


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 44
  • 4 evictions faced
  • 11 noms received

Danielle lives her life by strict Catholic values and her ‘old-fashioned’ views. She believes in traditional gender roles and feels the ‘1950s housewife was a better role model’, claiming ‘things were better years ago’. She’s against gay marriage but insists she isn’t homophobic.

She is very business minded and aspires to have her own successful business. She is currently working on setting up a firm to make a ‘new type of Wonderbra’ and is trying to secure an investment. She is very focused: ‘I know what I want and I know how to get it’.

Danielle’s idols are God and her mum. She also counted Britney Spears among her heroes ‘until she went crazy’.

The last argument Danielle had was a few weeks before Big Brother with a guy in a club. He got annoyed because he had bought Danielle and her friend drinks and expected them to talk to him – but Danielle had other ideas: ‘He thought that just buying us a drink meant we had to be all over him’.

She tends to go on a night out at least once a fortnight, beginning with her friends coming over to her place. They’d get ready, open some of her ‘vintage champagne’ and then go to a club until about 2am. Sometimes they move on to afterparties, but Danielle is sceptical about these as ‘they can be sleazy’. She has never had a kebab in her life.

She thinks her friends would describe her as ‘confident, savvy, intelligent, determined and sensible’. She is never reckless and will ‘never wholeheartedly let my hair down’.

Danielle is currently single and has only had two long term relationships, both with Catholic boys. She says she will always be ‘upfront about not believing in sex before marriage’.

In the house, she would get on best with ‘well mannered, cultured, mature people’. She likes to keep her cards close to her chest and thinks she may clash with ‘liberal girls’ who tell lots of vulgar stories.

After Big Brother, Danielle wants to be a role model for women and young girls and help them to aim higher. She is disgusted at the trends at the moment for revealing clothes and doesn’t think you need to ‘dress like that’ to be successful. She wants to show people how to have ‘class, flair and charisma’.

Latest on Danielle

  1. 5 comments

  2. 22 comments


  1. AM says:
    Reply Report

    Sorry for the late reply. Here’s the video:
    and here is the article:

  2. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    😉 You can kid all of the people some of the time, or some of the people all of the time 😉 and the “Oscar” goes to Danielle. I wonder is her favourite food Porky Pies 😉

  3. Christina Degg says:
    Reply Report

    crickey by the time she come to leave the house her nose will not allow it with all the lies.

    Does she not think that her shady bits before BB will come to light, maybe she did but only wants the best bits shown. Swearing and catholic (no they do not go together then again neither do the lingerie modelling).

  4. Maybee says:
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    @Christina Degg
    😉 Yet loads of Catholic people swear,and she has been increasingly using the f word. 😯 😀

  5. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @Maybee What really annoys me & I am not to religious is the Number of time She takes the Lords name in Vain ? Isnt that a mortal sin ? Hypocritical Scank ! :straight:

  6. una says:
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    Out of all the housemates, I think Danielle is the likeliest to have a nervous breakdown. Starting to feel a bit sorry for her. 😥

  7. ??? says:
    Reply Report

    Love danielle. I’m from her home town Cumbernauld and she also went to the same school as me. I know a few people that know her and apparently she isn’t the nicest of people. I personally though fell she’s a great housemate and hope she goes all the way :heart:

  8. Maybee says:
    Reply Report

    She pretends to come across as “butter wouldn’t melt”, then swears like a trouper, and pretends she’s never tried a cigarette,and wonders what porn is about 😉 “pull the other one”. What with her racy photographs and her webcam occupation, then has the nerve to preach about being a devout catholic, and oh so “holier than thou”. She’s playing a clever little game, I pity those taken in by it. :straight:

  9. susie says:
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    @John Kane
    Danielle is homophobic, Research into her Twitter feed has discovered her calling gay men ‘poofs’ and wanting to ‘shoot them’ for being ‘vile’ and ‘freaks’. I am astonished that the Channel 5 bosses have allowed her to stay in the house as she also lied to get on BB by saying she’d never been on TV when she’d been in a documentary about ‘webcam girls’. She’s delusional, spiteful and devious. Personally I think she’s a bit of a Single White Female character and has a bit of a crush on Kim. It’s always the ones who are most homophobic who are usually supressing something in themselves. The interview in the media with her ex friend Emma would seem to support this theory. I almost feel for sorry for her but she’s such a nasty piece of work that I can’t quite bring myself to have any sympathy and am looking forward to her getting her just desserts. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

  10. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    Not sure but I fancy Costa Rica to win 2-0 because Greece are shit.

