


  • Entered Day 2
  • Evicted Day 37
  • 4 times (Killer nominee) evictions faced
  • 6 noms received

Jale is sarcastic and dry, she isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. She hates weakness in others, and likes to rant – especially about things she is passionate about, such as ‘s**t drivers, terrible call centre workers, people who are s**t at their jobs and martyrs’.

She currently works as a customer adviser, and has been doing ‘lots of project work’ for about a year. She had to move teams because a ‘girl thought I didn’t like her, and like a moron, instead of speaking to me like an adult, told a manager and it got massively blown up’.

Jale’s school life was difficult as she says ‘a lot of people at school hated me’. She says people took a dislike to her because she was ‘strong minded and strong willed’ and would stand up for herself.

She has strong political views on immigrants, benefits and unemployment and thinks the ‘divide between the rich and poor is sick’. She thinks the government are ‘making the rich richer and the poor are scrambling around trying to feed themselves’.

Jale always tries to see the good in people but can sometimes hurt people with her words. She says she uses them as a ‘defence mechanism’ and will verbally ‘tear someone apart’ if she gets angry. Her worst trait is that she gets wound up too easily – she has to meditate on a daily basis because if she doesn’t, her ‘energy builds up, her defence mechanism goes up and her temper comes’.

Her strengths are ‘thinking and strategising’ and she thinks this would benefit her in tasks. She would direct people if they were ‘f**king about’.

Jale – who doesn’t have any pets, but would like a dog – lives on her own in a two bedroom house, because she ‘can’t live with people, it’s a proven fact’. She thinks she would be a unique, multifaceted Big Brother housemate and will probably ‘make a bit of a tit out of myself’.

In the house, Jale will find it hard to keep her mouth shut. She says that if people target and test her, ‘they’re not going to do well of it’.

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  1. 8 comments

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  3. 17 comments


  1. zara says:
    Reply Report

    That was a no brainer that she would be saved tonight, good always triumphs over evil!

  2. Liam says:
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    Favourite of them all! Definitely think she’s in with a chance of winning. Just hope she doesn’t allow the rest weasel their way into her good books now they know she’s liked.

    Was a shame to see her completely bullied and taken the p out out. It’s funny though, it’s just made the others look like massive twats.

    Don’t want to see her cry again and can’t wait to see more of her!

  3. Sammilouise says:
    Reply Report

    Love Jale and hopes she goes far, I just find it cringe worthy (catching up on TiVo) a grown woman as in Pauline banging her gums about Jale and repetitive behaviour yet it’s still carrying on till now !! Damn woman get yourself a man or a dildo Ffs … Did like her but totes bullying Jale it’s way too much to watch let alone endure .. Jale to win win win :up:

  4. Janet Lawther says:
    Reply Report

    jale chris christopher and marlon are my fav so far don t no about the others yet . pauline a bit nasty towards jale don t no what she done to her picking on jale paluine up for an eviction this week

  5. Maybee says:
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    For heavens sake, knowing you’re up for eviction every week, and the constant verbal attacks by bully Pauline :down: Jale deserves some peace and fun, my fingers are crossed for things to change, I love it if Chris had the power to turn things upside down so it’s Jale who gets the free pass to the final :happy: and horrid Helen is then up for eviction each time :up: in which case she’d promptly be booted out.

  6. DREAMGIRL says:
    Reply Report

    why doesn’t B.B. STOP Paulene bullying Jale????
    It is VERY uncomfortable to watch, TOTAL empathy with Jale ……. ( been bullied myself..many years ago)
    Jale ,just be yourself & enjoy your time in the house…… 😀

  7. DREAMGIRL says:
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    “Ditto” 😀

  8. argyll says:
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    @dreamgirl@maybee BB will give Poison Pauline a warning, too many complaints registered about her bullying.

    get her out asap – tomorrow would be good.!!!!!!!

