her in tasks. She would direct people if they were ‘f**king about’.

Jale – who doesn’t have any pets, but would like a dog – lives on her own in a two bedroom house, because she ‘can’t live with people, it’s a proven fact’. She thinks she would be a unique, multifaceted Big Brother housemate and will probably ‘make a bit of a tit out of myself’.

In the house, Jale will find it hard to keep her mouth shut. She says that if people target and test her, ‘they’re not going to do well of it’.

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  1. Mario says:
    Reply Report

    Great girl who should win! She is real and honest as only one 🙂

  2. Kk says:
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    Why all the nasty remarks! What has she done to you! I like jale she’s funny and entertaining person

  3. Sarah says:
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    I like her most genuine of the lot!

  4. Marie G says:
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    I have no strong feelings either way about Jale, however I find it interesting that she has “very strong views on immigration”. Jale Karaturp doesn’t sound like a very dyed in the wool English name and her sister has quite a strong foreign accent, surely her family couldn’t actually be immigrants……….. 😉

  5. Maybee says:
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    @Marie G
    I thought I heard somewhere that her family are Turkish. :conf:

  6. Fiko says:
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    Yeah Jale, Hale (sister) are Turkish names.

  7. zara says:
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    It says she has strong views on immigration not that shes against it she might be pro immigration! I love her she’s definitely in my top three. She’s so calm and collected and just seems amused when the others go off on one of there rants!

  8. Berni says:
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    She was alright to begin with, showed some sympathy because of the perceived bullying. But now I just cba, she is boring, a bore, a bore. Originally I thought she had a unique personality suppressed by the likes of Pauline or Helen, as I see it now she actually doesn’t have much of a personality but bitter hollowness.
    Because of this she attempts to impersonate what she has received. For example, whispering in corners about people (had been done to her previously), ratting out little Chris (she was ratted out for having most of the food, stealing Helen’s product). Overall she actually thinks that these are actions suited to her characteristics but doesn’t conclude very well due to her lack of personality, the house is doing her more harm then good.

  9. Margo says:
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    I also liked Jale before but there’s not much there and her dialogue is confusing…without any punchline….she’s neither here nor there….but I think it was unfair of BB to make her the only overweight female so no wonder shes bitter

  10. zara says:
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    Loved her tonight with Winston talking about his spiritual guide she always looks like she’s trying not to laugh and that did make me giggle with the gold woman with big tits!

  11. Maybee says:
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    :happy: At last she’s coming out of her shell & having a laugh. :up: 😀

  12. Gracieeee says:
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    JALE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!! Jale is the funniest, kindest, most genuine housemate in there. She doesn’t care what others think and is not going to back down, be afraid or show weakness to nasty people. I shed actual tears when Helen bullied her because Jale is just so lovely. Despite everything that happened to her, she never refuses someone in need or someone who needs to talk. Of course, she is not perfect, at the start she reacted quite sharply to comments that she perceived to be threatening. However, this was only because she is quite defensive and obviously found it hard being a “newbie”. There are a horrible nasty clicky bitchy group within the house and Jale is not considered one of the ‘popular’ kids. It reminds me of being in Secondary school and having to deal with the people who believe they are superior because of their looks and how loud they shout. But Jale is gorgeous and seriously, when she is dressed up on eviction night she looks stunning. What I love about Jale is when she is talking to someone she feels comfortable around, she still never allows herself to get sucked into bitching and she is always very just in what she says about others, no matter how much she likes them. She has been nothing but fun and encouraging and she has my full support! I’d love to find out more about her spiritual beliefs and I think there is more to come. Jale to win! <3

  13. Liz says:
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    Loved the eyebrow thing she obviously doesn’t take herself too seriously, and loved her face when she found out she wouldn’t be facing eviction this week! Hate the way Helen is trying to get her on side now I hope she won’t be dragged down by her and sucked into the bitching, I don’t think she will though!

  14. jimmyriddle says:
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    Think Jale will want Ash out, hope she sides with Ashleigh & Danielle. Wishy washy Kimberly will side with Helen. It will be interesting to see which of the girls steps up to the plate & takes Helen on coz anyone who does will get the public behind them & become a heroine, it could make or break them. My money is on Ashleigh :up:

  15. smartcasual says:
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    Oh dear, she’s sucking up to Helen now, oh well anything for an easy life. Beginning to think Ashleigh is the only genuine housemate in there, hates Helen, Ash, Marlon, Stephen & boy do they know it, won’t compromise or be phoney to their faces, doesn’t even speak to Helen. Spineless Jale on the other hand has blown it with the British public. :conf:

  16. jennyjuniper says:
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    When Jale first started being pally with Helen I was disapointed and wondered if she was just doing it so she wouldn’t be picked on. But Jale isn’t stupid. She knows the public reaction to Helen and knows that after this week she Jale, will be nominated again and if she sides with Helen there is a good chance she’ll be gone.
    So what is her game? Could it be the good old double bluff. Get cosy with Helen, then take out Ash? It’s a wait and see period with Jale I think.

  17. Joey says:
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    I feel she is the most realistic character in the house, and I don’t think, like some of the other housemates, she’s in it for the money. She’s not exactly the most quiet housemate currently in the house but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a chance of winning. I think she’s done brilliant so far, and if I’m totally honest most of the other housemates (not mentioning any names…Pauline…*COUGH*COUGH*) have done nothing but bully her. Jale is a very kind person, and I think if everyone gave her a chance they would see it. Anyway, I reckon we’re doing pretty well now, got Pauline out, we just got to get Helen kicked out by ‘Big Brother’, haha!

  18. Maybee says:
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    Yes I also think Jale is a kindly soul, and perhaps a little too forgiving. :conf:

  19. northernmonkey says:
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    Jale seems to have thick skin, doesn’t seem to hold a grudge either and just takes it on the chin.

    It’ll get her far on BB.

  20. zara says:
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    Jale needs to be careful she really doesn’t want to be forming a clique with Helen and bitching about Ashleigh and Danielle as it doesn’t look good! I have loved jale but im not liking the new jale! Hope she can wriggle out of Helens clutches!

  21. hannah says:
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    :heart: :heart: 😀 😀 😀 😀 :tongue: :tongue: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: go JALEEEE!! Whoop best housemate and the others tried to bully her because of jealousy.

  22. Bex says:
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    I don’t like her. :down: Didn’t anyone see the episode when she was constantly telling Marlon to “sh”? She’s rude, but not to people who deserve it. Helen treated her like utter crap, yet she’s so far up Helen’s arse at the moment, it’s pathetic.

  23. Maybee says:
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    I concur with Dexter on Bbbots that Jale is the most genuine person in there. :happy: :up:

  24. Maybee says:
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    I suppose she must think that she better get along with Helen or else the bullying may start again. 🙁

  25. kip says:
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    Really starting to think Jale is a bit of a ligtweight. She can talk the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. Stop sucking up to Helen & energy void Kim, :down: it will do you no favours at all.

    The way Helen & Pauline treated her the first 2 weeks was digusting, now seeking Helens approval like a broken little lap dog. Has she no dignity or self esteem. 😥

    You don’t see Matthew or Ashleigh kissing her ass. They know she is poison & won’t compromise, good for them. :up:

Reply to Wally !

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