


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 44
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 11 noms received

Danielle lives her life by strict Catholic values and her ‘old-fashioned’ views. She believes in traditional gender roles and feels the ‘1950s housewife was a better role model’, claiming ‘things were better years ago’. She’s against gay marriage but insists she isn’t homophobic.

She is very business minded and aspires to have her own successful business. She is currently working on setting up a firm to make a ‘new type of Wonderbra’ and is trying to secure an investment. She is very focused: ‘I know what I want and I know how to get it’.

Danielle’s idols are God and her mum. She also counted Britney Spears among her heroes ‘until she went crazy’.

The last argument Danielle had was a few weeks before Big Brother with a guy in a club. He got annoyed because he had bought Danielle and her friend drinks and expected them to talk to him – but Danielle had other ideas: ‘He thought that just buying us a drink meant we had to be all over him’.

She tends to go on a night out at least once a fortnight, beginning with her friends coming over to her place. They’d get ready, open some of her ‘vintage champagne’ and then go to a club until about 2am. Sometimes they move on to afterparties, but Danielle is sceptical about these as ‘they can be sleazy’. She has never had a kebab in her life.

She thinks her friends would describe her as ‘confident, savvy, intelligent, determined and sensible’. She is never reckless and will ‘never wholeheartedly let my hair down’.

Danielle is currently single and has only had two long term relationships, both with Catholic boys. She says she will always be ‘upfront about not believing in sex before marriage’.

In the house, she would get on best with ‘well mannered, cultured, mature people’. She likes to keep her cards close to her chest and thinks she may clash with ‘liberal girls’ who tell lots of vulgar stories.

After Big Brother, Danielle wants to be a role model for women and young girls and help them to aim higher. She is disgusted at the trends at the moment for revealing clothes and doesn’t think you need to ‘dress like that’ to be successful. She wants to show people how to have ‘class, flair and charisma’.

Latest on Danielle

  1. 5 comments

  2. 22 comments


  1. Mel says:
    Reply Report

    Danielle has strong beliefs in religion and yet she is a part time model, and one who does sexual poses. Doesn’t make sense how she would hate everyone talking dirty… when she is one of those nudey models! (Yes, i saw that image of her and it is KINKY)

    She acts like a nun, but really she isn’t what she seems, it showed when she started fliritng with that blonde man with the little head.

  2. morag says:
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    :down: Does Dannielle think we are all stupid or what, she is constantly contradicting herself 1 minute she is crying over people swearing and the next she is swearing like a trooper herself wats that all about and she made such a big thing out of people talking about sex and yet she earns money through selling pornographic pictures of herself (kettle,pot,black much!!) since when does the catholic church preach/agree with promoting porn and using your naked body to make money!! She claims to be a lady with old fashioned values I don’t think she was taught to walk around or lie around, with no clothes on, acting out sexual acts etc in front of guys with cameras promoting adult porn at finishing school!! She says that she believes in not having sex before marriage but this would appear to be Danielle not practicing what she preaches again and thats Dannielle in a nutshell really – IF YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH GIRL THEN STOP THE PREACHING!!!!

  3. chris says:
    Reply Report

    Like Danielle, she’s a pussycat compared to the new power trio Helen Jale & Kim.
    What I find disturbing this series is that all the bullying, hatred, bitchiness & backstabbing has come from the women in the house, UK women haven’t been shown in a good light at all.
    Ditto the majority of voters which as we know are female.
    What’s wrong with British women?

  4. Wally ! says:
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    @Mel ” Flirting with that blond man with the little head”? Mel thats Sooooooo funny, thank you for making my day ! :happy: :up:

  5. John Kane says:
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    Go to this story:
    Look at the first post.

    This is a fix.

    So predictable.

  6. Wally ! says:
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    @John Kane Then that leaves us with a big question ? WTF are you watching BB & all the You Tube links for then you Idiot ? Get yourself down to the bingo or something or stop watching if it upsets you so much ? It obviously Interests you enough to enable you to write all the crap you do on here. Didnt you say you were in your 30s with a young family ? I bet the conversations make the nights just fly bye in your gaff or is it a case of Billy no mates ? :up: 😉

  7. natasha says:
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    she is as random sometimes iv warmed to her think her wee out bursts are funny :L

  8. Frank says:
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    Not seen any wee outbursts, just a bit of finger blasting…….. #OPENIT !!!

  9. Bob says:
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  10. Jane Shepherd says:
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    I still feel Danielle is acting, she is enjoying playing the victim role at the moment having realised that Win nice but dim will not reciprocate her advances, she has reverted to little miss innocent again, I wish she was up for eviction instead of Ashleigh, I’m afraid its making me hope for Scottish independence !

  11. Liz says:
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    Quite liking her shes eccentric and a little confused and the whole glamour model/good catholic girl thing is odd but she is basically a good person and has conducted her self well in there! Shes showed empathy for people and is a good judge of charactor she was the first one to take Helen on to.