  9. DREAMGIRL says:
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    You are sooo right, she does not deserve to be in B .B. ,replace her with somone who has respect for ALL housemates, not just her "clique".. :happy:

  10. Sarah-Jane says:
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    Hello 😀

    I can completely relate to what you’re saying regarding Jale’s situation with Pauline and her group. I myself was bullied for 13 years during all of school, therefore I can’t help but feel compassion and empathy for Jale and the feeling of being uncomfortable viewing all of this. I’m very surprised indeed that Big Brother hasn’t even stepped in to issue Pauline with a formal warning. Now, Big Brother advised Jale that there were hosuemates she could confide in. However, there really wouldn’t be much point to this or would it do any good as none of these housemates hold the power or authority to punish Pauline and her crew for their despicable behaviour towards Jale. In my opinion, it Big Brother’s responsibility to conduct a further investigation into Jale’s complaint, just like how this kind of situation would be handled in a workplace or anywhere else in the real world. What I also think could potentially make a big difference here would be for the british public to complain to Ofcom. Hopefully this will be the next course of action as otherwise I doubt any further action will be taken by Big Brother.

  11. Lisa Burton says:
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    :down: :down: :down: .Up against’ the teeth & eye’s brigade I too would be wary/sensitive. Jale 2 WIN@Sarah-Jane

  12. Christie says:
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    TEAM JALE!!! Think she’s hilarious & I like how she doesn’t take any crap off anyone. Plus I found out that she works for the same company as me so definitely rooting for her!! :happy:

  13. toni says:
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    Team Jale!!! Would love to go in the house and give the others what for, for bullying Jale!!!

  14. John Kane says:
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    I really don’t know what the producers of Big Brother are trying to achieve by putting someone like Helen Wood into the house.

    She is a prostitute who has tried to sell multiple stories of her endeavours with married men to the press and for that she is rewarded with a three month stint on one of the most popular programs of television.

    What message does this send out to our kids?

  15. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Regarding Helen, the fact that:

    1) She got accepted into Big Brother in the first place.

    2) She got a free pass to the final.

    3) She has been allowed to constantly bully and intimidate housemates while in there (not to mention her extremely offensive “Jesus” remarks).

    Makes me wonder if it’s not only footballers and actors she has stories to sell about.

    Does she have something over one of the producers on this show?

    Otherwise how / why is she being allowed to get away with all this?

  16. John Kane says:
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    Also Helen claims to be the single mother of a ten year old son.

    Who is taking care of him while she is spending three months acting like garbage in the Big Brother house?

    If my maths are correct (and I like to think that they are) her son will be finishing his final term of Primary School before moving to Secondary School in September. This is a crucial time in a young childs life.

    Instead of being there to take care of him and guide him through this period she is on television acting in a way that is going to make that boys Secondary School life absolute torture.

    Children can be very cruel and after seeing the way his mother has behaved, and the things she has made HERSELF famous for, her sons peers will have all the ammunition to make his life a living hell.

    I truly feel sorry for that child and detest his pathetic excuse for a parent for what she is undoubtedly setting him up for.

  17. mary xmas says:
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    Hope she stays a while! Pauline was threatened by the crowds reaction to Jale on launch night.So she turns into a complete jealous cow.Get Jazzy P Crazy Eyes Out!

  18. kirsten says:
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    I honestly dont know why Helen is such a bitch to her! What on earth did she do that made everyone be so horrible to her? I cant believe we are stuck with Helen till the end, she is such a vile, evil, bitch and the things she does such as calling Jale a ‘slug’ constantly is completely unnecessary

  19. PAM says:
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  20. Natalie says:
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    This is plain bullying! I have complained and i think others should to! If you dont nothing will change

  21. Ann marie says:
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    I agree Nataile helen is a bully I have also coplained about her and I think if she carrys on she should lose her place to the final

  22. Wendos says:
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    Natalie – who did you complain too as I wish to do the same. I would agree that watching such blatant bullying is not entertaining. Jale is clearly a strong person and so far has shouldered her appalling treatment with dignity for which she deserves the upmost respect. I’m disgusted at BB for letting this behaviour continue unchallenged.

  23. Wendos says:
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    My concern now, is that BB will give one of the bullying group the powerhouse mate role, and they will use it to further bully. Anyone else agree. With great power comes great responsibility and I do not believe that any of that bully pack would use it wisely.

  24. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Big Brother should sit all the house mates down today and show an extended edit of all of Helen (and Pauline’s) vile and abusive behaviour to them all.

    Let everyone in the house see exactly what they have said. Expose them for what they really are. Then they should revoke Helens pass to the final and inform her that she will also be up for eviction every single week.

    That would not only show the bullies that their behaviour will not be tolerated but also show the viewing public that the producers do take this kind of thing seriously.

  25. John Kane says:
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    @Wendos The two places you should complain to are Ofcom:

    And Channel 5:

    I think that’s the only way to make any real difference.

Reply to Kitty

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