


  • Entered Day 1
  • Evicted Day 46
  • 2 evictions faced
  • 19 noms received

The 20-year-old Criminology and Sociology student grew up on a farm in Jersey. From the age of five Laruen was a gymnastics prodigy and by the age of 13 she had represented Jersey before taking up Karate. She’s currently a Black Belt and holds three world championship titles.

Her favourite party trick is tumbling or jumping into the splits at which “people are always amazed”. She claims to be a total “lightweight…after two drinks I think I’m on Dirty Dancing.”

Always the dumper in relationships Lauren is newly single, “it would be nice for there to be some good looking and intelligent guys in the house.”  She thinks her toughest challenge in will be getting “annoyed by boys not doing washing up, who don’t clean the toilet. My room is always spotless.”

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  1. 2 comments

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  3. 15 comments

  4. 15 comments


  1. Sue says:
    Reply Report

    Laura is such an innocent at times and obviously not used to people like those two faced witches and the troll that is caroline and has been bullied and abused since day one yet she has hung in there hope she wins x

  2. Hello says:
    Reply Report

    Say what you wish but I personally think that Lauren is an irritating, boring, moaning girl. She needs to be kicked out soon – no way should she win.
    Luke S
    Arron ( can’t believe he went…)
    Are the people that deserve to win. They’re the interesting ones and don’t just go around moaning about bacon rolls and pretty much everything.

    Also, god her voice is annoying!

  3. Claire says:
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    Lauren to WIN!!! 😀 😀

  4. Gemz says:
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    @Hello, really? Those you have listed above are the most hated in the house, the bullies and two faced cowards, the sad little bunch who have absolutely nothing better to do than bitch, bully and make vile comment’s! So you find that interesting do you? Yes big brother is about game playing yes it would be boring if everyone got along and it was all rainbows and sunshine, however I draw the line at the extent of bitching and bullying going on by Caroline, Arron etc. As for Ashleigh, she has zero class, zero manners, the mouth of a sailor and no self respect, dignity or thought for her family, same goes for Luke s, their antics on national television are truly disgusting and I am far from a prude. Shows what the world is coming to when people actually support all of that and find it interesting, I’d like to think the majority of the public have more sense and decency than that and they probably do, however there will always be some sad, nasty people who find it amusing to watch bullies at work.

  5. Sam says:
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    I heard Lauren once sparred with Superman for a bet – The loser had to start wearing their underwear on the outside of their clothes.

  6. Lydz says:
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    Lauren is awesome, and a really nice girl.
    Yeah she may moan about a few random things but that is nothing compaired to what the bullies have done.
    They bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch eat bitch bitch bitch bitch sleep bitch bitch bitch bitch eat bitch bitch bitch bitch eat bitch bitch sleep bitch bitch…..

  7. Charlotte says:
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    Who ever that Hello person is I agree totally :happy: . All the big characters are leaving i want Caroline to win and Lauren to go. I want there to be a week where Luke A, Lauran and Adam are up that will give them a kick in the teeth.

  8. nikkyl says:
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    :heart: love lauren Luke a and Adam really lovely normal nice people. Not pond scum like ashleigh conor caroline luke s and shiv and sara . It’s sad that some people think it’s cool to be a bully

  9. Chelle says:
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    I love Luke A, Adam and Lauren, Hate tho Lauren’s bacon obsession and her laugh! It’s jarring. Even when Becky’s moaning about something she’s laughing, is that normal????

  10. Lauren says:
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    I love Lauren! I really want her to win! 😀 When Shievonne was ranting about her over the fag incident a couple of weeks back, was uncalled for. She’s 28, she’s 20. That is bullying. That’s like a 12 year old getting picked on by a 20 year old. It doesn’t matter if they’re older, at the end of the day. Lauren is like a baby in the house along with Sara & Caroline. Shievonne has not done herself any favours. Lauren is so generous, she is definitely a people pleaser. I don’t understand why people rant on about her ‘being spoilt’ for god sake, it’s bacon! Wanting to have bacon, fags etc. Is not being spoilt, she’s not getting everything handed to her on a plate. Jheez, people need to look up the definition. It’s just Lauren, being Lauren. She’s an addict so you would understand her cigarette issue, & everyone loves bacon haha. I really hope Lauren, Luke A, Adam & Deana make into the final The bullies i.e. Caroline, Shievonne, Ashleigh need to get out of the house!