  12. annkaspchar says:
    Reply Report

    I have never seen such a liar as danielle. I have seen her photo shoots and for a ” traditional catholic girl” they are not what I expected. She is in some very provocative pictures, who does she think are looking at them? Not men surely. She has tried to pose naked for the sun page 3, but failed. She claims to be very religious, but blasphemes more than anyone, she gossips and backstabs ( forbiden in the catholic bible) . She has a foul mouth and knocks Helen for it. She is not sweet and inoccent, nor kind and understanding, just someone trying to get famous and play the game by trying to be everyones friend and being innocent. Not!

  13. del says:
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    Shes not that bad at least shes not malicious. She has been first to console Marlon when the others made him an out cast for simply ‘playing the game’ she is a complete nut job but i quite like that. At least shes not in ‘cool kid group’@annkaspchar

  14. Wally ! says:
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    @del I think She may be playing a big game there del ? If you remember, She sits with one group & asks questions, like She did with Steve & Kim, & then She will go back to Her bitter little friend to discuss what She had just talked about ! I cant wait for the program thats coming on telly soon, with regards to Danielle talks about life on the Web, Then you will see a very different kind of Her Private Life. Then the shit will hit the fan, however we wont be able to vote for Her then will we ? :down: :doh:

  15. ally says:
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    She’s pissed of coz deep fried mars bars aren’t on the shopping list!!!

  16. annkaspchar says:
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    She is sitting with the ” cool kids” if that’s what they are,( pool party in a bikini), laughing and getting pissed then scuttling off and bitching. When Marlon pressed the button, she dissed him with everyone else then tried to make him feel better! This is a game show, which like anyone else, she is deperate to win. She should just get on with it and stop pretending to be something she is not. Everyone is entitled to see each person as they see fit. Why can’t you post what you see without someone pulling you down for it? people vote on what they see, not what you want them to see. I posted what I have seen, what anyone else see’s is up to them. I watch for fun, not take it seriously, and would never tell anyone else what to think. It’s not over yet! Let’s see what happens when the new peeps go in! :happy:

  17. Bel says:
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    @Wally…am always interested in what you have to say…very funny

  18. Jane Shepherd says:
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    Danielle is farcical – she must be totally deluded if she thinks her behaviour has impressed any of us. I hate to say it but at least Helen has never denied that she is a slut. She just avoids that fact altogether.
    Danielle however wants us to believe she is Maria Von Trapp with a finishing school education that failed to teach her that Aristocats is a Disney film!!
    Does she really expect Winston to believe that the night he slept next to her is the first time a boy shared her bed!! – please even Winston saw through that one – Get Danielle out she is the epitome of female guile and manipulation. Even Kim doesn’t deny her sluttish behaviour as she was prepared to let it all be seen, but Danielle is the surely the biggest hypocrite.

    I too am looking forward to the new housemates arriving.

  19. annkaspchar says:
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    @Jane Shepherd
    :up: 😀 Helen is just…helen! Love her or hate her, she does not pretend to be anything else. BB is what it is, a bunch of people trying to win some money, then be forgotten about in a few weeks!

  20. Whatever says:
    Reply Report

    I like Danielle,

    OK, sometimes she contradicts herself – don’t we all?
    People comment that she doesn’t like swearing yet has sworn herself. I think she means that she doesn’t like constant swearing, I totally understand this. I swear at times but sitting in company where people can not articulate without persistent swearing is boring and uncomfortable.

    She is religious yet models in sexy lingerie – so what! She has a bit of a flirt – So what! she is not harming anyone. And I don’t think a compassionate, loving God would give 2 hoots about this! I don’t see this as a contradiction at all.

    She is different than the rest of the gang and is not afraid to show those differences. Good on her

  21. Lindsey says:
    Reply Report

    Danielle does contradict herself. I personally think she portrays herself to be this women she thinks men would love and other women will aspire to be rather than be true to herself.
    She’s not open minded enough 2 experience anything outside her comfort zone!
    Not all women want a man earning a certain wage @ a minimum of 30,000 a year, not all men want some1 that doesn’t like porn, wants to wait for marriage!

    She comes across as though she’s superior to every1 else, putting down other peoples lifestyle choices because it’s not ‘traditional’.
    If she was content, carried herself diff I think she would get much more respect!

    She’s weak, yet has a lot to say in the diary room or too Ashleigh! She’s just let Helen call Ashleigh a bitch! I’d at least say get to know the girl 1 & 1 & you may find she’s actually a nice girl. Or maybe your just not each other’s cup of t! She hasn’t got any balls! She reminds me of marlon that she’s a follower not a leader.

    I’m intrigued to see this so called game plan!!!

  22. del says:
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    I’ve gone right off danniele after tonight’s episode. When hideous Helen said in front of all those other housemates sorry Danielle but Ashleigh is a right bitch, that should have been Danielles cue to stick up for her friend. Also I hate the way that when Helens bitching she says it to as many house mates at a time as possible she is trying to make them gang up against Ashleigh it’s pathetic for a grown woman! :down:

  23. Lindsey says:
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    I think Danielle secretly wants to let her hair down, but is scared she’ll look stupid as it will contradict everything she believes in!

  24. Jane Shepherd says:
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    @del @Lindsey

    Agree with you both, just had a bit of rant with others about Danielle but posted it on Stevens page, take a look.

  25. argyll says:
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    Danielle all talk and no action, did not have the decency to stand up for her friend Ashleigh when vile Helen was slating her. :down:

Reply to Jessy May Thomas

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