


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 44
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 11 noms received

Danielle lives her life by strict Catholic values and her ‘old-fashioned’ views. She believes in traditional gender roles and feels the ‘1950s housewife was a better role model’, claiming ‘things were better years ago’. She’s against gay marriage but insists she isn’t homophobic.

She is very business minded and aspires to have her own successful business. She is currently working on setting up a firm to make a ‘new type of Wonderbra’ and is trying to secure an investment. She is very focused: ‘I know what I want and I know how to get it’.

Danielle’s idols are God and her mum. She also counted Britney Spears among her heroes ‘until she went crazy’.

The last argument Danielle had was a few weeks before Big Brother with a guy in a club. He got annoyed because he had bought Danielle and her friend drinks and expected them to talk to him – but Danielle had other ideas: ‘He thought that just buying us a drink meant we had to be all over him’.

She tends to go on a night out at least once a fortnight, beginning with her friends coming over to her place. They’d get ready, open some of her ‘vintage champagne’ and then go to a club until about 2am. Sometimes they move on to afterparties, but Danielle is sceptical about these as ‘they can be sleazy’. She has never had a kebab in her life.

She thinks her friends would describe her as ‘confident, savvy, intelligent, determined and sensible’. She is never reckless and will ‘never wholeheartedly let my hair down’.

Danielle is currently single and has only had two long term relationships, both with Catholic boys. She says she will always be ‘upfront about not believing in sex before marriage’.

In the house, she would get on best with ‘well mannered, cultured, mature people’. She likes to keep her cards close to her chest and thinks she may clash with ‘liberal girls’ who tell lots of vulgar stories.

After Big Brother, Danielle wants to be a role model for women and young girls and help them to aim higher. She is disgusted at the trends at the moment for revealing clothes and doesn’t think you need to ‘dress like that’ to be successful. She wants to show people how to have ‘class, flair and charisma’.

Latest on Danielle

  1. 5 comments

  2. 22 comments


  1. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Wally ! Are you being serious? Why don’t you tone down the drama a little bit. I’m not putting words into anyone’s mouth.

    If you can’t handle a serious discussion on the subject then stop replying to my posts, otherwise try and respond with something intelligent rather than throwing cliches around.

    I’m not condoning or condemning anyones religious
    beliefs, nor their point of view.

    The only thing I have condemned on here is Helens behaviour, which is without question, unacceptable.

  2. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane You are a wind up merchant ? I am beginning to wonder if your employed by this Site, because every time some on offers a remark you try play devils advocate ? & I think you got a nerve telling me now to stop replying to your comments when you cant keep your nose out of other folks comments, You say that your not condemning anyones religious beliefs ? But you certainly tried to throw the matter in to the Mix to stir it up ? & your still having a go at Helens behaviour but neglect everyone else’s, It really sounds very bitter Considering Pauline gave Her the life line ! Get over yourself & stop blaming others by turning things around ? Typical Victims Triangle ? Now go & look that one up in your little Book of Psychology 😀 ? 😉

  3. John Kane says:
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    @Wally ! Here’s another look at Helen, who has a pass to the final, interacting with a fellow housemate:

    Class act.

  4. Wally ! says:
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    @John Kane Can I just remind you this column was about Danielle ? Your obsessed man go & have a cold shower or something, What is it your really needing here ?

  5. John Kane says:
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    @Wally ! Cheers for the reminder.

  6. Indigo says:
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    Danielle is very interesting. She is playing the game really well. She came in with a strategy and it is working. She lied about the sweet and in innoncent thing to win her housemate’s trust. She is playing a role.

    There is an old talent show in the US called the Apollo–there was a saying that if you sing a religious song you won’t get any boos. That is what Danielle tried to do. I highly doubt she is what she is telling people she is…she wants to appear more interesting by pretending she is trying a cigarette and alcohol for the first time to keep viewers watching. She is clever and her strategy is working.

  7. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @Indigo Good points there Indigo ? Shes now going for the Showmance stunt, with poor Winston, I still have him down for the final & thats probably why Danielle is homing in like a shark ? I dont want Mark to win, I dont think weve got room for yet another game show host to be thrust up on us yet again, do we ? Its up to You, you decide ? 😯 :down:

  8. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    I agree with Nicky and Indigo, Danielle is certainly playing the game. I also think she is playing the god card to some extent. It was only because the girls had earpieces that she overheard Christopher tell Mark and Mathew that there were religious connotations with the Bloody Mary cocktail, I’m pretty sure Danielle’s OTT reaction with tears in the diary room was a fake reaction that she rehearsed. I suppose the name of the drink could be viewed as being derisive to Mary Queen of Scots but the drink itself wasn’t invented until 1922 in a bar in Chicago and is apparently named after the girlfriend of the chap that made it to overcome his hangover following an argument with her!. I think Danielle is the most fake, what with all her pretentious comments about ‘aristocats’ surely her finishing school would taught her that the correct term for what she was describing is fellatio and not ‘oral’ – That said she is quite entertaining because she has more sides than a fifty pence piece

  9. John Kane says:
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    @Jane Shepherd Do they really teach oral sex at finishing school?

    Is that what is meant by “finishing” ?

