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Danica is a model, entrepreneur and star of Sex Lies and Rinsing Guys.

She was discovered in 2006 when she won the Miss Derby title, and went on to compete in the Miss England competition, where she placed in the top 10.

Danica has been professionally modelling for two years and has appeared on the covers of FHM, Loaded and Nuts in the UK, and U.S. Maxim.

Danica’s fame is spreading around the world and she has appeared in publications in France, Holland, Spain and Thailand.

Danica has a twin sister called Sophie, although Sophie hates the limelight and would never model.

She is currently working with international lingerie brand OTTO and Pabo.

In May 2012, Danica took part in a Channel 4 documentary called Sex Lies and Rinsing Guys. The show focused on how Danica is using her modelling and entrepreneurial skills to make money out of men.

The documentary caused a massive stir with people both loving and loathing the idea of rinsing guys.

Danica uses Twitter and BBM to direct fans to her online ‘wish list’ where she states what she wants, such as Chanel bags and expensive face creams. She then simply waits for items to be bought for her. One of her favourite gifts to date is her Mac laptop.

Danica commented in Sex Lies and Rising Guys: “We want to make as much money as we can.”

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459 comments (Closed)

  1. James says:

    She’s beautiful.

  2. Katy says:

    What a money grabbing twat. Urgh. She gives women a bad name. if shes famous then so am i.

  3. tara says:

    @katy well said she might be beatiful… But she is a money grabbing cow…

  4. Christina Chance says:

    Its not an original idea, I feel more sorry for the saps that buy it for her or maybe I don’t… Obviously they think they can “buy” what they want (including her). She is allowed ask….The internet has brought out the best and worst in people.

    Wonder if they will bring in the “twin” twist….. lol

  5. Charlotte says:

    We should get to know them all better before we start bitching. We have hardly seen any of the celeb serious yet.

  6. Dr Bob says:


    What this woman does to desperate, sad and lonely men, is absolutely despicable. She has made a profession out of cynically extracting money out of the dreams and wishes of people who are already losers.

    Yes, she is very pretty, but her personality we see in these few weeks in the house means nothing. What she’s done over many years however, tells me everything we need to now. She has an absolutely disgusting personality. Vile.

  7. Bales says:

    Don’t judge lest ye be judged. Having said that I don’t like her so called ‘career’. Why doesn’t she get off her backside and buy her own ‘gifts’. But now that I’ve watched her she seems quite a nice person. It’s a shame though that girls these days seem to think the only way to get what they want in life is by using their bodies and their looks – smacks of selling the soul to the highest bidder. She’d be better of polishing it rather than letting it tarnish in the gutter. Oh dear what was I saying about don’t judge???

  8. yeahyeah says:

    I don’t see what everyone’s problem is with Danica. I saw the documentary, and those other two women on the show were nasty. But I think Danica is offering a bit more of an honest service. She’s hardly “rinsing” whatever that means.
    She talks with people online and they pay her for her time or they buy her a gift. What’s the big deal?
    She’s not leading them on, or letting them think that she is going to have sex with them. The people she accepts gifts and money from know what they are getting in exchange. No harm, no foul.

  9. poopster says:

    Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😉 😉

  10. Lewis Kennedy says:

    Don’t like Danica at all! 🙂

  11. ShamelessDom88 says:

    This bitch needs to stay away from the situation D:

  12. rachel orange says:

    she is takin people for a ride in a way. she knows what she is doing, and what she is geting out of. or what she wants to get out of it. she probabley has a list of what she wants. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Charlotte says:

    @Dr Bob I have been watching so i no what her job is and i think she was just miss understood. All i have to go on is what i have seen so far and so far i like her. It seems like she when into a job thinking it was one thing and it turned out to be something else but she enjoyed it and carried on.

  14. Charlotte says:

    @ShamelessDom88 She is a flirt. I no alot of people that are flirts and they are not bad people. I don’t think she is a bad person

  15. Dr Bob says:


    Wow. Your entire post can be pasted into the chapter “classic denial” in Psych 101. Either that, or you are really naive.

    So far you like her? Well, I can imagine that, but fortunately we have more, much more, information to judge her on than just the first few days in the BB house.

    Tell me, you probably think the barkeeper or restaurant server is flirting with you because he (she) likes you?

    And I don’t have to really address the “she got into the job thinking it was something else” routine, do I?

    My point, as well as Jasmine’s (whom I dislike as well, but for different reasons) is that the way Danica chooses to make her money is bordering on abuse. The people paying her are a sad bunch and she doesn’t even care. On top of that, Jasmine called it ‘prostitution’, which of course is the right term, as well.

    I do think she is a bad person and hope she is soon forgotten.

  16. sarah says:

    why are people bitching danica shes lovely .. shes free and single .. at the end of the day shes making use of her looks if foolish guys wanna buy her gifts then why shouldnt she allow it and make the most of it hell its up to the men .. why is it men can sleep with 100 woman and they are studs yet when a woman even looks at 5 different guys shes a slag u only live once leave her alone if guys are gonna give her stuff then theyre the fools shes smart for catching onto it 😀

  17. Roseanne Riley says:

    I really like her she is nice danica huge fan and jasmine to and Rhian to win or maybe Ashley or mc Harvey or Cheryl get Julie out and get Julian out

  18. Kevin says:

    I like Danica to and I really hope she wins…. Ashley has got nothing about him and he should be out next time

  19. David says:

    @Katy I guess one of your wish list’s is “I want to be like Danica” j/k. But I think your missing the point of what she is doing. It’s not her fault that men are stupid and go gaga over a beautiful woman. Men have used women for a very long time, and she get’s slated for making a wish list that men CHOOSE to buy an item from for her.

  20. Gillian says:

    Danica is a money grabbing nobody. I have just read her wish list. Why doesn’t she get off her backside and earn her own money to buy her gifts. She could easily be compared to a prostitute. Doing poses and webcams of her almost naked body to amuse these men for money, not that far removed from prostitutes. I would certainly not be proud of her exploits if I were a relative of hers. I would be ashamed.

  21. Xia Matin says:

    Danica is beautifull and genuinely seems like a very nice person. I wish her all the best and hope she wins CBB to achieve greater things in life. Go Danica!

  22. Bex says:

    She is beautiful but a ”Celebrity” is a bit much considering all she does is tweets what she wants men/fans to buy her. I agree with the majority of the comments she’s a money grabbing no-body who is just damn lucky to look the way she does! Her entire life seems to be based on luck.
    She’s an embarrasment

  23. tara says:

    @bex well said…

  24. Sarah-Jane says:


    Bit harsh.

  25. liza says:

    She is using guys to get wot she want’s which is pretty sad really.For wot she’s doing to get her cash seem’s that she has no brain’s to think.

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