


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 44
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 11 noms received

Danielle lives her life by strict Catholic values and her ‘old-fashioned’ views. She believes in traditional gender roles and feels the ‘1950s housewife was a better role model’, claiming ‘things were better years ago’. She’s against gay marriage but insists she isn’t homophobic.

She is very business minded and aspires to have her own successful business. She is currently working on setting up a firm to make a ‘new type of Wonderbra’ and is trying to secure an investment. She is very focused: ‘I know what I want and I know how to get it’.

Danielle’s idols are God and her mum. She also counted Britney Spears among her heroes ‘until she went crazy’.

The last argument Danielle had was a few weeks before Big Brother with a guy in a club. He got annoyed because he had bought Danielle and her friend drinks and expected them to talk to him – but Danielle had other ideas: ‘He thought that just buying us a drink meant we had to be all over him’.

She tends to go on a night out at least once a fortnight, beginning with her friends coming over to her place. They’d get ready, open some of her ‘vintage champagne’ and then go to a club until about 2am. Sometimes they move on to afterparties, but Danielle is sceptical about these as ‘they can be sleazy’. She has never had a kebab in her life.

She thinks her friends would describe her as ‘confident, savvy, intelligent, determined and sensible’. She is never reckless and will ‘never wholeheartedly let my hair down’.

Danielle is currently single and has only had two long term relationships, both with Catholic boys. She says she will always be ‘upfront about not believing in sex before marriage’.

In the house, she would get on best with ‘well mannered, cultured, mature people’. She likes to keep her cards close to her chest and thinks she may clash with ‘liberal girls’ who tell lots of vulgar stories.

After Big Brother, Danielle wants to be a role model for women and young girls and help them to aim higher. She is disgusted at the trends at the moment for revealing clothes and doesn’t think you need to ‘dress like that’ to be successful. She wants to show people how to have ‘class, flair and charisma’.

Latest on Danielle

  1. 5 comments

  2. 22 comments


  1. Katie says:
    Reply Report

    You can tell by winstons body language that he’s not that into her. He’d probably screw her though. She’s such a hypocrite it’s funny to watch.

  2. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report


    Haha I think you’re probably right there.

    I didn’t think I’d be writing these words but……. I found her kind of sweet, I knew she had a crush on the likeable Winston.

    To be fair, the gormless sod makes me smile too :happy:

  3. zara says:
    Reply Report

    Her flirting with Winston was hilarious! I think Danielle is as mad as a hatter but I’m warming to her! She did well sticking up for Ashleigh to Kim tonight! :up:

  4. Saskia says:
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    Seriously? So you as a gay person don’t think you have the right to marry? You are a disgrace and so is the sly backstabbing fake Moron Danielle!

  5. Christina Degg says:
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    @Northernmonkey, the gormless look he gives makes him look a bit vulnerable, makes you want to look after him. Kind of brings out the mothering instinct in me would want to make sure he had eaten properly and that.

    Think it could be awkward though if anything happened with those two, as he would properly feel quite bad after well going in close with Father Ted’s cleaner lookalike, not good for his street cred is it?

  6. Maybee says:
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    @Christina Degg
    So true 😀 I suppose for Winston it’s a case of “any port in a storm” 😀

  7. belynda says:
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    Poor Winston…that priceless look on his face when danielle was flirting with him….am warming up to her now…i really think she has more to offer

  8. Hannah says:
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    I really start to like Danielle ; she is camp and really comical also! Let’s hope she stays for a while. Ashleigh is ok also.

  9. lad says:
    Reply Report

    She’s mad as a box of frogs, but does have a sweet compassionate side, I like her. Normal is boring any way.

    Ashleigh is really gonna need her support this week, coz the storm clouds are brewing in the shape of Helen, Ash, Kim & Marlon.
    Hopefully they’ll gang up on her & one of them will subsequently be evicted.

    Be strong Ashleigh, give as good as you get. :heart:

  10. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    I wouldnt want to be you if Danielle could here you calling Her camp Hannah ? You know what her veiws are on gay people, & they came from Her mouth, no one else’s! I am so glad all the losers will be saying bye bye to the twisted sister’s gang Yet again next week ? How I love to hear whining coming from these pages from the disillusioned mugs ?