  11. Lauren says:
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    Sorry, I meant along with Becky & Caroline.

  12. Joshua12 says:
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    I agree! she is more mature than both of them put together.

  13. Taz30 says:
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    Lauren is one of the nicest housemates in there :up:

  14. Sally says:
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    *SPOILER* Lauren vs. Luke A – Public Eviction Week 7. :'(

  15. Sally says:
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    Idk what[s happened, voting is closed. Nominations might have been changed, not sure

  16. Ami says:
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    Has she walked??? :conf:

  17. Andrew says:
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    She needs to win so we can see the look on Caroline/Becky/Ashleigh/Connor/LukeS faces… And the realise that they are all hated and everyone loves Lauren.

  18. Sam says:
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    Thankfully she didn’t. Just the usual suspects spreading unfounded rumours.

    Although, couldn’t help thinking back to when we had live feed and how it used to be compulsive viewing whenever someone was thinking of leaving. Everyone glued to the live feed wondering whether they were going to come back from the diary room or not (and if it was a housemate you liked, dreading seeing the outside-of-the-house photo of them appear on the Channel 4 website). Channelle’s was probably the best for suspense, as Big Brother kept making her go back in the house. 😀

    TBH, if Lauren had left it would have probably persuaded me give up on this series and try to get into the BBUS live feed.

  19. Lori says:
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    Love Lauren she has got to win:heart:
    If you compare her to Caroline, Shievonne or Ashleigh she has such a strong personality, she has kept her head up high through the bullies and is such a genuie, good role model! Yes she might complain and flirt a little but for god sake shes in the big brother house of course shes going to complain as its a complete change to what shes use to.. i know i’d definatly be complain if i had no food! 😉 and her and Adams friendship is just flirty they both know where they stand and don’t need any other housemates commenting on that

  20. Lewis Kennedy says:
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    Voted 5 times for her to stay! :heart:

  21. Sharon Key says:
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    Love you Lauren, ur so genuine. I love you, Daena, Adam and Luke A, its unfortunate you guys are up for eviction. :heart: 😀 :happy:

  22. Lauren2Win says:
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    I really don’t know what to say, words can’t describe how amazing this girl is. This may sound crazy but I haven’t seen Big Brother in 4 years. I always watch the first one to see the housemates, if I don’t like them, I don’t watch it. However, when Lauren & Deana entered the house, I was actually feeling them two. Only to make it worse, is that they’re getting bullied. People will complain saying ‘don’t watch it’ well at the end of the day, I watch it because I want to see good conquering over evil, I really hope she wins, if not Deana. They’re both unique & amazing :heart:

  23. Lizzie says:
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    I’m really worried next week will see Adam Against Luke A or Lauren which would be as awful as this week. Hoping Bb can vote someone back in ….

  24. Christina Chance says:
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    Hello I like Lauren too, cause its my daughter’s middle name to start with. But so much more…My daughter has gotten the same type of bullying. Simply for being nice, polite and well mannered…Oh and as I like to say “Kinda” of pretty. Often accuse of being spoilt (everything from TopShop or River Island is reduced) or “posh” lol…from people that have no class or manners. You know those simple words, please, excuse me and thank you!! Sadly if she goes, I won’t be watching. I have missed it for 2 days. Going for a 3rd. So please make sure you do lots of tweets!!!

  25. Shelby says:
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    :happy: I hate how people think she is leading Adam on when she clearly isn’t. She is strong, it took guts to admit that she did not feel the same. Considering, the others would have been stringing him on. Love herrr

Reply to Gemz

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