


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 72
  • 7 evictions faced
  • 12 noms received

Christopher is passionate about great journalism and getting the scoop before others. He enjoys the thrill of the chase and he refuses to take the word no for an answer; ‘making things happen is everything to me’.

A big fan of Katie Hopkins and White Dee, he is also passionate about ‘having an opinion’ and hates it when people don’t take an interest in the world around them.

Given the choice between money and love, Christopher would choose love as he has never had a relationship. He really likes the idea of being in love and ‘building something special with the right man’.

He is single and has never been in a proper relationship. He that his confidence evaporates when it comes to relationships, and that he can be ‘rather neurotic about dating’. He isn’t looking for love in the house but ‘wouldn’t turn it down if it came along’.

Christopher classes himself as religious and was brought up as a Protestant. He doesn’t necessarily ‘believe in scripture but I do pray’. He thinks his best personality traits are being spontaneous and loyal, and his worst traits are being ‘melodramatic and getting overexcited’.

He spends a lot of his weekends working – but does tend to go out every Saturday night for a heavy night: ‘I wake up in need of a wheelchair and a bacon sandwich, wishing I was dead’. His usual night out begins with drinks at his flat, then on to some bars in either Clapham or Shoreditch.

In the house, Christopher would get on best with ‘eccentric, uninhibited people’. He would struggle to get on with ‘egotistical people and people who judge you’ – even though he admits he can be guilty of this himself.

As a housemate, Christopher says he ‘won’t hold back and wants to let loose and have no regrets’, and he reckons he’ll find it hard and having to ‘endure 24 hours of social interaction’ and not being able to ‘pop out for a coffee’.

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  1. integralreality says:
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    Dear Maria, thank you for taking the time to comment. Even the show is all over, I thought it might be impolite of me if I did not give you a proper reply:
    Every sentence in my post was intended to be read sympathetically by a Christopher fan like you, as I have been a crazy one from day one (and I am a half Chris fan). In an ideal world, I would fall in love with a character-person like Christopher in a heartbeat.
    But I was also trying to calmly describe life in general since I reckon the so-called real life has disappeared into reality TV a long time ago, and Big Brother is produced on screen only to cover up the crime scene: Social life itself has become a jungle of individual competition for survival.
    The jungle rule says that everyone should first and foremost care for themselves and protect their own kind. This is why a younger generation of housemates and audiences can passionately identify with the “loving and caring” side of Helen, whereas in fact, the exclusive nature of her love is incapable of imagining a civil, human world beyond a familial, animal kingdom. Helen’s tight “friendship” circle is based on the cult of charisma which remains egoistic to boot (as her bedmate Ash said in his exit interview, Helen’s bad behavior was “none of my business”). By comparison, even Christopher’s “game play” looks justified by the act itself (a real friend is someone you can objectively assess, criticize and sometimes even sacrifice in certain situations), and justified in its consequences (Chris and Christopher stayed good friends after the incident. So did Christopher and Ashleigh, who nominated him face-to-face. There was no more place for us to judge on their behalf).
    The jungle rule also says that an individual is the solution to the problem the same individual causes for him/herself. There are virtually no “social” problems any more: if you cannot find a job, blame no one else but yourself (When asked about their future by Rylan on BBOTS, Christopher replied and Ashleigh concurred, “look for a job”! Could there be a more honest answer than that? I never doubted for a second he was in it to win it, and he looked a bit disappointed in exit interviews to me. But it did not prevent me from liking him more by the day since he was relatively a fair player, unlike many others). Therefore, the current mantra is that one must change oneself! However, is there any rationale behind the contradiction that Helen was “the only one who stays true to herself from day one” whilst also “the one who has gone through the biggest journey“? Yet isn’t the very performative contradiction which mainly contributed to her final winning the big fat lie already written in the game show as well as the game of life before any “fair” play could ever begin? So isn’t this the only certain, hence real fix before/behind any suspected “fix” of BB producers, or the rumored conspiracy theory about Richard Desmond’s “Northern and Shell” group? At the end of the day, aren’t we suckers for the Fantasy of Change in the very beginning? But I say: Beware of the Theater of Change!
    Indeed we have been leading a life of reality TV where losers pave the way for winners to take all. It satisfies modern egos the most therefore we agree to the unlivable game of life. Helen exited the BB door like a war general accepting the winner trophy after those “voluntary sacrifices” of ex-HMs close to her (praises after evictions by association). The bank of hatred was overdrawn, so Helen came out a winner.
    Aristocracy comes in many forms: it was founded on blood and titles yesterday, but it functions by beautiful looks and cool fun today. In any case, you can recognize the same old stink from a mile away: At first, you are rarely taken seriously if you do not fit the incestuous aristocratic criteria (It is what it is, there is no point “arguing” about it). At last, you are robbed by the good will and hard effort of giving. The heartbroken story of Christopher has given us a life lesson, once again.

  2. integralreality says:
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    typo: you are robbed “of” your good will and hard effort of giving.

  3. Lou says:
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    Hi Maria! Sorry I missed you last night, been great talking to you and I’ve loved every one of your posts. Unfortunately the true winner didn’t get the prize but in my opinion he’s the winner no matter what, so il toast to him anyway! I’m not sure if il be watching CBB or the next big brother because I haven’t at all liked the way this one has been run but if I am back I hope to see you here, take care!@maria

  4. Lou says:
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    I read through your posts and they are both brilliantly well written and incredibly insightful. Well done on saying what a lot of us, including me, have found difficult to articulate. Intelligent, informed, brilliantly deep way of describing things. I completely agree with your post. I guess all of us watching have learned a lesson this year, a very common lesson but a very difficult one to swallow and you wrote what most of us are thinking perfectly. If I return to the forum I hope to see you here.

  5. Eve says:
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    I think that Christoper should have won BB he has been himself the whole time,a caring person,no game plan.
    Instead a foul mouthed female won it who was no stranger to the f and c words all the way through, a spiteful ignorant,nasty ,how many more words are there to say about her… and she pretended to be so caring and lovely in the last 5 days. It was definitely fixed… Eve.

Reply to john

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