  11. del says:
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    @Wally !
    ‘Twisted sisters gang’ what’s that supposed to mean? Speak English wally :down:

  12. Lou says:
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    Thought she was really sweet with the pictures from home and comforting the other housemates and was refreshing to see her say no to the ‘spooning’ good on her I used to hate her but I think she’s turning it round!

  13. haley says:
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    Are you joking? the girls a hypocrite and got a screw loose!@Lou

  14. Wally ! says:
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    @del Just for you Del, I will explain ? But dont make me have to make a habit of trying to spell things out for you ? Pauline, Toya, Ashleigh & Danielle, all have the knack of seeing things there own confused way, they then twist there version of events to suit the situation (Twisted Sisters. ) As they are all girls Together in there own sneaky warped World ! Is that alright for you Del ? & its Bye Bye to them every Friday, because one by one, decent people are seeing through the many layers of make up, that is no longer covering there vile personalities ? :up: 😉

    @haley Haley, You are Sooooo right ! :happy:

  15. Gaz says:
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    @Wally !

    Ashleigh & Dannielle, Twisted sisters, u mad.

    Ashleigh has become the voice of reason in the house & is spot on in her descriptions of everyone.
    Absolutely hates Helen with a passion, what reasonable, civilised human being could disagree with that?

    I suppose you think Helen’s a little angel, done nothing wrong, soooo misunderstood by everyone inside & outside the house.

    One question, if she didn’t have her free pass, would she still be in the house???

    I personally think she will get the most overwhelmingly one sided number of votes against her & the worst coming out reception than anyone in BB history.

    Anyone who finds her endearing or her behaviour normal, really needs to check themselves. :tongue:

  16. Wally ! says:
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    @Gaz Thats fine Gaz, your entitled to your opinion just like everyone el’s ? But dont put words in my mouth about Helen ! As for your Choice of words regarding your “Absolutely Hate for Helen” ? It speaks volumes especially as you also say that Ashleigh is the voice of reason ? Again the words Twisted View of the world springs to mind ? Does that ring any bells for You perhaps ? 😉

  17. Gaz says:
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    @Wally !

    If your interpretation of the word twisted is having a strong dislike of Helen, yes i’m as twisted as they come & proud of it. 😀
    I won’t put words in your mouth, I’ll ask you this, do you like Helen at all? If yes, can you give reasons?? :conf:

  18. Bob says:
    Reply Report

    I like Helen. I must be one of the only one I know.
    Once you say that though you get interrogated, insulted, bullied, called vile names, told you are a wind up merchant, attention seeking, your opinion is not valid, you can’t have an opinion, you support bullies…this list could go on but it’s kind of ironic the people who do this are so against Helen’s behavior but actually(so it must be true) seemed to have turned into the people they themselves are so against, good stuff.

  19. Nicky Dyne says:
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    Everyone is talking about the developing “relationship” between Danielle and Winston…. I think she is only interested in him because he is popular outside and she thinks he will take her to the final!!! She really thinks she can pull off the “sweet innocent catholic good girl” she is so far from that it’s laughable…. What a hypocrite!!!!

  20. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Bob What do you like about Helen?

  21. John Kane says:
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    Funny hoe Danielle’s views on gay marriage were put to the forefront of Big Brothers broadcasting during the first week or so, and they are continually mentioned on BBBOTS, then we read this:

    Why is it okay to hang Danielle out to dry yet Helen’s behaviour is covered up?

  22. John Kane says:
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    That was supposed to say “funny how” not “funny hoe”

    I promise that was NOT a Freudian slip.

  23. Wally ! says:
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    @John Kane There is no excuse for any discrimination what so ever ? The Ugly truth is that Danielle point of View is a statement of Her Beliefs & Not a very Christian view that we all espouse to ? Like I said earlyer, Live & let Live ? But I guess you dont want to hear that either ? :happy:

  24. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @Wally ! Actually her view is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic church. So in that context her view is VERY Christian indeed.

  25. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane I reiterate, There is No Excuse for Discrimination of any kind ? Danielle’s Actions, that is : What She says & what She actually does is Hypocritical ? There are more Enlightened Christians than just one persons blinkered views ? Please Dont try & drag me in to the fundamentals of each persons view of religion ? You are starting to walk on very thin Ice by putting words in to other peoples mouths especially around religion, It not big & its not clever ? :straight: :down:

Reply to Maybee

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