  11. Dr Bob says:
    Reply Report

    Her story about Finishing School, men earning 6+ figures, and the “Aristocats” of high-society was pure cringe. :straight:

  12. ceegee says:
    Reply Report

    ‘Aristocats’?!! Is she for real? Bet her parents are glad they spent all that money on her ‘education’. All her glamour shots don’t actually look like her at all… wonders of photoshop. She constantly reminds me of the mrs doyle character in ‘Father Ted’!

  13. Christina Degg says:
    Reply Report

    Finishing school and she does not know what a Bloody Mary is ? Blood liar springs to my mind.

    Not even that good an actress, if she just stuck to being real she might, just might big might be ok.

    She looked liked she enjoyed the boys performance last night ……

  14. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    @susie In that Tweet she is not talking about Gay men. She is referring to effeminate straight men. Metrosexuals if you will. Some women prefer their men to be masculine.

    I have not seen her act any differently to any of the gay men in the house which would be the clearest indicator of homophobia.

    To be honest I couldn’t care less about Danielle. At least she is falling into line with Ashleigh against Helen.

    That’s fighting the good fight in my book.

  15. oink says:
    Reply Report

    Danielle to win :up: Her bazongas are stupendous :up: :up: :up:

  16. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    “Aristocats” ? I thought my boxers would never dry ! Even Winston realised how thick she is ? I will tell you this, I wouldnt be rushing around telling everyone that they went to the same school as her? Thats a claim to fame I wouldnt want anybody to know about, She is a bloody fantasy merchant ? Classy Lady, Ballocks ! Shes a skank 😀 :down:

  17. northernmonkey says:
    Reply Report

    A good example, in that we all let people we like get away with stuff that those we dislike couldn’t.

    Her eyes sparkle ( check her smile when he was stripping ) when Winston is near by, she definitely likes him.

  18. Christina Degg says:
    Reply Report

    God was it not cringe factor her mild flirting with Winston in the kitchen? Poor Winston felt sorry for him, he looked like he was not quite sure which way it was going.

    Pity though not being a Stockbroker that counts him out.

  19. Barry Styles says:
    Reply Report

    She is one crazeee Lady. I like that in a woman. :up:

  20. G says:
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    @Ian Roberts
    I really dislike Danielle she did call the girls slags
    Yet denied this when Helen confronted her

  21. Christina Degg says:
    Reply Report

    @Barry Styles there are some crazy women in there for sure.

  22. John Kane says:
    Reply Report

    Notice how happy and fun and peaceful the main house was last night without Helen and Kim?

    Even Mark, one of Helens main lieutenants, mentioned it.

  23. Belinda says:
    Reply Report

    Danielle constantly takes the lord’s name in vain and it’s very disrespectful to call him Jeez. His name is Jesus. Could not watch her getting all coquettish with Winston – I’ d only just had my tea. Still Ashleigh needs someone in her corner and Danielle will do.

  24. Wally ! says:
    Reply Report

    @John Kane
    Youve already said that on another comments page John ? It tends to get a bit boring when you have to do that, you made your point now move on ! I dont think Mark is a Helens Lieutenants at all what so ever but he is just another floater like most of the other terds ? as for Ashleigh, who claimed she “went through a similar event at school”? So she was a two faced spoiled little controlling bitch there as well, by the sounds of it ? She is a bloody disgrace for an 18 year old ! :straight: :down:

  25. Jack Lloyd says:
    Reply Report

    Aww Danielle and Winston make such a good couple :heart: :up:

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