  10. Wally ! says:
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    @Jane Shepherd I like what you say there Jane ? Youve certainly got Her spot on ! 😉

  11. Violet says:
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    I saw something featuring her on in an old magazine the other day. It was titled something like “real truths with real girls. Danielle was wearing an extremely small thong and a bra a couple of sizes too small for her. She was answering questions about her “bed antics and experiences”. From the answers she’d given there was no denying that she had lost her virginity. So she’s either lying for the magazine or for TV.

  12. Nicky Dyne says:
    Reply Report

    @jane Shepherd
    Thank you!!! I wasn’t sure anyone else could see through her!!! I agree I think she is trying to play a game but I don’t think she is playing it very well!!! She swaps and changes her personality to suit who she’s with at the time…. BUT I don’t believe she is the. Most fake HM that award goes to Kimberly!!! I’m going to write on it now!!!

  13. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Violet If I had to guess I’d say she’s lying to the magazine.

    Either that or she’s an amazing actress.

    Watching her in any kind of flirting / intimate situation makes me cringe so bad I almost threw my back out.

    It is so awkward.

  14. Violet says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    Yeah… I’d say it’s more likely that she’s lying to the magazine. Then again just type her name into google and she’s literally got her tits out in full frontals and that’s just typing in her name. Just seems a bit uneven if you know what I mean.

  15. John Kane says:
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    @Violet There’s no doubt the girl is unhinged.

  16. Sam2 says:
    Reply Report

    Everything about Danielle is a load of made up bull.

    I take it you mean this article?

    And here’s Danielle being all ‘anti-homosexual’:

  17. Sam2 says:
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    I take it you mean this one?

    And here’s Danielle being all ‘anti-homosexual’:

    The ‘Big Brother’ version of Danielle is a load of made-up bull to try and get her media attention and that £100,000. I think we got to see a glimpse of the real Danielle when she was first nominated and she let her mask slip. She sure wasn’t the nice sweet innocent catholic girl then and was more inline with kiss-and-tell story selling Danielle. Then the F’ing and blinding (despite her supposedly being offended by swearing), shouting at Steve calling him a ‘feckin betch’, etc. Then the whole ‘Oooh, it’s my first cigarette’ rubbish. Now the whole Winston nonsense. It seems to be just one load of bull after another with her.

    The Winston showmance is purely because she knows he’s popular and it’s an easy way to get airtime for herself, which it seems she’s since ramped up after hearing Ashleigh get booed. You could see how desperate she was to get her ‘sweet caring girl’ airtime when they got their photos from home, she was making damn sure she got herself in shot for that.

    I know a lot of people have a bee in their bonnet about Helen, but I find Danielle, Ashleigh, Pauline and Toya much more irritating. Not that I like any of the housemates, or even the series to be honest. Roll on Australia.

  18. Bob says:
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  19. Bob says:
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    Wow, that is pretty bad considering the image she tries to portray. I was warming to her a bit more but now I think it’s pretty obvious she is one of the biggest game players in there.

    Anyway I’m going to examine the first set of pictures closely to look for any other wrong doings, I’ll be back in a few minutes.

  20. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Sam2 She is not homophobic. She does not believe in gay marriage inside a Catholic church. That is all.

  21. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    Is that not the same thing? Sorry I’m really not a fan of the catholic church or Jesus for that matter.

  22. Jane Shepherd says:
    Reply Report

    @sam2 yes Danielle is certainly a game player, but she must be pretty deluded herself if she thinks that this type of thing, i.e. her personal history would not be available for all to see? I don’t like the traits she has shown but it does amuse me, the fact that she is so shallow and changes like the wind depending on who she is with. I do hope Winston realises …… If we get the opportunity to ask her questions in the diary room one of mine would be for her to explain the rules of Polo ( this was one of her examples of the type of dating she does) she wouldn’t know a fetlock from a wither, In fact I find her quite withering!

  23. Nicky Dyne says:
    Reply Report

    I agree with you all Jane Bob and John… But she is harmless and quite funny but she isn’t out to hurt anyone…. Now Kimberly !!!! She’s a different story!!! Lol

  24. John Kane says:
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    @Bob I’m not sure I would go that far. By that logic every devout Catholic would be classed as homophobic. And we all know that just isn’t true don’t we Father Coghlan?

    On a serious note, I don’t think any of her behaviour in the house has suggested she is homophobic in any way, and that’s the best we’ve got to go on.

  25. jazz says:
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    I have read through some of these comments and I think I’ll start with the Christian homophobic subject. I myself am a Christian and I try my best to follow my faith. The bible does not agree with same sex couples however it also teaches us that it not our place to judge, so what a person does is up to them. I don’t have an issue with it AT ALL, I don’t think gay marriage is an issue and should never have been one. Using Christianity as an excuse is not good enough. I don’t think Danielle has a big issue with it either. She is a HUGE game player but bb is a game so I can’t fault her on that, but I honestly don’t think the Danielle we are seeing now is her true self. As for her relationship with Winston, as far as I’m concerned neither of them are interested in the other, they both want to do the couple thing. Danielle for the cameras and Winston to have something to talk about with Ash and Steven.

Reply to Jane Shepherd

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